As I said, some things the Occupy Wall Street creations are for are good, but not all. Some would be very damaging and would make things worse than they already are if enacted.
And in the video some of what was said is nonsensical. The loudmouth says that the cost of living, the price of food, gas, etc., has gone up because "our government prints to much money, starts to much wars (not starts to many wars), so they can sell their tanks, their guns, their missiles, 'cause that's all America exports."
That is so all over the place that it is nearly incomprehensible. Printing money has no relation to selling tanks and guns and missiles, so the correlation the rabble-rouser made is totally fallacious. His claim that all the U.S. exports is tanks, guns and missiles is also totally erroneous. It is true the U.S. runs a trade deficit, but the U.S. exports a large amount of cars, trucks, auto parts, computers and other electronics, farm and industrial machinery, chemicals, pharmaceuticals and medical equipment, steel, iron and other metals. Also, oil and gas, soybeans, corn and other agricultural goods, plastics, non-military aircraft and aircraft parts, and much, much more. In 2010 Canada bought $22.13 billion of non-military goods. Mexico bought $15.4 billion of non-military goods. China bought $9.3 billion of non-military goods. Japan bought 5.6 billions of non-military goods. Germany bought $4.4 billion of non-military goods.
Some of what the bozo said is true, but throughout the video there are other things claimed that are very popular myths that have become accepted by the masses as being accurate, but they are not true. They are great for inflaming the emotions of a mindless crowd of sheeple, but they are not true.
The reliance on embellishment of facts and the reliance on falsehoods hurts the Occupy Wall Street movement and keeps some from supporting it. When you add some of their proposed demands that would be disastrous for the nation, some people do not want anything to do with them and they hope the movement dies out before it can cause any irreparable harm.