to the yanks on behalf of queen elizabeth


Well-Known Member
Isn't it funny most people hate everyone, but when the brown people come along, us English speaking people all become allies...



RIU Bulldog
crickets a poofs game.
That and rugby. Game's an excuse for drunken closet homos to rub against each other.

We'll see after tomorrow whether the Kiwis are any good at anything. I'm guessing after the Wallabies rape the All Blacks at Eden Park on Sunday the whole nation will be on suicide watch. After the All Blacks it's only Peter Jackson keeping that country's heart pumping and wallets bulging. Most of them are moving in droves to Oz to plunder our mining riches, following a well trodden path established by the Poms 200-odd years ago....


Yanks and Poms. Quit arguing. We'll help both of you fight and win your wars and never whinge about it... And we're ambivalent about who's spelling to respect. Meh! :-D
You're very proud considering what you're doing to the aborigines. When the British don't even want you, that's saying a lot.

Filthy Phil

Well-Known Member
That was pretty funny. cheeky bastards :-) Even if our 49 states agreed...good luck with texas, which you can have by the way.


Active Member
That and rugby. Game's an excuse for drunken closet homos to rub against each other.

Interesting how in one sentence you're a bigot....

You're very proud considering what you're doing to the aborigines. When the British don't even want you, that's saying a lot.
.... and in the next you're championing the oppressed people's of this world.

We've done no worse than the Spanish did to the Amerindians, or the yanks did to their indigenous populations, or what the athenians did to Milos, or what the Romans did to the Gauls etc. etc. Ad nauseam infinitumque....

Once again, some dickhead takes it all a little too seriously... :-)

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
LOL If it wasn't for the fact that the UK isn't doing to well financially and elects even worse heads of state than the US (save for GWB and Nixon), I'd agree. :)


Well-Known Member
Love it we Americans never have been able to laugh at ourselves all that well. As for us though we did win two world wars even if we were a bit tardy. Not to mention we whooped those red coats assess lol. But like what was said earlier it is not cheap being todays nazis. Just remember folks hitler said he was liberating Poland just like we are Iraq Libya and countless other countries. Just sayin.
America won both World Wars by themselves...But only in American history textbooks.


Well-Known Member
Haha. No, not single-handedly. Certainly not alone. But especially in WWII, without us stepping in, the world would be a global dictatorship. :)
I disagree.....might have taken a little longer....but the ruskies would have gotten him eventually. Not too mention the Canadian contingent.....we kicked ass in the grass over there from the start.

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
I disagree.....might have taken a little longer....but the ruskies would have gotten him eventually. Not too mention the Canadian contingent.....we kicked ass in the grass over there from the start.
I'd enjoy seeing that play out from the sidelines. :) The lack of help on supplies alone from the US would have taken out all of Europe, and without any opposition left, they could focus wholeheartedly on Russia. Boom.


Well-Known Member
I'd enjoy seeing that play out from the sidelines. :) The lack of help on supplies alone from the US would have taken out all of Europe, and without any opposition left, they could focus wholeheartedly on Russia. Boom.
You realise Russia invaded Berlin from the East first? And when Germany invaded Russia they only made it so far before the Russians kicked the fucking shite outta them.

Americans have a funny version of history!

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
You realise Russia invaded Berlin from the East first? And when Germany invaded Russia they only made it so far before the Russians kicked the fucking shite outta them.

Americans have a funny version of history!
That's why your asses didn't do shit. ;) Stay out of the convo you talk but don't fight Irish bitches. :)


Well-Known Member
I'd enjoy seeing that play out from the sidelines. :) The lack of help on supplies alone from the US would have taken out all of Europe, and without any opposition left, they could focus wholeheartedly on Russia. Boom.
Possibly...We will never know. Personally knowing a few batshit crazy Russians I doubt Adolf would have made it to the Kremlin.

Furthermore i'm sure France was getting ready to toss the Krouts out LOL.