
You need some LSD. =)

LSD won't change my view on abortion.
Well he should have wrapped it up and she should have used birth control. And she's not throwing away her life, it depends on how you view it. To you she might, but to her she's the happiest she's ever been.

I put in the 'your life' part just to see if you'd hone in on it. :D *swish* WIN
Then you're not completly anti-abortion if you can turn your head...for fuck sake man, you really need some introspection to see if what you think actually makes any logical sense.

(In all aspects of your life)

I agree here... If your willing to turn your head for extreme cases... then your not Anti-abortion... and this is a good thing... of course abortion shouldn't be used as a form of contraception but there are always exceptions to the rules!!
Actually what Iv been trying to say is people dont need an excuse to choose the direction of their life, its their life and Im not gonna try make decisions or force my ideals down their throat. I dont know their situation, and if they got pregnant they probably dont know their own situation. Its great that some people can make it work, but some people just cant.

But again, you havnt been in the situation (and with your level of maturity, comprehension, logic and compassion probably wont ever get yourself into it) so how about zipping it until you have some life experience?

How about people can discuss if they are pro-abortion or anti-abortion on a thread that's about abortion. If you don't like it ten get the fuck out dumbass.
Theres no discussion coming from you, you've your heels dug in, you are trying to tell people what they should choose or what you'd choose from a hypothetical standpoint, I leave people to their own devices cos its not my life...

How many times do I have to repeat it?
I agree here... If your willing to turn your head for extreme cases... then your not Anti-abortion... and this is a good thing... of course abortion shouldn't be used as a form of contraception but there are always exceptions to the rules!!

So why is it suddenly a fucking good thing? This whole argument is about keeping my opinions to myself, but when I'm pro-abortion for one case it's a good thing. Can you see how that's bull?
Theres no discussion coming from you, you've your heels dug in, you are trying to tell people what they should choose or what you'd choose from a hypothetical standpoint, I leave people to their own devices cos its not my life...

How many times do I have to repeat it?

Where did I tell anyone what to choose?
So why is it suddenly a fucking good thing? This whole argument is about keeping my opinions to myself, but when I'm pro-abortion for one case it's a good thing. Can you see how that's bull?

Because in your own post you said you would "turn your head"...ie make an exception.... which indicates you are actually not completely anti abortion.... which is a GOOD thing
I'm completely anti-abortion. That doesn't change my view on anyone. Although I do have much sympathy for rape victims and will look away for that one. I mean I don't see why this is such a huge thing. It's not my choice whether or not someone has a baby, nor does it matter to me. I say I'm anti-abortion because if a friend came up to me and said should I keep the baby or have an abortion, I would say keep the baby. Therefore I'm against abortion (anti-abortion).
Yeah Im pretty sure I just quoted one.

You say you're anti-abortion but its ok sometimes. Thats a hypocrite. You're either anti-abortion or not, you can change from one to the other if you change your mind from some big life experience, but you cant just pick and choose, thats a hypocrite.

But keep making yourself look foolish, you do so well in every other thread, so why not here too?
Yeah Im pretty sure I just quoted one.

You say you're anti-abortion but its ok sometimes. Thats a hypocrite. You're either anti-abortion or not, you can change from one to the other if you change your mind from some big life experience, but you cant just pick and choose, thats a hypocrite.

But keep making yourself look foolish, you do so well in every other thread, so why not here too?
The reason I'm looking foolish is because everything I'm saying is coming out of my ass (no homo), it's all I my own opinion. And I have said that so many fucking times. This thread is meant to discuss abortion, so why did you come over here to complain?