My 2 cents on profit for caregivers


Active Member
can you prove his pics are off google. post that link.
If i can fnd the original thread on RIU I might be able to track it down. But once you see one, you will understand. Its way obvious that his knowledge starts and ends with Google.

bob harris

Well-Known Member
can you prove his pics are off google. post that link.

My pics are real..I was challenged to show pics "on that same red table" to prove it..and did.

As far as my room pics and plant pics...I could find better on google than what I've posted.

As a matter of fact, I believe that I have responded every time I've been "called out"

Funny though, when I call some one out..they run and hide.

Requests guys?..I can take more pis..with anything you'd like placed in them to validate their authenticity...Just don't ask for dry harvest pics...that is not necessary...but if you want to see my current grow again..or my room,well just let me know how to set up the photo so that your skepticism is satisfied,


Active Member
My pics are real..I was challenged to show pics "on that same red table" to prove it..and did.

As far as my room pics and plant pics...I could find better on google than what I've posted.

As a matter of fact, I believe that I have responded every time I've been "called out"

Funny though, when I call some one out..they run and hide.

Requests guys?..I can take more pis..with anything you'd like placed in them to validate their authenticity...Just don't ask for dry harvest pics...that is not necessary...but if you want to see my current grow again..or my room,well just let me know how to set up the photo so that your skepticism is satisfied,
Nah....we'd all rather you just get the point, and go away. If you arent a cop, and you arent a dick, and you arent just a condescending old fart (who uses way to much sarcasm [in case you didnt catch mine]) either way your a fricken downer and nobody likes you. Sorry man. Read less books, less google, and talk to more humans, might help your social skills.

bob harris

Well-Known Member
Correct....which is why cbd's, in high concentrations, are not of primary use in most neurological disorders, like epilepsy and Parkinson's. Thca and thcv combine to relive the neurological symptoms, without the need for high cbd's. resulting in a cleaner, less "stoney" medication...allowing for better relief for fatigue and lethargy present in those neurological disorders.

Spasms are muscle reactions caused by muscle/skeletal disorders..Seizures better describes un wanted muscle movement by neurological cause, such as epilepsy and Parkinson's.

Thanks..useful post...
My reply to this post was given in 16 minutes. You guys would like to believe that i was able to Google, research and reply, in that amount of time?
The time stamp on the posts would indicate that I simply had the knowledge to respond.


Well-Known Member
When someone,,,Take's a 'Buisness",,,and "MMJ",,,for instance's and everyone is on the,,,New bandwagon,,,and people start cutting price's to be competative,,,that's where problem's arise,,,it de-value's your buisness in such a way you are No Longer in buisness,,,WTF is this I sell a ounce or I deserve a ounce for $150-250 killer shit?,,,Then grow it yourself and be "Independant",,,Black market,,, I've know to be "Cheapest" $300 Bulk,,,That's way fair....all the shit to be legal and run a buisness is way more...Stop trippin'....People....I just read the first few page's and was like WTF!

bob harris

Well-Known Member
Nah....we'd all rather you just get the point, and go away. If you arent a cop, and you arent a dick, and you arent just a condescending old fart (who uses way to much sarcasm [in case you didnt catch mine]) either way your a fricken downer and nobody likes you. Sorry man. Read less books, less google, and talk to more humans, might help your social skills.
It's not my social skills that are lacking....I've gotten to the point..I've posted clear, easy to adjust, models for "reasonable profit" which, correct me if I'm wrong, is the title topic of the thread....I've responded to challenges quickly.

Those are pretty good examples of social skills..not responding in a logical manner, refusing to answer the questions about "reasonable profit' that are given back to you...well that is more an example of anti social behavior.

Social behavior isn't defined as agreeing with's more defined by how those disagreements are handled.

I'd love to hear thoughts on 'reasonable profit'....rather than listen to your personal attacks, and refusal to comment the model I've presented.
That would show socialization...yet, no one seems to be able to do that....

bob harris

Well-Known Member
When someone,,,Take's a 'Buisness",,,and "MMJ",,,for instance's and everyone is on the,,,New bandwagon,,,and people start cutting price's to be competative,,,that's where problem's arise,,,it de-value's your buisness in such a way you are No Longer in buisness,,,WTF is this I sell a ounce or I deserve a ounce for $150-250 killer shit?,,,Then grow it yourself and be "Independant",,,Black market,,, I've know to be "Cheapest" $300 Bulk,,,That's way fair....all the shit to be legal and run a buisness is way more...Stop trippin'....People....I just read the first few page's and was like WTF!

Competition doesn't devalue your simply forces you to compete. When business compete, everyone wins. Yes, those that can't mange their business fail...and the business's that can offer better service and better prices survive.

To say competition is what will drive you out of just an admission that you are unable to compete.


Well-Known Member
Competition doesn't devalue your simply forces you to compete. When business compete, everyone wins. Yes, those that can't mange their business fail...and the business's that can offer better service and better prices survive.

To say competition is what will drive you out of just an admission that you are unable to compete.
Some Companie's or Corparation's,,,Can take a loss by undercutting the compation knowing they can't stay aflot,,,I'n the end they will jack the price's to THERE level's after they sucseeded in "UNDERCUTTING",,,The competeter's to sucseed. That's cool in your book not mine,,,and 99.9 percent lol:lol:,,,How can you compete against,,,a "monopoly",,,,you can't they found the "Loophole's",,,By all the phoney off shoot branche's under different identitie's,,,and that's where thing;s need to change:blsmoke:,,,They will and cry my a "New River"....

bob harris

Well-Known Member
Some Companie's or Corparation's,,,Can take a loss by undercutting the compation knowing they can't stay aflot,,,I'n the end they will jack the price's to THERE level's after they sucseeded in "UNDERCUTTING",,,The competeter's to sucseed. That's cool in your book not mine,,,and 99.9 percent lol:lol:,,,How can you compete against,,,a "monopoly",,,,you can't they found the "Loophole's",,,By all the phoney off shoot branche's under different identitie's,,,and that's where thing;s need to change:blsmoke:,,,They will and cry my a "New River"....
It's called the "free enterprise system",,Kind of the basis for our Country's economy. .

I'm confused by what you'd like. One second it's the ability to be able to amke a living in medical cannabis...the next is, but I don't want competition or accountability.

If medical cannabis lasts , lots of people are going to look at the money making opportunities that it creates. It's going to change. Too much money involved not to be interested in medical cannabis as a business.

And the guys than can do it,within the law and social guidelines set forth by the public, will end up with those businesses. And they will make reasonable profits.

I'm encouraging you guys to join the party..make a living...but you have to be willing to work within legal; and social norms as defined by the vast majority of voters.


Well-Known Member
bud should never be used as profit what kind of world is this where something that can and will grow naturally is now deemed worthy of making people fat katz. ive got lemon balm its good for anxiety and some pain, you dont see people making a ton off of it. exploitation of nature the worst thing mankind/ women kind can do.


Active Member
bud should never be used as profit what kind of world is this where something that can and will grow naturally is now deemed worthy of making people fat katz. ive got lemon balm its good for anxiety and some pain, you dont see people making a ton off of it. exploitation of nature the worst thing mankind/ women kind can do.
You ever heard of corn, or barley, or tomatoes? How about Tobacco? They all grow naturally as well. But in order for the ones that dont have the time or the know how or the motovation, those crops must be produced for them. Its ok to profit off of vegetables and prescription drugs and cigarettes but not MM? Farmers have to make a profit to be able to keep providing. How is MM any different? If they dont want to make there own meds, then pay up.

Buddy Ganga

Active Member
MMJ is different because it's illegal. It's really that simple.

Until it becomes legal all of the arguments being used to defend greed and manipulation of the law are useless.
Cargivers were supposed to be people who helped the sick not a cover or legitimate way for drug dealers to make their money.
If or when the further restrict the mmj law here in Michigan they will be using those types of people as their examples of why the restrictions are needed.

Cory and trevor

Well-Known Member
MMJ is different because it's illegal. It's really that simple.

Until it becomes legal all of the arguments being used to defend greed and manipulation of the law are useless.
Cargivers were supposed to be people who helped the sick not a cover or legitimate way for drug dealers to make their money.
If or when the further restrict the mmj law here in Michigan they will be using those types of people as their examples of why the restrictions are needed.
says who? be honest with yourself and you're one of 99.9% of people riding on the backs of the broken people we prop up to say pot is great medicine, see look at joe who can't walk talk and is tore the fuck up from cancer AIDS and Krohns. I'm with joe, we're sick. Judgement is a shitty thing but dilusion is worse. if it's useful, desirable or necessary in any way people make money off it. its cuz at that point it (no matter what IT is) has value and can be a source of survival/income for those who produce IT. get real.

bob harris

Well-Known Member
says who? be honest with yourself and you're one of 99.9% of people riding on the backs of the broken people we prop up to say pot is great medicine, see look at joe who can't walk talk and is tore the fuck up from cancer AIDS and Krohns. I'm with joe, we're sick. Judgement is a shitty thing but dilusion is worse. if it's useful, desirable or necessary in any way people make money off it. its cuz at that point it (no matter what IT is) has value and can be a source of survival/income for those who produce IT. get real.
There ya go again...self serving babble with no message. You can't even discuss what reasonable profit should be, in a thread you started.

No one has really challenged that a grower/caregiver should make money..the question is, has been and will always be..what's reasonable income for that service?

And your response is always, well, non responsive. What's that retort you like...oh yeah..GO AWAY CHILD..

Buddy Ganga

Active Member
C un T
Says any judge, cop or prosecutor in the state!

You seem to think that bullshiting and arguing with people on line or while passing a bong around is all you need to do as you do.
But in reality it's not your buddies or people around here that need to believe your bullshit.
Wait until your facing a judge and a pissed off prosecutor and you have to think of what to say to explain your new business to keep yourself out of prison. Because your corn for profit isn't going to help you in such an event, neither will the whole Dr's and nurse or Merk make profits.

bob harris

Well-Known Member
MMJ is different because it's illegal. It's really that simple.

Until it becomes legal all of the arguments being used to defend greed and manipulation of the law are useless.
Cargivers were supposed to be people who helped the sick not a cover or legitimate way for drug dealers to make their money.
If or when the further restrict the mmj law here in Michigan they will be using those types of people as their examples of why the restrictions are needed.

Right on the money.

The question posed in this thread is "what is a reasonable income' for caregivers.
And all the so called care givers wish to do, is use care giver status to be illegal growers..or, so it sounds. Not one has come forward and said.."I think a reasonable income for my services is---- and here is why".

Answering that one question, would legitimize their position and show that they have some respect for reality.

Their self righteous position, using care giving as a cover for dealing, is transparent. And it will be the exact reason that truly disabled and sick people that benefit from medical mj, will have their limited rights...further limited, if not revoked..

Yeah, you "care givers" are doing us all a great service...

Buddy Ganga

Active Member

You're trying to have a discussion with people who are not concerned with the laws or the sick in anyway, their only concern is making money.
So the replies you get are going to reflect that.
