Belief Without Evidence WTF?

My big question for people who follow religion is why do you need it?

Are people really that unhappy in their lives that they need to look at the "grass is greener" beyond?

I dont believe or disbelieve in God, I humbly admit that I dont know nor will I probably ever know...what I do dislike is the branding and dogma each religion uses. All scientific principles could be part of some intelligent design or it could've just been a big cosmic fluke yet religion has to point to a specific God with rules and unbelievable stories.

What I do believe in is what we humans can see and feel and hear, the "physical realm" so to speak as I have accepted that this is all humans can strive for.

Either way, Im perfectly content in my life, sure theres things I would like but I have my own family and all the food, drink, money, etc I need to live and feel no desire to search for a being that I can never prove or disprove.
If the bible was proven true daily by thousands we wouldn't be having this conversation. Again, you act as if anyone who doesn't see god must be blind, but when we ask you to point to him you can not. We ask questions that should have easy answers, instead it takes you multiple posts to say nothing.

no your wrong, God is proven daily by thousands and because of the devil getting into peoples mind and fooling them into following him, thats why were having this conversation. if you dont believe in God you are blind because the truth is available to you but people decide they dont want to do it because they wanna do their own thing and have no purpose of God so he doesnt need to exist. but isay to you sir the earthly man is evil because of sin. the wages of sin is death. if every man took on the mindset of we need no purpose of God we would all be wiped clean off this earth. but if every man said he needs God. then we would florish, and their wouldnt be this nonsense you see on the news, none of it. sinners and saints see the world 2 completely different ways. my answers to an unbeliever aint going to be easy, simple, 1post answers because iwant yall to understand what im telling yall so yall arent mislead into believing something ididnt say like the last thread iwas on when mexiblunt was lead into believing zombies for example and iguess igo overboard and skim the answer. for that i appoligize. icare about yall man saints and sinners in the whole world. God aint nothing funny this is serious and iget so mad when some of yall be calling God out like that. the bible has been proven by me and countless others around the world. everthing iread in the bible happens the exact same way it says, iseen and been through it, ihave no reason to lie and i and thousands others arent crazy we know the truth. God loves us all and doesn't want anybody to go to hell, He'll forgive you for whatever it is you did in your life if your truely sorry.
Sure. The Dead Sea is still there. Now you give ONE example of anything in the Bible that isn't true.
War in Heaven, End of Days, Noahs Flood, Zombie Jesus, Adam and Eve, Genesis, Moses' tablets, Virgin Birth, Hell...I could go on and on, it'd be a shorter list naming the things that ARE people lived a long time ago.
The following are stories from the bible and not to be taken literally:

Adam and Eve
Noah's Ark
Moses and The Red Sea
Jesus healing the blind

Oh, lets not forget Mary's immaculate conception of Jesus.
My big question for people who follow religion is why do you need it?

Are people really that unhappy in their lives that they need to look at the "grass is greener" beyond?

I dont believe or disbelieve in God, I humbly admit that I dont know nor will I probably ever know...what I do dislike is the branding and dogma each religion uses. All scientific principles could be part of some intelligent design or it could've just been a big cosmic fluke yet religion has to point to a specific God with rules and unbelievable stories.

What I do believe in is what we humans can see and feel and hear, the "physical realm" so to speak as I have accepted that this is all humans can strive for.

Either way, Im perfectly content in my life, sure theres things I would like but I have my own family and all the food, drink, money, etc I need to live and feel no desire to search for a being that I can never prove or disprove.

"Religion is a collection of behavior that is only unified in our Western conception of it. It need not have a natural unity. There is no reason to assume, and good reason not to assume, that all religious behavior evolved together at the same time in response to a single shift in the environment. This article does not look at the religion as a unified entity and seek a definition of its essence. Instead, it looks at what science needs
to know in order to discover how and why religion came into existence as a human behavior. What does science need to know about religion, or how should religion be defined so that science can look at it? A definition that refers to observable behavior is required. Then, a preliminary hypothesis to orient observations is proposed. I suggest a preliminary hypothesis consisting of three stages in the evolution of religion: (1) a cognizer of unobservable agents, (2) a sacred category classifier, and (3) a motivator for public sacrifice. Each one of these stages is a nucleus of modern anthropological theorizing. Although they all come together in the Western folk concept of religion, this article proposes that they are independent evolutionary complexes that should not be lumped together, but should be investigated as separate types of religious behavior." <---I thought this was pretty cool.
You sound like someone whom I could sit down with some of my man Wheezer's Romulan and have a great convo. My problem here is that A) I can't type, B) it's literally costing me $ to be here (I never expected as much activity in these threads. I'm not used to it.) So I can't really do any arguments much justice. However...I will do my best to respond to anything you,Eye, Heisenburg and the few other intelligent/sincere people here ask me. I won't deal with people like Sativa...or any other "experts" who have never even opened a Bible. I honestly don't understand their motivation. I'm about as "nice" of a guy you'd ever meet. I don't jam my beliefs down people's throats. I really only participate in threads like this to defend the Biblical position when I see it grossly misinterpreted. So why people feel the need to bash me or my beliefs baffles me. If you don't believe, and my beliefs aren't harming you, stfu and go away! I mean..what is the net expectation? "'re right. I'm a fool for believing in God. I now have no hope of eternity." wtf? Why would people be that miserable that they'd want to spread it? Again...not talking about you.

OK, I overinterpreted your first post, and i assume responsibility for it. However I don't agree that there is plain/simple evidence of divine action. I have looked rather hard. So when you say "God put enough evidence " ... that is a mismatch with my experience. I wouldn't mind being proven wrong, but I am familiar with and admit to the futility of proving or disproving the existence of God. I won't try to suck you into such an exercise in mutual frustration.
The question of the action, effect, influence of God on the natural and human world is a big question, one of the Really Bigs in my opinion. As far as i have been able to see, the best, most internally and externally consistent explanations for the way things are&work do not require invoking the divine. (I acknowledge that this approaches a statement of faith on my part, and I'm not here to play Battling Tops with yours.) So to formulate a natural philosophy that requires or benefits from supernatural action, which is the only way to authenticate divine signature, properly requires compelling, testable, reproducible evidence of divine supernatural action. I believe that to be fair.

To me Romans 1:20 is the worst possible response in the face of honest inquiry. "It's right there, and if you don't see it, **** you." I expect better behavior from credible ambassadors of God. cn
who are yall to say dont take this piece or that piece seriously when yall dont even believe in God in the first place? if you dont believe then stay on that side of fence but dont come on this side and say this and that arent real. if everything else in the bible is proved true then the stories are true too.
I'm still on the fence as to whether you're a troll like Sativa or not. So I'll give you one more chance. Find a scripture in the Bible that you feel is untrue. Be specific, and support your claim. If you Google something, we're done.

War in Heaven, End of Days, Noahs Flood, Zombie Jesus, Adam and Eve, Genesis, Moses' tablets, Virgin Birth, Hell...I could go on and on, it'd be a shorter list naming the things that ARE people lived a long time ago.
The following are stories from the bible and not to be taken literally:

Adam and Eve
Noah's Ark
Moses and The Red Sea
Jesus healing the blind

Oh, lets not forget Mary's immaculate conception of Jesus.
>>> pick one and explain exactly how/why it isn't true.
That would be fun, SoCaldrums.

Romulan goooood.

Your beliefs cause me to lose sleep @ night.. as a matter of fact it is coming on 10 am & I still have to get to sleep soon. So until we can convert all these thiests, unrest in the streets & in our homes !
no your wrong, God is proven daily by thousands and because of the devil getting into peoples mind and fooling them into following him, thats why were having this conversation. if you dont believe in God you are blind because the truth is available to you but people decide they dont want to do it because they wanna do their own thing and have no purpose of God so he doesnt need to exist. but isay to you sir the earthly man is evil because of sin. the wages of sin is death. if every man took on the mindset of we need no purpose of God we would all be wiped clean off this earth. but if every man said he needs God. then we would florish, and their wouldnt be this nonsense you see on the news, none of it. sinners and saints see the world 2 completely different ways. my answers to an unbeliever aint going to be easy, simple, 1post answers because iwant yall to understand what im telling yall so yall arent mislead into believing something ididnt say like the last thread iwas on when mexiblunt was lead into believing zombies for example and iguess igo overboard and skim the answer. for that i appoligize. icare about yall man saints and sinners in the whole world. God aint nothing funny this is serious and iget so mad when some of yall be calling God out like that. the bible has been proven by me and countless others around the world. everthing iread in the bible happens the exact same way it says, iseen and been through it, ihave no reason to lie and i and thousands others arent crazy we know the truth. God loves us all and doesn't want anybody to go to hell, He'll forgive you for whatever it is you did in your life if your truely sorry.[/QUOTE
you sound like the guy smoking crack on every corner i go past , prove its real dude otherwise it didnt happen .
I'm still on the fence as to whether you're a troll like Sativa or not. So I'll give you one more chance. Find a scripture in the Bible that you feel is untrue. Be specific, and support your claim. If you Google something, we're done.
Im not trolling, I see the Bible as a useful tool for teaching morality, but taking it literally is ridiculous.
War in Heaven: The Angels split onto two sides and a war was waged in the sky. Lucifer the Fallen Star an Archangel on one side and God on the other (each with their posse of Angels). It doesnt make sense even if I was a believer. Why didnt God just wipe the "bad lads" from existance?
End of Days: All the babble about the Lamb slaying the multi headed dragon? Come on man, its prophetic and even most theologians dont take it seriously.
Noahs Flood: Two of every species on a ship because the whole world was flooded?
Zombie Jesus: I believe that there was infact a preacher named Jesus who was crucified, Roman records confirm this, but rising from the dead? Theres no evidence of this except the Bible, and something cannot prove itself correct purely because its written, its a logical fallacy.
Adam and Eve: Do I even need to go into this?
Genesis: The Universe was not created in 7 day, woman was not made from the rib of a man and we didnt all come from two white people chilling in a garden eating apples
Moses' Tablets: Where is the Arc of the Covenent now?
Virgin Birth: Impossible without believing in God
Hell: Even most theologians disagree with the fire and brimstone version in the Bible, and it doesnt make sense, God sent the loser of the "War in Heaven" to Hell to torture people? He was evil anyway apparently, so didnt he get the perfect job?

Honestly Im not trolling, personal faith is cool and Iv much respect for people who make up their own mind about what to believe...but to believe a book so full of nonsense that it makes Hollywood look uncreative just because the man in cloth told you to? Come on man, wake up and make up your own beliefs, at least then they'll be truely relevant to you.

Please bear in mind Im from Eire, its one of the most religiously Christian nations on the entire planet... I read the Bible multiple times cover to cover as a child and went to mass daily, so please dont try tell me I dont know anything about it just cos I dont believe it.
still i await one single piece of evidence any of the thousands of gods humans have thought up of to be true , its just not happening.
Your beliefs cause me to lose sleep @ night.. as a matter of fact it is coming on 10 am & I still have to get to sleep soon. So until we can convert all these thiests, unrest in the streets & in our homes !

this is the dumbest crap iever heard in my life, are you foreal? you dont know what your saying or what the outcome will be of this. idont know if you know or not but your a satanist.
and lol at socaldrums hes yet to come up with one single point to prove his existance of his god , yet he defends it like its his baby , its funny to me just sheer comedy .