Belief Without Evidence WTF?


I HATE posts like this. It implies that atheists are some sort of primitive brutes. I mean, he didn't even clean&scale the thing. cn
My petty tricks are all part of the trade you guys created. I have not revealed anything on this thread that is UBER SECRET. You don't like the Bible, yet it is the most popular book in the world, 100x over harry potter. Besides, pummeling anyone here with the TRUTH of the Lord does not win for me any tastey steak or some free vacation, however I will tell you, my tricks bring to me amusement when I am in the company of those that have little in common with me spiritually. Good Day. Or is it?

So it amuses you to misrepresent other's positions with absurd claims and then argue against those claims? You have no problem with creating strawmen and then patting yourself on the back when you knock them down? Are you really suggesting a books popularity means anything about it's basis in reality? Really? If Harry Potter was the most popular book of all time, would you be worshiping him? If I had personal experiences that I claimed (and really believed) were proof of Santa's existence would you give those expereinces any weight yourself? We have people in every religion who say they have expieriences that prove thier God to them. Why would you discount those experiences in favor of the God that is popular in your geographic area? You haven't revealed any 'uber secrets' (or anything that resembles evidence) because you do not have any.
So the FBI picked you up one day and for some reason showed you the plans of a (supposedly real) society that is so secret we dont even know if they truely exist?

You're a mental case and nothing you say should be regarded as anything more than psycho ramblings.

Id put you on ignore but I actually get a good laugh reading your mind numbingly stupid posts...I just hope its not making me stupider by reading them.

you know what ima keep it calm cause ireally dont care. ididnt include all the details and im not bout to, im over it. your blind man im not tryna be funny. go ahead and call me crazy im not phased 1bit. if you or anybody else cant see that God is real and whats in the bible is true and proven true daily by thousands of people your blind and dont want to see, therefore your going to hell for all eternity because you meaningfully chose not to believe in God and do what he says do.
you know what ima keep it calm cause ireally dont care. ididnt include all the details and im not bout to, im over it. your blind man im not tryna be funny. go ahead and call me crazy im not phased 1bit. if you or anybody else cant see that God is real and whats in the bible is true and proven true daily by thousands of people your blind and dont want to see, therefore your going to hell for all eternity because you meaningfully chose not to believe in God and do what he says do.
Why'd they pick you? Did you forget to take your tablets that morning?

You remind me of the film "A Beautiful Mind".
you know what ima keep it calm cause ireally dont care. ididnt include all the details and im not bout to, im over it. your blind man im not tryna be funny. go ahead and call me crazy im not phased 1bit. if you or anybody else cant see that God is real and whats in the bible is true and proven true daily by thousands of people your blind and dont want to see, therefore your going to hell for all eternity because you meaningfully chose not to believe in God and do what he says do.

If the bible was proven true daily by thousands we wouldn't be having this conversation. Again, you act as if anyone who doesn't see god must be blind, but when we ask you to point to him you can not. We ask questions that should have easy answers, instead it takes you multiple posts to say nothing.
You can see the effect of reading the bible from a young age & taking it literally in diesels posts.

inever read or believed in God as kid and when idid read it went in 1ear and out the other. only until igrew up, read it, tested it in real life, and proved it true did ibelieve in God and the world today is so corrupted and evil they point their dirty little fingers at me and call me a fool but its cool because the wages of sin is death and the path of righteousness is life.
I have no uber secrets, I am a real man that desires to hide nothing that is of great use to his brothers. Now, you write well, but if you think you are so good at debunking my jokes, why did you use my own technique which you had just mocked moments before by asking about if Harry P was the most popular book ever or that crap about Santa Clause. What do children's tales have to do with an adult atheist, an adult communist, or an adult satan worshipper?
So it amuses you to misrepresent other's positions with absurd claims and then argue against those claims? You have no problem with creating strawmen and then patting yourself on the back when you knock them down? Are you really suggesting a books popularity means anything about it's basis in reality? Really? If Harry Potter was the most popular book of all time, would you be worshiping him? If I had personal experiences that I claimed (and really believed) were proof of Santa's existence would you give those expereinces any weight yourself? We have people in every religion who say they have expieriences that prove thier God to them. Why would you discount those experiences in favor of the God that is popular in your geographic area? You haven't revealed any 'uber secrets' (or anything that resembles evidence) because you do not have any.
you know what ima keep it calm cause ireally dont care. ididnt include all the details and im not bout to, im over it. your blind man im not tryna be funny. go ahead and call me crazy im not phased 1bit. if you or anybody else cant see that God is real and whats in the bible is true and proven true daily by thousands of people your blind and dont want to see, therefore your going to hell for all eternity because you meaningfully chose not to believe in God and do what he says do.
hell only exists in your mind so im not going to hell , prove it exists and i might be scared otherwise its not very scary , and btw your going to another hell coz you dont believe in allah
lets all take a deep breath and review the discussion , ...................still not a scrap of evidence any god anywhere exists .

..."if thine eye be single". The sufis say that's what it means to see god - you'll see god in other people - Dunno, just what I've read and am starting to experience.
I made a (simple) analogy. I never said that "the activity of the divine was as immediately discernible as wind an air". On the contrary, the point is that you can't see either wind or God, yet there's plenty of evidence that both exist. AFA Rom 1:20...don't know what to tell you. Pretty self-explanitory.God put enough evidence of His existence out there, and it's up to us to see/discern it. Might be "in your face", but I don't see how you can call it "incorrect".

OK, I overinterpreted your first post, and i assume responsibility for it. However I don't agree that there is plain/simple evidence of divine action. I have looked rather hard. So when you say "God put enough evidence " ... that is a mismatch with my experience. I wouldn't mind being proven wrong, but I am familiar with and admit to the futility of proving or disproving the existence of God. I won't try to suck you into such an exercise in mutual frustration.
The question of the action, effect, influence of God on the natural and human world is a big question, one of the Really Bigs in my opinion. As far as i have been able to see, the best, most internally and externally consistent explanations for the way things are&work do not require invoking the divine. (I acknowledge that this approaches a statement of faith on my part, and I'm not here to play Battling Tops with yours.) So to formulate a natural philosophy that requires or benefits from supernatural action, which is the only way to authenticate divine signature, properly requires compelling, testable, reproducible evidence of divine supernatural action. I believe that to be fair.

To me Romans 1:20 is the worst possible response in the face of honest inquiry. "It's right there, and if you don't see it, **** you." I expect better behavior from credible ambassadors of God. cn
I have no uber secrets, I am a real man that desires to hide nothing that is of great use to his brothers. Now, you write well, but if you think you are so good at debunking my jokes, why did you use my own technique which you had just mocked moments before by asking about if Harry P was the most popular book ever or that crap about Santa Clause. What do children's tales have to do with an adult atheist, an adult communist, or an adult satan worshipper?

I called you out for using a straw man. For ignoring the real position of atheism and instead inserting ridiculous claims that you can easily make fun of.

A straw man is a component of an argument and is an informal fallacy based on misrepresentation of an opponent's position. To "attack a straw man" is to create the illusion of having refuted a proposition by replacing it with a superficially similar yet nonequivalent proposition, and refuting it, without ever having actually refuted the original position.

What I did was not a strawman. I was simply exploring the implications of your logic. You claimed the bible was more popular than harry potter, implying that it somehow means something. I simply asked if Harry Potter was more popular, would it mean anything? You cited personal experiences as part of your certainty in God. I pointed out that all Gods have people with these experiences. You do not give any credence to their claims but expect us to accept yours.