Belief Without Evidence WTF?


Well-Known Member
Faith is a form of trust in the creator based on evidence he left for us in the bible plus the individual experiences each and every one of us has. Does the big bang continue to produce miracles today? how about the dinosaurs. No I didn't think so. Just keep closing your ears, your eyes, and your heart while ignoring common sense that is right in front of you and you will get all the right answers? yea, good luck with that. If you need someone to teach you the bible and you still don't get it, then just sit quietly in Hell's little handbasket. this thread blows, but I keep coming back like it's an unlimited rock of crack


Well-Known Member
Faith is a form of trust in the creator based on evidence he left for us in the bible plus the individual experiences each and every one of us has. Does the big bang continue to produce miracles today? how about the dinosaurs. No I didn't think so. Just keep closing your ears, your eyes, and your heart while ignoring common sense that is right in front of you and you will get all the right answers? yea, good luck with that. If you need someone to teach you the bible and you still don't get it, then just sit quietly in Hell's little handbasket. this thread blows, but I keep coming back like it's an unlimited rock of crack

Again, if God is 'common sense' right in front of us, then why can't you give any legit answers to those who seek him? Why do you need to rely on tricks and insults? Why does a thread full of people seeking answers 'blow'? Isn't it exciting to see so many trying to find god? Perhaps what blows is that we are not gullible and can easily point out the areas that you are. It seems you have been singing this song and dance all day. You're brain can construct a scenario where everyone else is stupid and does not see God right in front of them, but your brain forgets, you can't point to him either.


Well-Known Member
Why do you hate the idea of an all powerful Creator ?
Myself I believe in the God of the Bible. If I did not have faith that God existed I would believe in Aliens from outer space seeded the planet and will be back soon to see how we did.

No way would I believe all this exists because of evolution. The five senses are a miracle, not to mention the rest of bodies. No way we evolved from mud or monkeys, Utter nonsense from the devil to take as many people to hell as he can

And you sir sativa will have a front row seat if you dont accept Jesus or at the very least accept aliens from out space who may not a lot more about God then you do
(1) If evolution is false, then creationism is true, (or maybe aliens)
(2) Evolution can't be true, since I lack the mental capacity to understand it; moreover, to accept its truth would cause me to be uncomfortable.
(3) Therefore, God exists. (or if not, aliens)


Well-Known Member
but I have read the Bible.>>>

Ok..I vowed to not waste my time with you, but I'm calling BS on (most)people who say that. What exactly does that mean? You've demonstrated ZERO biblical knowledge, yet somehow you're an expert because you "read it". Comprehension obviously wasn't a requirement. I've *been* reading it daily for over 20 years and *I* don't know much. I read a Geometry book in 10th grade. Couldn't tell you anything about it though.
You haven't shown much knowledge about the coloring book my nephew uses, should I hold that against you? The bible has all the earmarks of being written by ignorant men, and nothing, not one shred of knowledge or wisdom that would suggest divinity. You can study the bible your whole life and never learn a thing about gravity, thermodynamics or even basic biology. Maybe 20 years is enough and you should pick up a science book or two.

Oh...and what you describe is theistic evolution...which you don't believe in because there is no God. I don't put much stock in it...because if there's a God, who can do/create anything he wants, why would he start a gazillion-year (have we nailed down the exact # yet?) cruel process of "survival of the fittest" to arrive at:man?
So not only do you deny evolution as an explanation for the complexity of life, you deny evolution is even happening? Survival of the fittest plays no role in life? The creator just created us and environmental pressures have nothing to do with anything? Do you ever slow down and think about the things you say? Do you ever try to answer your own questions before you put them out here as arguments? Have you ever been critical of yourself at all in any capacity?


Well-Known Member
Heis don't you agree that an atheist has no stance. But when an atheist says that god does not exist, they have just taken a stance? Therefore that person requires evidence to make their claim valid....right? I'm just wondering.


Well-Known Member

WATCH this.

Proves the most intelligent people on the planet reject god. The men & women who CHANGE our world for the better are usually atheists.. The though of God will Hold one back from trying to really figure out the world they live in..


Well-Known Member

WATCH this.

Proves the most intelligent people on the planet reject god. The men & women who CHANGE our world for the better are usually atheists.. The though of God will Hold one back from trying to really figure out the world they live in..
Maybe, but religious people can be just as productive.

eye exaggerate

Well-Known Member
Maybe, but religious people can be just as productive.
...I agree with that. A lot of this stuff seems to get a laugh at someone's expense. It's as though only his brand of living makes sense and is the only non-egocentric bit of the universe.

Egocentrism is a personality trait which has the characteristic of regarding oneself and one's own opinions or interests as most important or valid. It also generates the inability to fully understand or to cope with other people's opinions and the fact that reality can be different from what they are ready to accept despite any change in their personal belief.


Active Member
an earthly man is only concered with things on this earth, the things on this earth is vanity to a Godly man. dont gain the world and lose your soul people. the things on this earth seems like everything to an unbeliever, but we as people are just passing through here. your born with nothing, you leave with nothing, so why put your faith in this world when tomorrow isnt guaranteed?


Well-Known Member
an earthly man is only concered with things on this earth, the things on this earth is vanity to a Godly man. dont gain the world and lose your soul people. the things on this earth seems like everything to an unbeliever, but we as people are just passing through here. your born with nothing, you leave with nothing, so why put your faith in this world when tomorrow isnt guaranteed?
I don't believe in "God" as in any book, but I feel I care less about the material world than A LOT of Christians and other people.


Well-Known Member
I don't believe in "God" as in any book, but I feel I care less about the material world than A LOT of Christians and other people.
Yeah you're also not supposed to judge. Well I guess you can, but it's not a good thing IMO. And you're referring to hypocrites friend.


Well-Known Member
Heis don't you agree that an atheist has no stance. But when an atheist says that god does not exist, they have just taken a stance? Therefore that person requires evidence to make their claim valid....right? I'm just wondering.
Atheism is the lack of belief in god or gods. Someone that claims that god does not exist is also an atheist, usually referred to as a strong or explicit atheist. They would be required to make their case however since it is the belief in the non-existence of something, the cumulative lack of evidence for god or gods can be used inductively to support their argument without presenting positive evidence. One point you also need to consider is that the strong atheist does not need to make a claim. They can hold a personal belief that there aren't any gods but for sake of argument, merely reject the claim of the theist.
It is much easier to deny the existence of specific gods with specific traits and characteristics than it is to deny the existence of any type of god imaginable. For example, any god with the characteristic of omnipotence defies logic and can safely be rejected.



Well-Known Member
CAN BE. BUT THEY ARE NOT. Fact, because once they come upon a question they are baffled by.. They use "God" as an answer & seek it no further. It has happened over & over.. Einstien stopped studying certain unknowns because he believe in a "God" & where EINSTIEN left off and Technically GAVE UP.. another scientist who did not answer the Question with "God" figured it out & furthered Einstiens studies. It happens all the time over & over in history.. Great minds stop when they accept "God" as an answer for the UNKNOWN. GOD being used as a place for what is UNKNOWN WILL ONLY HOLD YOU BACK. QUESTION YOUR WORLD
Maybe, but religious people can be just as productive.

So yes RELIGIOUS PEOPLE DO GOOD THINGS.. But out Greatest Accomplishments to explain our way of life till this day.. You can thank people who Questioned God, who did not just accept it so easily. Great minds do not stop @ god.


Well-Known Member
CAN BE. BUT THEY ARE NOT. Fact, because once they come upon a question they are baffled by.. They use "God" as an answer & seek it no further. It has happened over & over.. Einstien stopped studying certain unknowns because he believe in a "God" & where EINSTIEN left off and Technically GAVE UP.. another scientist who did not answer the Question with "God" figured it out & furthered Einstiens studies. It happens all the time over & over in history.. Great minds stop when they accept "God" as an answer for the UNKNOWN. GOD being used as a place for what is UNKNOWN WILL ONLY HOLD YOU BACK. QUESTION YOUR WORLD
I do question my world. I have questioned my world so much it led me to religion. And you can't say every religious person can't reach their potential, :).