The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
Ive been wanting to try some TGA stuff for a while so may do that or may go in the direction of Black Rose if the seeds come thru that ive been after from a member on here has a successful seed run, other than that im looking at something from either bomb seeds or pyramid seeds as i was very impressed with their tuthankhamon that i grew last run

Also as a cash cropper to sort out the last of my debts im looking at cash crop kens "kish" (shishkaberryXshishkaberry) frankenberry pheno
TGA's Plushberry is supposed to be really nice, if you can actually get hold of it.


Well-Known Member
ah spoke to billy on the blower yesterday, he was away for a few days....glee outing or sumthing i think, lets face it, the only way billys gettin a shag is if they dont have to look at his face.


Well-Known Member
today is not a good day got some wild mood swings on, hate withdrawal :( someone get me wasted :joint:
tell me bout it, fuckin 6 and a half days without a drink! the nite sweats are away and ive had a solid shit but i could fuckin murder a beer unfortunaetly im bleedin skint and on the medication so it'll be a while yet. kinda hopin that i'll last the full flower cycle sober, so more or less another 8 weeks dryin time inclyded. i know from many past experiences the first 3 or 4 weeks are hellish, after that it tends to get easier as you find alternatives, the desire never fully abates though. hope theses new pills im supposed to be gettin help, only prob is the fuckin doc wont prescribe them without a letter from my therapist. useless nhs cunts. i mean wtf??? fuckin guy wants to stop boozing, theyve got the fuckin meds to help but ive got be fucked raound before THEY fuckin decide. NOT BASTARDING HAPPy. fuckin fat paki cunt .


Well-Known Member
morning fella, hows your grow going? you vegging up still?

billy still keeping his heed doon eh
ahm into flower now done, flipped 12/12 last saturday, the 4 in dwc are about a 14" and very bushy with real tight node spaceing and big fan leave, the 3 in dirt are about 8 to 10 inches with about half the leave( they were really just an after thought as i didnt expect all my beans to pop, 100% germ success rate) im gonna re-pot the dirt ones this weekend.wot bout yourself?


Active Member
Hey to all my great britons. Not new to RIU bad havent showed my face in this thread yet. Click my sig and check my little setup. thanks everyone and GOOD luck :):)

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
ahm into flower now done, flipped 12/12 last saturday, the 4 in dwc are about a 14" and very bushy with real tight node spaceing and big fan leave, the 3 in dirt are about 8 to 10 inches with about half the leave( they were really just an after thought as i didnt expect all my beans to pop, 100% germ success rate) im gonna re-pot the dirt ones this weekend.wot bout yourself?
I've been reading up a bit on DWC looks like great yields but a bit more attention to detail like ph etc i'm a simplist normally never ph a fuckin thing. tho i think thats why i'm having bother at the moment. my livers n psycho clones are growing super tight nodes like so tight the mould was inevitable. all told i reckon it cost me near 10 oz :(

you should have a kanny crop come crimbo then fella.


RIU Bulldog
and if it wasn't for the aforementioned nations the U.S would be a plague and disease ridden swamp with the indiginous natives kidnapping and robbing for there very survival in a cesspit of depravity and starvation, their very right to exist at the whim of dictators and warlords. ignored and lampooned by the rest of the developed world, there only global exports would be cheap running shoes and hand stitched sports equipment and a large percentage of unwanted daughters would be sold to the sex slave trade......fuck me, THATS MEXICIO!! who'd have guessed??
Ah man, and the Scotts are the worst, followed closely by the English. They've managed to bring their innate rich traditions of wife-beating, bad hygiene, meth addiction, racism and an uncanny ability to drop out of high school. They yell at the blacks and hispanics for being lazy, from the porch where the sit all day being just as lazy. Day-time talk show, court shows, 'worlds dumbest'-- I blame you for this.


Well-Known Member
fuck man just realised my bitch x robbed my fucking chains , that cunts getting buried.

dont even think i wanna bide my time.


Well-Known Member
Damn man, I'm sorry.
How'd she get away with that?
i dont wear em often mate just thought yeah chain today and they aint fucking there.

shoulda have listen to don and stuck that cunt under the patio.

guess the bitch is going to the woods instead.


Well-Known Member
Ah man, and the Scotts are the worst, followed closely by the English. They've managed to bring their innate rich traditions of wife-beating, bad hygiene, meth addiction, racism and an uncanny ability to drop out of high school. They yell at the blacks and hispanics for being lazy, from the porch where the sit all day being just as lazy. Day-time talk show, court shows, 'worlds dumbest'-- I blame you for this.
a rich tradition of meth addiction???how the fuck did we mange that ya goddamn 'dusk till dawn' extra?lol, and when it come to wife beating u gotta try real good to mix it up with the muslims. bad hygene?????this from mexican, the only country that uses road kill for deoderant??? racism, c'mon man the fuckin coons got that game well sewn up. high schoool?? at lwast we got countrys with school, our education doesnt come from a catholic priest when he buggering our assholes??? day time talks show, well i'll agree that the presenters are white bud the audience is fat niggers doin paternity tests.....and they reason we goota yell is that you fuckers cant undestand proper english so it either shout or beat you....and as were payin for your family evening gruel and torttias stop complaining and move your lil spick ass faster...theres no fuckin siesta on my greenback time....btw , how s the grow goin esse?