Belief Without Evidence WTF?


Active Member
That's because there's only one God. Afa "Noahs Flood...enough said"...weak. I won't respond to you again. You have no game at all. You have no idea what the Bible says, yet you're SURE it's false. Go to the Answers in Genesis site if you really want to hear more articulate arguments than I can make on Noah's Flood...but you won't. You're just a mean-spirited troll with no game. Enough said.

still i await one single piece of evidence any of the thousands of gods humans have thought up of to be true , its just not happening.


Active Member
peace to everyone of yall. yall chose not to believe in God, thats on yall, when yall die their will be no excuses for you to run to. ihope yall reallize before its too late. good luck.


Well-Known Member
I see you are not a familiar to this section of RIU.. but in the, Long.. Vast.. Frustrating history of these Threads. One thing Heisen, Pada, Tyler & so many others have taught us is that.. .


That's because there's only one God. Afa "Noahs Flood...enough said"...weak. I won't respond to you again. You have no game at all. You have no idea what the Bible says, yet you're SURE it's false. Go to the Answers in Genesis site if you really want to hear more articulate arguments than I can make on Noah's Flood...but you won't. You're just a mean-spirited troll with no game. Enough said.

eye exaggerate

Well-Known Member
and lol at socaldrums hes yet to come up with one single point to prove his existance of his god , yet he defends it like its his baby , its funny to me just sheer comedy .

The most useful lesson life has given me is that the fools often are right. -Winston Churchill

...sorry man, but it IS his child.

ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
That's because there's only one God. Afa "Noahs Flood...enough said"...weak. I won't respond to you again. You have no game at all. You have no idea what the Bible says, yet you're SURE it's false. Go to the Answers in Genesis site if you really want to hear more articulate arguments than I can make on Noah's Flood...but you won't. You're just a mean-spirited troll with no game. Enough said.
your bible is full of bullshite , prove one single verse is true , oh wait you cant lol its all freakin nonsense the koran makes more sense and thats full of bullshit to , id rather be a freakin muzzer than believe in the christian bible , worship the sadistic homophobic sick asss mass murdering self rightouis god of the bible , fuck no .


Well-Known Member
Funny thing is, but the only one that wants you to accept is your redeemer when your old wrinkly carcass gives up the ghost. This thread is beat, maybe Ill be back with some more jokes later
I called you out for using a straw man. For ignoring the real position of atheism and instead inserting ridiculous claims that you can easily make fun of.

What I did was not a strawman. I was simply exploring the implications of your logic. You claimed the bible was more popular than harry potter, implying that it somehow means something. I simply asked if Harry Potter was more popular, would it mean anything? You cited personal experiences as part of your certainty in God. I pointed out that all Gods have people with these experiences. You do not give any credence to their claims but expect us to accept yours.

ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
That's because there's only one God. Afa "Noahs Flood...enough said"...weak. I won't respond to you again. You have no game at all. You have no idea what the Bible says, yet you're SURE it's false. Go to the Answers in Genesis site if you really want to hear more articulate arguments than I can make on Noah's Flood...but you won't. You're just a mean-spirited troll with no game. Enough said.
there is no evidence of noahs flood , we have the same amount of water on the planet as we did 10 000 years ago you dumb fuck , unless your god sucked the water back up his ass then re-aranged all the bones in the layers of earth to make it look like it never happend then errrrrrrrrrrrrr it never happend . fuck some people are so indoctrinated with this shit they cant think straight .


Well-Known Member
I always wondered this.. Since Jesus & God obviously did not hit it out of the Park w/ their 1st attempt @ teaching the people about loving thy neighbor & turning the other cheek.. Why not come back & do it again? Like, we have the World Wide Web now & I am Sure Jesus would have Millions of Followers on Twitter to get his Message out Faster.. Just saying. God sure did pick the wrong point in history to try and "Spread the Word"


Well-Known Member
peace to everyone of yall. yall chose not to believe in God, thats on yall, when yall die their will be no excuses for you to run to. ihope yall reallize before its too late. good luck.
And I hope the FBI dont pick you up again and teach you any more scary uber secret plans... ;)

ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
I always wondered this.. Since Jesus & God obviously did not hit it out of the Park w/ their 1st attempt @ teaching the people about loving thy neighbor & turning the other cheek.. Why not come back & do it again? Like, we have the World Wide Web now & I am Sure Jesus would have Millions of Followers on Twitter to get his Message out Faster.. Just saying. God sure did pick the wrong point in history to try and "Spread the Word"
yeah funny thing is he chose a freakin paper back book to spread his word lol could of at least put it on dvd


Well-Known Member
Pics or it never happened !

the fbi snatched me up 1day and showed me the ''plan'' of the illuminati, and let me say, the devil himself wrote it, no doubts about it. If you ever saw it you will be creeped out to the point of nightmares every night for a week!


Well-Known Member
You and your STUPID friends that call US stupid, can't realize that maybe God doesn't want RETARDS THAT NEED THINGS PROVEN TO THEM to have a good afterlife. Yea, afterlife is for pussies you say. Well that's fine because arguing with retards is like winning the special olympics. ATHEISTS 1 CHRISTIANS 0, oh no who is the bigger retard! YOUUUUUUUUUUU

how is it seriousley possible people believe in gods without evidence , anything else in life requires evidence, to believe its true , yet when it comes to believing in a god , stupid people disregard this vital point , why is this ? its truly shocking


Active Member
<sigh> I wish you people would just keep it simple. One at a time. Just makes it easier/more readable. Maybe number your "questions".

1) Show me the scripture in the Bible about the War in Heaven.
2) "Most theologians don't take the book of Rev seriously"?? False.
3)Check out Answers in Genesis. You won't *like* the answers, but they exist.
4) Read The Case for Christ. Written by an ex-althiest lawyer who set out to prove the Bible was false. He wound up getting converted because of the overwhelming evidence of Jesus' being raised from the tomb. You are VERY wrong here. There's TONS of evidence...not the least of which is that a band of his followers, who were weak, terrified men when they saw Him die, sudden;y became powerful, bold witnesses who all were horribly killed for that belief. What would they die horribly for something they *knew* was false?
5)Don't see a problem
6) Don't know. Not a big deal.
7)If there's a God, one who created the whole world, why would virgin birth be so hard to believe? I don't even get this argument.
8) Not sure about your discription of hell, but I know this: Jesus talked about it a lot. A seperate topic of convo...but I'll ask you this: if there is no hell, why did Jesus even come here?
9) Yep...ex-RCC. Woulda bet the house. You certainly didn't read the bible *as* a Catholic. Or if you did it wasn't with their approval. Wether the RCC is Christian or not is another topic. I was one. Going to church makes you a "Christian" like standing in a garage makes you a car.

Im not trolling, I see the Bible as a useful tool for teaching morality, but taking it literally is ridiculous.
War in Heaven: The Angels split onto two sides and a war was waged in the sky. Lucifer the Fallen Star an Archangel on one side and God on the other (each with their posse of Angels). It doesnt make sense even if I was a believer. Why didnt God just wipe the "bad lads" from existance?
End of Days: All the babble about the Lamb slaying the multi headed dragon? Come on man, its prophetic and even most theologians dont take it seriously.
Noahs Flood: Two of every species on a ship because the whole world was flooded?
Zombie Jesus: I believe that there was infact a preacher named Jesus who was crucified, Roman records confirm this, but rising from the dead? Theres no evidence of this except the Bible, and something cannot prove itself correct purely because its written, its a logical fallacy.
Adam and Eve: Do I even need to go into this?
Genesis: The Universe was not created in 7 day, woman was not made from the rib of a man and we didnt all come from two white people chilling in a garden eating apples
Moses' Tablets: Where is the Arc of the Covenent now?
Virgin Birth: Impossible without believing in God
Hell: Even most theologians disagree with the fire and brimstone version in the Bible, and it doesnt make sense, God sent the loser of the "War in Heaven" to Hell to torture people? He was evil anyway apparently, so didnt he get the perfect job?

Honestly Im not trolling, personal faith is cool and Iv much respect for people who make up their own mind about what to believe...but to believe a book so full of nonsense that it makes Hollywood look uncreative just because the man in cloth told you to? Come on man, wake up and make up your own beliefs, at least then they'll be truely relevant to you.

Please bear in mind Im from Eire, its one of the most religiously Christian nations on the entire planet... I read the Bible multiple times cover to cover as a child and went to mass daily, so please dont try tell me I dont know anything about it just cos I dont believe it.

ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
have any of you weirdos err sorrry religious folk , ever thought how big a ark would have to be to fit every animal in the world on , i mean fuck could you even consider trying to gather two of every species we have today in a orderly fashion and load them on a ship we struggle to put a crocodile on a ship lol .it would take fuckin years even with todays technology .

Morgan Lynn

Active Member
Ok I'll take Noah's Ark as an example.

The people of that time had no knowledge of the world. These people had a tiny piece of land that they thought was the world. This is the reason why the world was first thought to be flat. If there was a flood, it would have came from intense rains and flooding of a river or a lake that was near Noah's home. We all know Noah couldn't have built a mamoth Ark to hold 2 of each gender of millions of species of animals. It's not possible. There is no way a female tiger is going to be in the very same ark with her prey without eating it. Especially when they ark was floating for 40 days.

Come on. The story was seriously exaggerated to the point where it became a fable. The flood consisted of a body of water overfilling and Noah took his prized livestock with him. The idea of taking 2 of each gender of animal on his farm fits the story more because if he didn't take 2 the guy would be out of some serious food and cash.

This is all theoretical of course.

ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
You and your STUPID friends that call US stupid, can't realize that maybe God doesn't want RETARDS THAT NEED THINGS PROVEN TO THEM to have a good afterlife. Yea, afterlife is for pussies you say. Well that's fine because arguing with retards is like winning the special olympics. ATHEISTS 1 CHRISTIANS 0, oh no who is the bigger retard! YOUUUUUUUUUUU
no you lose dude , big time , you have been interlectualy pawwned and now this is the best come back you have lol seriousley mate , if your gonna fight for something so bad , at least do your research , and understand the position your fighting for , other wise you just look stupid like you do now .

ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
oh right so your now changing what gods word says and fitting it perfectly to suit yourself , guess what , if its open to interpration like you say , i enterpratate it differently to you , making it all bull shit .