Lighting and watering


Active Member
i just started my first grow about a week ago with a regular light bulb...i just need to know what kind of light bulb i need to get and where could i get it? i also need to know wether or not to wet the leaves of the plant when watering?


Well-Known Member
You really should set aside a couple hours to research growing indoors,try the grow faq here then hit google & google "indoor growing".

bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
hey buddy how goes it i am on my 2 grow so i to am new. like the other guy said the grow faqs are highly usefull as far as lighting you need to duplicate sun light or at least part of the full spectrum the sources that deliver this to my knowledge are h.p.s metal halide cfl,s and the new technology of l.e.d.s other sources of lite will be of little value aside from heating up your room and raising cost the general oppinion is that h.i.d,s are best if only 1 source is available. good luck


Well-Known Member
i just got halogen lights 500 watts a piece would that be enough?
No they wont,way too much heat,they will cook your plants crispy overnight plus the light spectrum is all wrong.

Really you do need to do some real research,just asking questions blindly will get you nowhere.

Go to the grow faq here on this site & read the whole thing,every last folder in the faq.


Then go the "journal forum" & read your ass off for a few days,this will get you a real understanding on what your in for & what you can expect as far as what kind of room & light systems you'll need to grow productive,smokable & top quality weed.

After that then go here to find the lights you'll need.

High Tech Garden Supply

Your first instinct when visiting this link will be to look at the cheapest lights possible,dont waste your time,the bare minimum you'll need is this system here which will only cost $140 delievered directly to your front door in less than 1 week.

High Tech Garden Supply

Each of these light systems will be able to cover a 3ft by 3ft growing area,you can push the area to a 4ft by 4ft area but no farther.

Dont waste time or money fukin around with shop lights,cfl's or other shit you have laying around the house,a grow room that is set up properly will cost you a bare minimum of $300,anything less & you'll be spinning your wheels.

Research is key here,if your really serious about growing bud stop fukin around with the questions & start reading the grow faq,you'll have a better understanding of what your up against & you'll have an idea of what questions to ask that can actually help you grow.

Im not trying to be a dick but you really need to spend some time doing atleast the bare minimum of research on growing indoors,if you had you'd know that halogen lights are out of the question within your first 10 minutes of reading.


Active Member
Well that growfac helped a ton.....a couple more things you think it would be good for a black light to be on during the night cycle or would that not be good? and also the grow fac didnt really say anything about watering...ive seen some other threads and people are watering like once a that because of the soil thats being used or? thanks a ton for the help!


Well-Known Member
Black lights are useless,mostly talked about as being good for growing in urban legend type shit or a friend of a friend stuff,keep in mind that if its not mentioned in the grow faq as being usefull for growing to any extent its because its useless.

Watering is a funny thing,its like a video game,hard at first then after a while you casn do it with your eyes closed,listening to what amount of water others give their plants will only get you screwed up,every grow is different & things like plant strain,pot size,soli/medium type,room heat & humidity,available light at dirt level,all these things affect the amount of water & the watering schedule.

Forget about the moisture meter things,you just need to pay close attention to what your plants telling you they need,when the soil looks dry scratch down with your finger about 25% of the way down in the soil,if it still feels dry then you water until a few drips of water comes from the bottom of the pot.

Until you get a feel for how to water your garden properly IMO its better to underwater than it is to overwater,overwatering can screw the root ststem up & can take weeks for the plant to snap back to health,an underwatered plant will normally whip right back into shape within 24 hours of watering.

One other thing about light cycles,the dark period must be uninterupted darkness,you should never introduce light durring a dark cycle & keep it as constant as possible for the length of the cycles,this is where appliance timers are a must to control the cycles.

You can sneak in your room with a flashlight real quick to get something you forgot or to check something real quick but never flip the lights on,not even for a second.

bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
cruzer your one of the few people who realizes the importance of a complete spectrum when flowering. more of the lower kelvin ratings are needed but i think having some of the blue/violet end of the spectrum should increase budding sights and growth in general just my feelings though. my current grow w/the addition of flouros is doing far better than w/ the 400hps/mh alone much more bushy growth sorry rambling again i do that.


Well-Known Member
Watering is a funny thing,its like a video game,hard at first then after a while you casn do it with your eyes closed,listening to what amount of water others give their plants will only get you screwed up,every grow is different & things like plant strain,pot size,soli/medium type,room heat & humidity,available light at dirt level,all these things affect the amount of water & the watering schedule.
Thank You! alot of people say "ONLY ONCE EVERY THREE DAYS!" I have only 2 plants. One I have (as a test) gone 5 days without watering and it was still perky, day 6 it showed signs of being thirsty. My other plant, if I dont water it every other day it looks like its going to die in seconds. Its wierd, but you learn what they want. I can tell anyone this, do you want to drink water 24/7? Neither do they. When you do drink do you always want/need vitamin drinks? NO, neither do they (ferts in this case).:peace:


Active Member
i just got a floresent light out of my garage its about 2 feet long and i only have two plants right now would that work for them or should i get something else?


Well-Known Member
No, you will need a bit more light. I'd say at least 5 x 27 watt cfl's plus a nice set of t5's or t8's. Look for the ones that say "daylight" on them. Those will have more blue spectrum. Blue spectrum is good for vegging. Read more of the grow FAQ. I know it's hard and you want to ask so many questions, but trust me, read that shit over and over and over. It will make more sense.



Well-Known Member
im not really familular with the T5's not sure what they are...or were to get them?? any thoughts?
There like this:

You can find them at walmart or home depot. Some of them already come with a fixture. Might be what you found, but who knows.

Here's what the cfl's look like:

Make sure to at least get the 27 watt bulbs. The clf 's that are 27 watts are equivalent to your standard 100 watt light bulb.

bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
aquarium stores will have a multitude of t5s and power compact fluoros and they will offer various spectrums for whatever your growing just find a competent small store in your area or try a hydro store they should have everything. that would get you started at least as far as vegative growth goes good luck. what strain are you starting?


Active Member
i just have some bomb mid grade seeds from around here i want to start out small to see how it turns out and everything florecents are Daylight Full Spectrum..and now i have two 27w clf' growing room is prolly only like 3ft by 5ft and completly flat white... i will get some pictures soon..any advice?


Well-Known Member
i just have some bomb mid grade seeds from around here i want to start out small to see how it turns out and everything florecents are Daylight Full Spectrum..and now i have two 27w clf' growing room is prolly only like 3ft by 5ft and completly flat white... i will get some pictures soon..any advice?

What kinda cfl's you get? Did you get the daylight ones? If not, you might want to get a few more of those.