Do You Support The "Occupy"Protests?

Do you support the global "Occupy" protests?

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with regards to that picture i would say that it is not corporations being protested per se, but rather the marriage between corporations and government.

besides, there are some very good and worthy corporations that treat their employees right.
with regards to the picture posted above; If my neighbour manufactured top of the line digital SLR Cameras, cell phones or smelted Aluminum in his garage you can bet your ass i would buy all of it even at double the price.

HUH? 'Cuse me?
makes sense, seeing as how the bottom 50% make about 1% of the income.

damn pesky facts, interfering with those damn annoying copy and pastes.

I do not know what the figures are now, but in 2004 the bottom 50% of wage earners earned 13% of wages, not about 1% as you stated. I highly doubt it has dropped by 12% since then, in spite of Obama's efforts to make that happen. That bottom 50% of wage earners paid a whopping 3% of all federally collected tax revenues leaving 97% of all federally collected tax revenues to be paid by the upper 50% wage earners.

What do the Occupy Wall Street imbeciles want, the top 50% of wage earners to pay 100% of all federally collected tax revenues? Or maybe the top 25% of wage earners to pay 100% of all federally collected tax revenues? Or maybe the to 10% or 5% or 1% of wage earners to pay 100% of all federally collected tax revenues?

If the little clown shoe Occupy Wall Street morons would be able to get the tax policies they want enacted, enacted, federally collected tax revenues would plummet and the government would have less taxpayer dollars to waste and the already faltering economy would get worse and possibly collapse.

"We contend that for a nation to tax itself into prosperity is like a man standing in a bucket and trying to lift himself up by the handle."

Sir Winston Churchill
I think we should step up hot dog taxes. Thats solely based on the fact, they can be such tasty little devils.
I pay a federal tax, a state tax and a city tax
and the economy is still shitty as fuck
my government lies to me along with my president

so fuck your numbers
something isn't working, OBVIOUSLY
Why are you against your own country's hardworking people
uniting for change
I pay a federal tax, a state tax and a city tax
and the economy is still shitty as fuck
my government lies to me along with my president

so fuck your numbers
something isn't working, OBVIOUSLY
Why are you against your own country's hardworking people
uniting for change

Something isnt working!!! TRUTH
So this is a repost but odviously some people haven't seen it.

oh and this one

Both sum up the movement nicely

As I said, some things the Occupy Wall Street creations are for are good, but not all. Some would be very damaging and would make things worse than they already are if enacted.

And in the video some of what was said is nonsensical. The loudmouth says that the cost of living, the price of food, gas, etc., has gone up because "our government prints to much money, starts to much wars (not starts to many wars), so they can sell their tanks, their guns, their missiles, 'cause that's all America exports."

That is so all over the place that it is nearly incomprehensible. Printing money has no relation to selling tanks and guns and missiles, so the correlation the rabble-rouser made is totally fallacious. His claim that all the U.S. exports is tanks, guns and missiles is also totally erroneous. It is true the U.S. runs a trade deficit, but the U.S. exports a large amount of cars, trucks, auto parts, computers and other electronics, farm and industrial machinery, chemicals, pharmaceuticals and medical equipment, steel, iron and other metals. Also, oil and gas, soybeans, corn and other agricultural goods, plastics, non-military aircraft and aircraft parts, and much, much more. In 2010 Canada bought $22.13 billion of non-military goods. Mexico bought $15.4 billion of non-military goods. China bought $9.3 billion of non-military goods. Japan bought 5.6 billions of non-military goods. Germany bought $4.4 billion of non-military goods.

Some of what the bozo said is true, but throughout the video there are other things claimed that are very popular myths that have become accepted by the masses as being accurate, but they are not true. They are great for inflaming the emotions of a mindless crowd of sheeple, but they are not true.

The reliance on embellishment of facts and the reliance on falsehoods hurts the Occupy Wall Street movement and keeps some from supporting it. When you add some of their proposed demands that would be disastrous for the nation, some people do not want anything to do with them and they hope the movement dies out before it can cause any irreparable harm.
I am not in the top 1% but I am in the top 15% (90g ball park) I run my own independent trucking company (small, 2 trucks) and also work as a part time employee for another company (cheap health benefits) BTW, my 3 drivers for my 2 trucks.... are Teamsters... why? I invited the local to come see if they wanted to join.

Many in the so called middle class seem to think a tax hike of 5% on the wealthy would be disastrous. Please keep drinking the kool aide. I remember you back in the day when I was a school bus driver, I drove the short bus and you were on it as a passenger.

With all the loopholes out there I could afford a 5% tax hike and I am not wealthy. I am what the middle class is supposed to be, not what greedy corporations have turned it into. So if lowly old me can afford it than non job creating rich folk can afford it.

They have had huge tax breaks for 10 years now so they could create jobs...... where are the jobs?

The jobs are in the form of $$ in their pocket you dumbass scrub.

A tax increase on the ultra rich may not be a fix all but, atm we need all the help we can get and do not give me today's talking points attempting to lie that it would hurt.
If you don't support the wall st protests, you're supporting the wealthy's take over of our democracy. You're going against your own best interests and our representation in government.
If you don't support the wall st protests, you're supporting the wealthy's take over of our democracy. You're going against your own best interests and our representation in government.
No, we are supporting capitalism and ones reward of his/her OWN hard work.
Everyone has been given the same chance. The ones who worked hard and busted their ass reap the benefits. The ones who'd rather party and sleep in til 1 or sit on their ass and watch TV everyday when they COULD have been busting their ass to make something of themselves, don't deserve shit.

The occupy wall st protests are supporting the same things the original tea party protest was objecting to. The partnership between Wall St and our government, extending to both parties that puts the welfare of these corporations over the needs of the majority.

The OWS protests and original tea party protesters may have different solutions to the problems, but they are essentially protesting the same thing.
No, we are supporting capitalism and ones reward of his/her OWN hard work.
Everyone has been given the same chance. The ones who worked hard and busted their ass reap the benefits. The ones who'd rather party and sleep in til 1 or sit on their ass and watch TV everyday when they COULD have been busting their ass to make something of themselves, don't deserve shit.

You must be a male of European descent like myself........ "Everyone has been given the same chance" lol what are you smoking, I want some. I grow some great shit but nothing that good.

This guy must be close to death from all of the ass busting he did to earn this:

and it also has absolutely nothing to do with why your healthcare costs so much.

There are 2 things wrong with this country, GREED and ignorant, mentally challenged citizens.