Michigan Growers Tell Your Plans for This Year


Well-Known Member
James- Get it out of those plastic garbage bags unless you're trying to turn your buds into compost. Doesn't take long to get them cooking.
This stuff was getting close to being too dry to cure. The bags work fine to slow that down


Well-Known Member
anybody elses outside still? i got one massive one I'm pulling tonight.
My brother has two left outside that were clones off mine. I think its getting to the point that you would have to be crazy not to chop. My truck was covered in ice this morning


Active Member
anybody elses outside still? i got one massive one I'm pulling tonight.
Still going. Praying to the bud gods that I don't have any mold when I check Friday. I have had it covered since Sunday night with a tent canopy. I have a small fan blowing and yesterday had the wife open one side a bit to keep fresh air coming in. Been nothing but clouds and rain all week. Suppose to be sunny and 50's this weekend. If everything looks good I am going at least one more week weather depending. Who knows it could be a pile of shit by the time I check it.


Well-Known Member
Still going. Praying to the bud gods that I don't have any mold when I check Friday. I have had it covered since Sunday night with a tent canopy. I have a small fan blowing and yesterday had the wife open one side a bit to keep fresh air coming in. Been nothing but clouds and rain all week. Suppose to be sunny and 50's this weekend. If everything looks good I am going at least one more week weather depending. Who knows it could be a pile of shit by the time I check it.
I doubt it will be a pile of shit. All my plants had a little mold in places and I still came out on top


Active Member
podunk: the way you got it set up u shouldnt have any problem.. thats a great setup ya got goin.
Still get nervous when I can't check on it until the weekend. Last Friday night we had wicked wind and rain. I had covered it up before the storm hit. Woke up in the morning to find the tent cover blown off and about an inch rain on it. Didn't even know that it was going to get that nasty out that night. Took no chances and put the cover in the dryer and dried the shit out of it hoping to kill any mold or other crap that may have gotten on it. I have paver bricks holding it in place now. The deer blind that I was storing everything in started to get foamy looking mold on the grass. So I am not putting the cover inside it anymore.

What effect do you think having dim lighting all week will have? New territory for me. My lights have always been on or off.

Here are a few pics of my indoor grow from last year before I moved. I converted a bathroom with a walk-in shower into my mini grow room. Made everything myself. Built a reflector out of .060 aluminum and painted it with white paint loaded with titanium dioxide. Actually made two reflectors. The pictures show my second attempt with an HPS conversion and MH bulb setup. I used two MH ballasts from hi-bay lights. The first reflector was just a single setup. Both worked pretty good. The lights on the bottom I wired up 24" u-bend light fixtures. I initially used them for my seedlings then figured I could put them to some use down low. I replaced the shower door with MDF. Cutout a few holes for a couple fans. A twin down low and a larger single one up high (not pictured). The other fan in the wall is an exhaust fan from the 1950's or 60's. Got it off craigslist. That sucked air out of the room and under the basement steps. Worked great for drying under there too! Had some nute burn to contend with to say the least (Fox Farm Trio). I miss my little grow room. That is where I got my start last year.

Anyways done rambling. Thought I would share a little bit with everyone.



Well-Known Member
thats a pretty nice setup podunk. wish i had my setup in the house instead of detached.. i get nervous and paranoid sometimes.. all it takes is a car comin down my road. im gonna research some booby traps that will subdue the would be theif.. theres some pretty scary traps out there. catch ya later podunk...


Active Member
I know the feeling. I don't know anything about traps. Hell I would probably catch myself anyways. Better off to use stealth techniques as opposed to trying to catch someone. I still have pretty good cover for my plant but the leaves are coming down fast. Its amazing how different things look out in the woods in the spring vs late fall/winter. Its like being in two completely different places.
I live near the east side of detroit and I have two babes out still. This is my first time and I'm getting a little nervous there's no frost down here yet but it's been like 45-60F all week with non-stop rain for the past week. When I last checked it appeared that they we're deffiently not ready last week but I'm getting scared that they're going to die if I let them go until November :X


Well-Known Member
James it looks like you had a great year, now you just have to figure out what to do with all of your bud, congrats.

PoDunk you should be fine. These obviously aren't the best growing conditions, but let them go as long as they can and just wait until you have no choice but to chop. I've seen plants make it into mid November in Michigan.

I have one plant still going. It needs until Halloween. My la cheese that was outside was my biggest plant weighing in at just over 26 ozs dry. It is also my best quality bud, that has never happened before for me so I feel really lucky. Here is a pic of my last plant standing, I think it is going to weigh even more than the cheese. It is my only fruity smelling plant, all the others that I've picked have smell skunky. The plant was ripped into four pieces last week and I had to tie it back together, I hope it makes it these last couple of weeks. I may pick it tomorrow if it looks unhealthy.100_0462.jpg100_0460.jpg


Well-Known Member
Good looking plant firelane. Pretty good year for you as well.
Even though my yeild was good. I think I easily could have doubled it if I would have done a few things different.
Oh well, maybe next year


Well-Known Member
nice job firelane.. she should be alright. i have tied many a plant back together after ( usually my fault) breakage.my bud had the wind damage and the stalk was big as ny fist.. he tied it up and was good s new.. almost.. she looks yummie..

sounds like james has it figured out. good luck with it next year jamesi got just over 3 zs of very very dry green crack with male pollenated seeds. milkyway and northern lite x skunkx haze.. gonna pop a few real soon and see whaty they are like.. anxious ya know? later guys

Green Dave

Well-Known Member
Well guys looks like you made it to harvest GOOD Job
Im sure Hic would be proud of everyones pull for the year
No idea on how to fine anything out as dont know his last name
can only hope he pops back up someday


Well-Known Member
When I harvested I left a bunch of the little under developed buds on the plants just to see what they would do. Its been one week since I chopped, so I took a walk back to see them. They look fucking awesome.
In just a week they went from tiny little balls of hair to some of the frostiest buds ive ever seen. There not real big I should be able too get a few more oz out of them. This is another leason learned. I would have left alot more of the little buds on if I would have known they would blow up that quick.
Ill have pics later this week


Well-Known Member
When I harvested I left a bunch of the little under developed buds on the plants just to see what they would do. Its been one week since I chopped, so I took a walk back to see them. They look fucking awesome.
In just a week they went from tiny little balls of hair to some of the frostiest buds ive ever seen. There not real big I should be able too get a few more oz out of them. This is another leason learned. I would have left alot more of the little buds on if I would have known they would blow up that quick.
Ill have pics later this week
I have noticed that same shit with indoor gardens, harvest up the tops when ready..... then in a week or so harvest the bottom half and they explode...... might i also add that i learned that lil' method from some badass here on RIU, but for some reason i forgot his name.......*exhale.......*cough ....... hic, i don't know you but i feel for you. Hopefully you are just going through a poor spell and had your internet shut off due to insufficient funds.... let's all hope so...... PEACE