My mom & weed

my parents have found my shit before... a few years back when i had to worry bout it. they didn't do anything because they already knew I should just tell them, and then prove that you can bring up your grades, so they know you are doing and getting stoned at the same time because then they can't try and tell you your grades will go back down... parents are fucked up like that.
the only thing i have on my toilet tank. is............. an extra roll,(just in case) and the latest high times mag. great toilet read:mrgreen:. seriously i read high times, while i shit EVERY TIME. its the only time i can get my reading in.:hump:f
I have the same exact equipment on my tank... plus some green. While I am not always proud of it, I do schmoke on the schitter. You should try it.:joint:
I don't remember my mom ever finding my stash..but I do remember finding a bong my son and his friends his closet...they ganked someones dopey statue from a yard..drill a hole in his head..and put a bunch of hose's on him..made a hooka like out of him..I remember thinkin ..clever lil shits !!!
I have the same exact equipment on my tank... plus some green. While I am not always proud of it, I do schmoke on the schitter. You should try it.:joint:

well i dunno about you guys, but my shits stink. lol so smoking in the same room is the last thing i want to do. lol.. i eat meat:blsmoke:
Growing up, if there was ever anything that I didn't want my parents to find, weed, blow, booze, acid, shrooms, porno, whatever, I simply hid it in their bedroom, under their dresser....backfired a few times though when I really wanted to get at the stuff I was hiding and couldnt because they were in there......hhmmmm, not sure if I ever told my folks this or not........
both of my parents smoke pot. for a while, it was a real cat and mouse game about it but now they have come to accept it and are really cool about it.
It's just really a pain in the ass to borrow money from them cause i'm afraid they think i use all my money on dope.

which i do not.

i spend all my money on nutrients, new fans, new pots, coco coir, and maybe some pot.

but anywhoo.
definately introduced my dad to a roor on thanksgiving. The most blitzed ive seen the old man.

idiot..... ^^ :mrgreen:
I don't remember my mom ever finding my stash..but I do remember finding a bong my son and his friends his closet...they ganked someones dopey statue from a yard..drill a hole in his head..and put a bunch of hose's on him..made a hooka like out of him..I remember thinkin ..clever lil shits !!!

^^ very clever :P:P:P
Theres always a place in your room, or closet that NEVER gets attention. put it there, where even YOU dont look for shit. and do good in scool.
I use to smoke when I was in high school, I just hid my stash really good. Once I turned 18 I basicly told my parents off. I'm 20 and going to college they don't care anymore. Just hide it , and if she finds it cross that bridge when you get there.
thank god for me. first person to ever get me high was my mom. she is the coolest mom ever. she has very very bad health issues right now so we get high together. I sufer from Bi Polar which really fucking sucks ass.
I have nothing to say.. i am shaking my head in disgust..

But..........But..............But these threads hold value dont you know:roll:.

Plus lots of adults live with mom & worry about getting caught,then blame their siblings when they get caught with weed.

Must be a college student :roll: