MJ kills cancer? Documentary.

Sara Saw It

Active Member
The film has been removed from that site. Hmmm, wonder why? Is it because there is too much profit to be lost if cancer is cured?


Well-Known Member
U guys shoudl watch "a beautiful truth".

This 15 year old kid made on of the best documentaries every. Pretty much showing how anything can be cured just by eating healthy. Called Gurson therapy. All the doctors banned his books because they didn't want to lose their profit.

Its a must watch. Will change ur life.

I wanna watch this weed one tho. Anyone kno where else I can find it?


Well-Known Member

first part of 3 (its all there)


Well-Known Member
Thanks for postiing that "the beautiful truth" clip. How can I copy n past that to put in separate thread?


Active Member
just go on youtube and search "run from the cure". its made by a man from my province here in canada that grew and treated ppl with cancer till he got busted. the stuff works, but only if u make oil and eat it everyday or rub it on ur skin for skin cancer. he says "smoking it doesnt work and the government knows this". but yea its worth watching.


Well-Known Member
Potent oil will kill skin cancer dead. THC naturally combats the spread and growth of cancer.
Rick Simpson told me so. Pheonix Tears will fix us up proper.


Google: Rick Simpson, Run from the cure
IMO this is pure bullshit and Rick Simpson is a crank (at best) or an outright con-artist (at worst), and without evidence to the contrary, I'm personally leaning towards the latter.

Much of what he says is provably false, and his special hemp oil might as well be snake oil.

Cannabis extract WILL NOT cure cancer, and bluntly, I don't even believe Simpson's story that he had metastatic skin cancer to begin with.

Hopefully at least he believes it, though even if he does that doesn't make it true.

Apart from this whack-job, does anyone really think in this day and age of cost containment in medicine that if there were a cheap and effective cure for cancer that

a. This fact would not ALREADY be wide and common knowledge, and.
b. That there are absolutely ZERO "good doctors" anywhere in North America who would prescribe it to their dying patients, and
c. If that something like this actually worked as claimed, drug companies couldn't make money selling it at a profit?

Drug companies compete against one another. If I were a generic drug company, or even a small biotech startup, I would KILL for the opportunity to put out a low cost effective cancer therapy that would put Merck, etc, out of business. If this stuff actually works, why hasn't that happened?

At literally less than pennies a pill, aspirin is dirt cheap, yet doctors still recommend it, and drug companies still make money selling it. Plenty of other highly useful drugs only cost pennies per dose, and again, doctors still prescribe them, and drug companies still make money selling them. Why should hemp oil (which, by the way is perfectly legal, even within the USA) be ANY different?

So sorry, Rick Simpson is full of it and his story doesn't pass the "smell test".

This sort of nonsense, also, is the kind of thing that gives the medical cannabis movement a bad name. Cannabis may well have medical benefit, and so may hemp oil, but making ridiculous pie-in-the-sky assertions about cancer cures is irresponsible at best. Nobody is going to take "medical marijuana" seriously when people make these sorts of claims with a straight face.


Well-Known Member
You gotta love these wild-eyed conspiracy theories.
Yeah, the MAN is keeping the CANCER CURE SECRET!

The film has been removed from that site. Hmmm, wonder why? Is it because there is too much profit to be lost if cancer is cured?
Yeah, it has nothing to do with copyright violation, or unproved claims.

Lets say you had cancer, and were going to die a horrible painful early death.
How much would YOU pay for a cure to avoid that?

Or lets say it was your Mom, or your two year old child.

Yeah. . .I'd pay a LOT of money for that too, and I know people who would literally pay millions of dollars if that's what it took.

So really then, there is actually a lot of money *TO* be made, *IF* you can come up with an effective cancer cure.
All you have to do is prove that it works, and bring it to market, and you will literally become an instant multi-millionaire many times over.
But oddly enough, nobody has managed to do this with hemp-oil, or anything else.

Why not?

Pretty much showing how anything can be cured just by eating healthy. Called Gurson therapy. All the doctors banned his books because they didn't want to lose their profit.
First of all, I'd love for you to explain to me how doctors can "ban books". That's a new one. . .didn't think they got that power in medical school.

On the rest of this, you can cure anything just by eating healthy?

How about a gunshot wound to the abdomen? You can fix that with a cup of yogurt?
How about a rattlesnake bite? Some hemp oil maybe?
How about lung cancer? Chicken-parm sandwich?

If it were true that any disease could be cured with diet, then I guess so long as you just "eat healthy", you'll never get sick, and you might not even die, right?

I fully agree that diet plays a major role in the development of many diseases, including heart disease, diabetes, and even certain cancers.

But apart from the fact that nobody can really agree on what constitutes the ideal diet, if it were really true that all diseases could be cured with a healthy died, wouldn't some portion of the population that "ate healthy" never get sick?

Where are these healthy eaters, and what is it exactly that they are eating?


Well-Known Member
wonder why the mainstream media isn't all over this one. I'll tell ya why. Cancer is the most profitable illness to treat and theres alot of money at stake. when it can be cured with a simple weed that makes masses of ignorant brainwashed people giggle at it when mentioned, its hard to get the message out.


You seam to be so sure that Cannabinoids don't cure cancer?
But there is proof, harvard study in 2007 and Madrid universitystudy by Dr Manuel Guzman in 2000. THC eats tumors in huge dosages as one can get by ingesting cannabis oil. Cannabis science Inc are on the verge of releasing a biopsy that proves their cannabis oil has cured 1 patient and pictures show the reduction of tumor size in two others who are currently undergoing treatment for skin cancer. People like you spreading false infomation put people off from trying it. It may not work on all types of cancer and might not help everyone but it has been curing cancer and scientific studies have proved it. I know someone who is using it currently and has reduced his brain tumor.
This oil would ruin pharmaceutical companies, it helps with so many illnesses. How could they charge what they wanted? No one can patent cannabinoids, their natural. So many companies would make it and out-price eachother until the cost is lowered to its true earthly market value which would be the same cost as corn or soya. And many would grow their own and make their own oil, no need for laboratory made treatments. This oil makes people healthy and they wouldnt need alot of medication which people use today. Pharmaceutial industry would be bankrupt.


Well-Known Member
i saw a study the other day that confirmed this,that thc cured some forms of cancers, dont have a link though :)

...health has nothing to do with why cannabis oil is not tested more (not hemp oil, hemp oil has No thc)

the american government is against all testing.


cause of money, everyone knows that. (cannabis the great scourge and nr 1 enemy of the drugwar, is totally harmless (its easier to kill yourself with drinking water, easier to harm yourself by just frying a hamburger every day)

i find it rather curious,

that despite having heard from a few sources about cannabis oil being that much of a cure..

that ive not heard a peep about this from any "official" sources.

that says alot.


Active Member
this shows some skin tumors that have apparently been "killed" by cannabis extract applied directly to the skin. They dont use the word cure they use the word "apparant" to describe the effect of the cannabis extract. Overall looks a lot me legit than the "simpson" oil. Anyways check em out cannabis science "CBIS" based outta Colorado Springs, Colorado.

These are the pdf files with pictures of skin cancers being treated, they can be somewhat graphic on the latter patients.


Well-Known Member
You seam to be so sure that Cannabinoids don't cure cancer?
Yup. I'm 100% sure that cannabinoids DO NOT CURE CANCER.

Not even a little bit.
Not even "some" cancers.

Furthermore, its not up to me to prove I'm right. That cannabis CANNOT cure cancer is the default position. Again, we know that cannabis has been deliberately cultivated by human beings for literally all of recorded human history. Cancer patients have been using it for literally all of recorded human history too. Its been widely used as medicine all over the globe for tens of thousands of years, including within the United States, and it still is! So if cannabis extracts could actually cure cancer, this "fact" would have been discovered decades ago, if not centuries ago.

If you're going to make the rather extraordinary claim that its possible to cure cancer (ANY cancer) with cannabinoids, you're going to need some rather convincing proof, not half-assed assertions from crackpot websites.

But there is proof, harvard study in 2007
If you want to cite a scientific reference, you'll need to be more specific. There were thousands (if not tens of thousands) of pieces of literature published at the Harvard University in 2007. Which one(s) are you talking about?

and Madrid universitystudy by Dr Manuel Guzman in 2000.
THIS Dr. Guzman?

Nat Rev Cancer. 2003 Oct;3(10):745-55.

Cannabinoids: potential anticancer agents.

Guzmán M.


Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology I, School of Biology, Complutense University, 28040 Madrid, Spain. [email protected]


Cannabinoids - the active components of Cannabis sativa and their derivatives - exert palliative effects in cancer patients by preventing nausea, vomiting and pain and by stimulating appetite. In addition, these compounds have been shown to inhibit the growth of tumour cells in culture and animal models by modulating key cell-signalling pathways. Cannabinoids are usually well tolerated, and do not produce the generalized toxic effects of conventional chemotherapies. So, could cannabinoids be used to develop new anticancer therapies?
It seems plain to me that as recently as 2003 (which is three years after any article from 2000), Dr. Guzman of the University of Madrid, DOES NOT "know" that cannabinoids are effective anti-cancer agents. He's speculating that this MIGHT be true, and asking the question.

Note that nobody (at least nobody who is medically savvy) is saying that cannabis doesn't have potentially useful medical effects, exactly as Dr. Guzman describes above. But relieving some of the symptoms of cancer, and actually eradicating tumors are two totally different things.

THC eats tumors in huge dosages as one can get by ingesting cannabis oil. Cannabis science Inc are on the verge of releasing a biopsy that proves their cannabis oil has cured 1 patient and pictures show the reduction of tumor size in two others who are currently undergoing treatment for skin cancer. People like you spreading false infomation put people off from trying it.
You mean to say, I'm sparing really sick people from being deceived by crackpots who don't even go to the trouble of conducting proper peer-reviewed medical studies?

Are you aware that 50% of basal cell skin cancers are CURED by simple biopsy? Apparently "Cannabis Science" is NOT, because if they were, they wouldn't publish the garbage you cited.

Poorly sourced case reports don't prove ANYTHING. Show me a double-blinded placebo controlled clinical study demonstrating the efficacy of topical cannabinoids in treating human tumors and then we'll have something to talk about. Hell, show me ANY true prospective clinical study showing a tumor-shrinking effect of cannabinoids in human beings and we'll have something to talk about.

It may not work on all types of cancer and might not help everyone but it has been curing cancer and scientific studies have proved it. I know someone who is using it currently and has reduced his brain tumor.
Even stipulating that you know someone with a brain tumor that's become smaller on imaging studies, how can you positively attribute that change to cannabinoids? Are you aware that steroids can shrink certain brain tumors, as can any number of other medications? Is your friend *ONLY* taking cannabinoids, and NO other medications? Are you aware that certain tumors will shrink all by themselves with NO external treatment as they outgrow their blood supply?

This oil would ruin pharmaceutical companies, it helps with so many illnesses. How could they charge what they wanted? No one can patent cannabinoids, their natural. So many companies would make it and out-price eachother until the cost is lowered to its true earthly market value which would be the same cost as corn or soya. And many would grow their own and make their own oil, no need for laboratory made treatments. This oil makes people healthy and they wouldnt need alot of medication which people use today. Pharmaceutial industry would be bankrupt.
Again, this is simply not true.

Even if cannabinoids actually could cure cancer (which again, they CAN'T), the drug companies still make all sorts of other useful drugs too! Can your MJ extract work as an antibiotic? Can it reduce blood pressure? Can it INCREASE blood pressure? Can it lower cholesterol? Can it reduce gastric acid secretion? Etc, etc, etc. If it can't do ALL these things, and do them BETTER than existing drugs, then I don't think the drug companies have anything to worry about!

Now, assuming the stuff actually WORKED, cannabis extract would ALREADY be in wide use by cancer patients, who bluntly don't give a rat's ass what the law says about cannabis use. If the current pharm houses didn't want to provide it, someone else would. Believe me, if you can buy pharmaceutical grade heroin on the street, it should be TRIVIAL to buy pharmaceutical grade "anti-cancer cannabis" juice.

More to the point, if the stuff actually WORKED, nobody need be "ruined". . .the pharmaceutical houses would still make money selling it. Again, aspirin literally costs fractions of a cent per dose, but drug houses still make money selling it.


Well-Known Member
this shows some skin tumors that have apparently been "killed" by cannabis extract applied directly to the skin. They dont use the word cure they use the word "apparant" to describe the effect of the cannabis extract. Overall looks a lot me legit than the "simpson" oil. Anyways check em out cannabis science "CBIS" based outta Colorado Springs, Colorado.

These are the pdf files with pictures of skin cancers being treated, they can be somewhat graphic on the latter patients.
These "articles" are garbage. Sorry, there is no other way to put it.

They would never survive even the lowest level of peer review for a "throwaway" medical journal, which probably explains why they were self-published by this group on their website instead of published in an actual medical journal.

For example, two of these links describes nose lesions disappearing after treatment with cannabis oil. .. but neither of the two lesions in question were ever proven to be cancers with a biopsy! To say these patients had cancers cured by topical therapy is at best disingenuous.

Another article shows a picture of a lesion described as squamous cell cancer. . .but shows an image of a classic keratoacanthoma. . .which is a type of squamous cancer known to spontaneously regress. As I mentioned above, basal skin cancers will regress after biopsy fully 1/2 the time all by themselves.

Having a biopsied tumor regress is pretty common. . .that doesn't really prove that a topical agent applied afterwards helped or didn't help.

There are all kinds of EASY, safe and cheap CONTROLLED clinical trials one could do to show anti-tumor properties of cannabis extract. For example, pick a group of patients with skin cancers, divide the group into two, with half receiving topical cannabis oil extract, and half receiving topical soybean oil (or some other inert placebo control), then compare the results.

Hell, just take ONE skin cancer, apply cannabis extract carefully to HALF of it, then excise it, and look at it under the microscope to see what, if any, effect the cannabis oil has had. This still wouldn't generalize the effect to all skin cancers, but at least its actually a controlled study!