Belief Without Evidence WTF?


Well-Known Member
Yeah, agreed. There are more detailed things. BUT they did try a lot harder to make it look like someone about to launch in a ship, than they tried to make angels look like jet pack men. Like, the angel thing is an interpretation. This other thing CAN be deducted from the carving. And think, they may have only seen the ship for a week, month, or maybe even just once.


Well-Known Member
This post is 100% true. There is no proof whatsoever at anytime in our or anyone elses life there is a actual god with oh so mighty powers enough to create all this we see before us today. A god so powerful he creates dinosaurs and then destroys them only to make the humans we see today. Those drug induced pieces of garbage ripping each others crops and telling fibs on a daily basis.. This is just how life and things go.. Its not magic, it is evolution.

Now show me one thread of real evidence about any god. I believe mother earth is the higher being, not so much being just higher power. So respect that and you will have a good life..

Or you can just go to a church and believe in santa and give your money away and get laughed at by the rest of us.


Well-Known Member
This post is 100% true. There is no proof whatsoever at anytime in our or anyone elses life there is a actual god with oh so mighty powers enough to create all this we see before us today. A god so powerful he creates dinosaurs and then destroys them only to make the humans we see today. Those drug induced pieces of garbage ripping each others crops and telling fibs on a daily basis.. This is just how life and things go.. Its not magic, it is evolution.

Now show me one thread of real evidence about any god. I believe mother earth is the higher being, not so much being just higher power. So respect that and you will have a good life..

Or you can just go to a church and believe in santa and give your money away and get laughed at by the rest of us.
So..... What does that have to do with anything? You have no proof god doesn't exist, you claim he doesn't exist, where's your proof. I claim I think he exists, I don't need any proof. But if you want to make a claim that he doesn't exist show me the proof.

And you say all this then say to respect mother earth, although she is some powerful being. Prove to me she is a powerful being that can somehow make my life better just by me simply respecting her.

"or you can go to church and believe in santa and give your money away and get laughed at by the rest of us" <<<< that right there obviously shows you have no idea of religion. You described mainstream religion, you didn't describe every religion. I know plenty of people who follow a religion without help from a church. You have no idea of religion, and I suggest either you do some research or don't post ignorant posts.


Well-Known Member
from elves to jet packs. the OP's threads usually suck the first few pages then go off on good discussions once the OP is gone...


Well-Known Member
This post is 100% true. There is no proof whatsoever at anytime in our or anyone elses life there is a actual god with oh so mighty powers enough to create all this we see before us today. A god so powerful he creates dinosaurs and then destroys them only to make the humans we see today. Those drug induced pieces of garbage ripping each others crops and telling fibs on a daily basis.. This is just how life and things go.. Its not magic, it is evolution.

Now show me one thread of real evidence about any god. I believe mother earth is the higher being, not so much being just higher power. So respect that and you will have a good life..

Or you can just go to a church and believe in santa and give your money away and get laughed at by the rest of us.
Something created this. Even if the big bang is creation god, or whatever other theory. God is just a word that means "I'm not too sure, but this thing makes/made it happen" or "I'm confused". You're right, a man in the sky didn't magically breath life into us. It wouldn't make any sense for a giant person to live walking around in space.
And what is wrong with Dinosaurs and humans? The earth was powerful enough working with the sun to make dinosaurs, and kill them. So...

God is real because you are real. Because you effect this world. You can touch materials, and peoples hearts. And those things can spread, and all together everyone and every things actions are the universe as a whole. And that is god, and it is real. Everything happens, and is now part of what is. That is god.

I don't go to church, and am not Christian. But I liked the presents as a kid, and my children will enjoy the same holiday when I have some of my own. But I won't be laughed at for it.


Well-Known Member
Lol, I'm looking at the picture and all I see is some guy sitting on a statue holding a cross type thing. I'm not saying you're lying, I'm saying I can't see it, lol. Is it on the top or bottom half?

You know how I said they would draw a jetpack? And you said that's because I know how it looks, well why did they draw space crafts and not wings? And why did they draw wings instead of space crafts (unless they actually were angels)? But shaking the earth sounds pretty awesome, hopefully you can remember the name, :).

Germany using alien technologies? Sadly, I believe it. I mean I'm a consipiracist (not all jittery and creepy though, lol), and before you mentioned the Germany thing, I had already come across a conspiracy of Germany using alien technology. Go check out nazi UFO's, some crazy shit right there. And that was some years back, who knows what technology we have now, we just aren't allowed to see it.

You may have answered my questions in the video you posted, but I haven't watched it yet. But I'll watch it in a little while, :).
that vid is cool, but isnt the one on enoch or the german one. that one gives a bit of an answer to the flyin things that were seen in the sky they thought they were birds, but when they would shoot at them the bullets would just bounce off...unless birds back then had teflon skin i doubt that was a bird. most accounts of "divine" beins or people who came in encounter with em say they came down or brought them up in flyin cities. now was it a floatin platform with buildings and shit on it? nah it was prolly a saucer and they didnt know what the fuck it was so they called it a city. some did come down with wings they said, but once again they coulda been beamin down and since they were just floatin they thought they could fly and the only things they knew that fly are birds so it makes sense if somethin was flyin they would say it had wings thats the only reference to somethin flyin they have.

ima check that link out now. on that ancient aliens they interview a dude that talked to the head of the head scientist that worked under hitler and the dude said he asked him how did they know soo much about rockets because the germans had long distance rockets way before we did and that dude said he just pointed to a row of files that were titled ufo and he said "we got help from them" AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH fuck you can help jew killin people but you cant swoop down here and throw me a iron man suit? faggot ass aliens


Well-Known Member helicopter/MYSTERY UK.html
Check out this link^^^^. It's not long and boring there's just like five pictures right there that I want to show you.
on the second picture it looks like there's a blimp there too.
WTFFFF man thats a fuckin heli right there with other crafts! ive never seen that thats wild. i found one pic i dunno if i can find the rest ima have to look through them ancient aliens episodes to find all the pics of carvins and drawins that look like astronauts. heres one i found
that shit looks like two dudes floatin around with space helmets on. they even try and show the light spectrum they prolly saw reflectin off the helmet.

this dude chillin in a rocketship

another space suit

just found this one on a ancient temple with this dude on it


Well-Known Member
WTFFFF man thats a fuckin heli right there with other crafts! ive never seen that thats wild. i found one pic i dunno if i can find the rest ima have to look through them ancient aliens episodes to find all the pics of carvins and drawins that look like astronauts. heres one i found
that shit looks like two dudes floatin around with space helmets on. they even try and show the light spectrum they prolly saw reflectin off the helmet.

this dude chillin in a rocketship

another space suit

just found this one on a ancient temple with this dude on it
Yup I'm convinced there's aliens, lol. I just watched that video you posted, it's pretty awesome. Some of there "facts" were wrong, but over all awesome show. I wanna take a swim in the devils lake, and get swallowed by the thunderbird so that I can kill it from the inside, lol. I have always been interested in the thunderbird, but I didn't know it had more history than what I one about it. So theythink it's a space craft that came out of the water? That's mind blowing, ha. All this is mind blowing. It makes we wanna become an Indian and venture off into a forest and find some aliens.

ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
So..... What does that have to do with anything? You have no proof god doesn't exist, you claim he doesn't exist, where's your proof. I claim I think he exists, I don't need any proof. But if you want to make a claim that he doesn't exist show me the proof.

And you say all this then say to respect mother earth, although she is some powerful being. Prove to me she is a powerful being that can somehow make my life better just by me simply respecting her.

"or you can go to church and believe in santa and give your money away and get laughed at by the rest of us" <<<< that right there obviously shows you have no idea of religion. You described mainstream religion, you didn't describe every religion. I know plenty of people who follow a religion without help from a church. You have no idea of religion, and I suggest either you do some research or don't post ignorant posts.
thats the most rediculous logic i ever heard , lol you dont have proof the bogey man exists , ive bin through this lots of times with you , but it seems your happy to ignore everything said to you , so carry on believing in something with no evidence for the rest of your life, its your waste of life not mine .


Well-Known Member
thats the most rediculous logic i ever heard , lol you dont have proof the bogey man exists , ive bin through this lots of times with you , but it seems your happy to ignore everything said to you , so carry on believing in something with no evidence for the rest of your life, its your waste of life not mine .
aight dude im askin you what kinda proof do you have that god doesnt exist?


Well-Known Member
thats the most rediculous logic i ever heard , lol you dont have proof the bogey man exists , ive bin through this lots of times with you , but it seems your happy to ignore everything said to you , so carry on believing in something with no evidence for the rest of your life, its your waste of life not mine .
I don't see how it's a waste. You have been through absolutely nothing with me, all you do is bitch and complain. And your arguments are crap and will always remain crap. You say I waste my life, yet you are the little hate filled bitch that never shuts up.
And you want to bring up the whole I'm ignoring you thing again? Listen, you have shown me no evidence that contradicts my beliefs. If you want to prove yourself right then post the evidence right here. For real, post your evidence, I want to see it. And what do you mean ignore everything said to me, besides sutra I'm sure many RIU members would say I don't ignore what they say. I take everything into consideration, even the dim witted things you say. Lol, you really should start debating like a grown up, instead of insulting religious people when you're no better.


Active Member
Uh, no. Look...I've been on online boards for years, and these convos always go nowhere.There's never any *intelligent discussion*...just a bunch of shrill name-calling and, as I can see after reading a couple threads here, some SERIOUS strawmen/misinterpretation of beliefs/etc. So I'm not sure why I keep jumping in (I'll blame Wheezer's Jilly Bean). I mean...I see a couple threads here where it's obvious the OP is searching/asking serious questions, and then it degenerates into some atheist calling any believers names. Not saying *you* are this way, as I haven't read enough to know. I do know that I enjoy answering sincere questions people may have about the Bible/Christianity, so if someone has one, fire away. But I won't get into a pissing match with anyone (probably someone who considers themselves "tolerant") who wants to just bash my beliefs.
There's more evidence of that though.


Well-Known Member
Uh, no. Look...I've been on online boards for years, and these convos always go nowhere.There's never any *intelligent discussion*...just a bunch of shrill name-calling and, as I can see after reading a couple threads here, some SERIOUS strawmen/misinterpretation of beliefs/etc. So I'm not sure why I keep jumping in (I'll blame Wheezer's Jilly Bean). I mean...I see a couple threads here where it's obvious the OP is searching/asking serious questions, and then it degenerates into some atheist calling any believers names. Not saying *you* are this way, as I haven't read enough to know. I do know that I enjoy answering sincere questions people may have about the Bible/Christianity, so if someone has one, fire away. But I won't get into a pissing match with anyone (probably someone who considers themselves "tolerant") who wants to just bash my beliefs.
How is there not more evidence of the wind that there is of god(A conscious creator god, as described). Explain how god is easier to see than the wind.


Well-Known Member
yo douche bag, did you ask you mum for evidence that she was your mum? clearly you would have asked her, a man of your knowledge when of age would have questioned if your mum was your mum, as for your dud and so on. SO did you ask for evidence?

thats the most rediculous logic i ever heard , lol you dont have proof the bogey man exists , ive bin through this lots of times with you , but it seems your happy to ignore everything said to you , so carry on believing in something with no evidence for the rest of your life, its your waste of life not mine .