
A little more advanced than us? Honestly you & I could not be certain on in fact how advanced humans actually are. Public sector technology is YEARS BEHIND what is being/ has been created for LAB / Military Use.

Anywho I think you make a good point. Though I feel that any Aliens who were not originally from earth making contact here would have to be drastically superior to what we could imagine.

i consider us children, adolescents at best.

somewhat shaved monkeys.

though alot of people are shedding alot of hairs currently, interesting process
You could replace that w/ many many different circumstances & it would make perfect sense either way.
religion = people asking money so you can gain favor from the gods.

in the old nordic religion, priests (called godar)

controlled rituals to please the gods and sometimes told the future (basically it was a system of you give this guy a rabbit or something and he cuts it open and either "reads" the future in its intestines (no idea why)
or spills the blood over some statue and says some crap to please the attendee.
the rabbit or whatnot is of course left behind for the gods (who do you think ate it and got a regular nice meal for putting up a bit of a show? ;)

then of course this turned into more "big" affairs as the "priests" influence grew..

how it started? well, i think it might have gone something like this.

Thunder rolls in the distance, 2 skinclad men are sitting there tending a flock of sheep, they get to talking

"what do you think that is rolf?" "maybe its a big guy that does that hans"

"really" "yeah, i mean what else can it be? only thing around that creates stuff is us and we cant do that, so it gotta be bigger people"

years pass and since tending sheep is really boring, this gets to be the main conversation (since this is a area where thunderstorms happen alot it gets compounded)

and later on the big people get called gods and get names like thor.

years pass again and some bit natural disaster happens, everyone is shitscared.

and one dude, thinks aloud

"i wonder if the gods are angry"

"i wonder if we can please them"

"so..what do they like?"

"well, i like sheep"

so they try to sacrifice a sheep and offer it unto the heavens.
coincidentally, the natural distaster stops at the exact same time.

and now the guy that thought of this is a really important guy.

and so on. lol , maybe ;)
You could replace that w/ many many different circumstances & it would make perfect sense either way.

all of the old religions have similar gods too.

the thunderer (or the skygod) the god of the sea, the god of death, the god of war and so on (everything important to people has had a deity over it)
till one day, there came along a guy, that thought "why not just a single god over everything, that will save time! (and gain me alot of influence and wealth :)"

(actually there have been at least 2 guys like that, (akenaten for one) and possibly more(probably))

oh wait, 3 guys that i remember, the first guy was ..ehh.. what was his name , it was the religion that inspired judaism,, wait a minute.. ah, zoroaster :)