Different CFLs in Combo


I have been reading about using cfl's in the 6500k range for veg and the 2700 range for flowering. What I was wondering was can you use a combination of these different cfl's from the start and not change them when you change to 12/12.

If so what combinations have worked best for people?

I was going to buying 8 - 14, 42 watt cfl's. I am designing a grow box that is 40 inches wide, 24 inches deep and 42 inches tall. I am going to use the cfl / power - bar adaptor method and mount these on a fully mobile, vertical fixture to keep the lights as close to the plants as possible. I was thinking about six mounted on this fixture with a few bulbs on the side (between 6 and 8)



Active Member
I personally like to mix the combination a little bit, but I stay around 3:1. For example in flowering, for every 4 lights you have, 3 are the 2700k. I have seen a grow go 50/50 and do amazing too.


Well-Known Member
I would mix the two spectrums. I use T8's and CFL bulbs in my closet grow. I have 3 t8 fixtures. 2 of them have a 2700k and a 6000k bulb, one has two of the same (depending on if im vegging or flowering) with a couple of CFL bulbs to get nice and close into the middles and bottom parts of the plant. I usually mix those about 50/50


Well-Known Member
lol thanks for this thread I just switched to flowering like 2 days ago...for some reason I thought I was forgetting something or had to ask something...It just dawned on me I never changed my bulbs over from 6500 to 2700...lol...

2nd grow here doing well.....13 bulbs veggin' was 10 6500k and 3 2700k...now I am going to reverse that lmao


Well-Known Member
you might want to consider regular light sockets like you see in a cellar and then splitting them from there on...The light sockets at Depot are only like a dollar something a piece, and they are rated for 600 watts each - you won't go over that....You could maybe run 2 strips of them in that box....Mount them on 2 2x4's and split them..I am around 28 inches deep and have 3 sockets on mine...Since you are 40 deep you could go with 4 sockets on each 2x4 maybe 5... but I would think 4 would suffice....

So do 4 sockets on each 2x4....use 3 splitters on each socket for a total of 24 sockets available for you cfls.....If you go with the cheap 23 watters (that's what I use) you'll have 552 total watts....And if you went with 42 watters you would have a sick sick sick total of 1008 watts in that little grow space...Can you say nuggie nuggs ????

I would also pick up at least 4 if not 5 PC fans....2 to blow on the plants, and at least 2 if not 3 for exhaust fans......

I am growing one plant with 13cfls - 23 watts each, and my plant is doing fabulous...here are some pics from around 5 weeks in veg.....Also here is a pic of my light set up....If you do a set up like I just said I would think you would have killer results.....



Well-Known Member
the socket splitters will run you the most dough...they are around 2 and 1/2 bucks a piece I think...You'll also need some wire nuts and some wire...and maybe a some hooks and chain to hang them with...all can be bought at depot....


Thanks for the great advice everyone. I am really looking forward to trying this out. This site obviously has a great community, with friendly members. Also the simplicity of a cfl grow is a little shocking to tell you the truth.


only thing I am not sure of is how much hotter a 42 watt gets over a 23 watt...maybe someone here can chime in....
I believe they the 42 watt bulbs do heat up more. I read a thread a few days ago of a guy growing a few c99 plants in 3 tote bins stacked on top of each other. He said that his 6 bulbs heated the box quite a bit.

Somebody who has a good thermostat, a smaller grow box and CFLs should turn 1/20 light and measure the lumens and temperature, then turn 2 on and do the same then repeat for 3, etc.... until you have readings for all 20. It would be interesting to see the correlation between temperature and lumens, especially if we compared the same wattage worth of 42s and 23s.

As for exhaust will be using two separate computer fans rigged up to a 12v cord for intake and probably the least expensive can and an inline fan. I really do not want to shell out all that money on a can but it is probably necessary to have one, at least by 12/12.

dank smoker420

Well-Known Member
i have 3 23w cfls and one 13w cfl and my box really heats up alot i have 2 pc fans for venting and it gets up to 93 some days i tihnk im gonna pick up atleast one more pc fan today to get more hot air out of there


Well-Known Member
As I recall the Sun is in the 5000-k spectrum range . I feel ti's Wise idea to mix the color spectrum up a bit adding the 2700-k in flower in a 50/50 to start & then 75% 2700-k to a 25% 5000 or 6500-k color combo about half way through the flowering cycle . Fine tune what works fer you & enjoy the great colors & taste the Floro's can & will grow . Well worth the little extra effort & smaller buds when ya taste that special cut in it's truest form ,,,


Active Member
I would use a mix of 6500k, 4500k & 2700k during veg and when you go into flower get heavy on the 2700k but keep a couple 4500k & 6500k for a good well rounded spectrum.


Active Member
All I use are 4 x 26 watt 2700k CFL's for flowering, and 6500k CFL's for vegging, it's working out fine.


Well-Known Member
when it comes to heat imo it really seems to differ by brand or something like that. ive had 23w that i could touch all day and not get burned and ive also had ones in the same exact area with identical conditions in the grow that just bumping the bulb burns me.