The Decline Of Religion

You ask many questions about religion. Seems you're a very curious person. You will find your answers to those ^^^^ questions in the bible. If you're not genuinely asking questions and just being obnoxious, then just shut up already lol.

Again, there is nothing to distinguish the bible from a Stephen King novel in terms of divinity. I could find answers in The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy if I was not concerned with validity. The bible was written by men ignorant of the mechanics of reality, this fact cannot be successfully refuted. So to suggest that someone with high standards of evidence should either read the bible or shut up seems pretty short sighted.

What I see is you guys latching on to the caustic abrasiveness of Sativa's words and using it as an angle by witch to attack his religious inquiries. It says something about his character, but not his logic. You can make a case that if he is not willing to participate in a civil manner anything he says can be dismissed, but you can not make the case that since he is rude his conclusions are wrong.
Again, there is nothing to distinguish the bible from a Stephen King novel in terms of divinity. I could find answers in The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy if I was not concerned with validity. The bible was written by men ignorant of the mechanics of reality, this fact cannot be successfully refuted. So to suggest that someone with high standards of evidence should either read the bible or shut up seems pretty short sighted.

What I see is you guys latching on to the caustic abrasiveness of Sativa's words and using it as an angle by witch to attack his religious inquiries. It says something about his character, but not his logic. You can make a case that if he is not willing to participate in a civil manner anything he says can be dismissed, but you can not make the case that since he is rude his conclusions are wrong.

If sativahigh had alot of questions about Stevens king's IT, then I would reccomend that he read the novel to clarify some of his questions.
Lately he's been asking many questions about Christianity. So I suggested that he read the bible to clarify some of his many questions.

And I would respect sativa's outlook on religion if he was actually curious or wanted to better understand it. But no, all he does is make fun of religion.
You can obviously tell he is just trying to instigate, so why answer his questions? If he really wants to know how religion works, then he can discover it on his own (since we already tried to answer his questions). But you and I both know he doesn't care about religion. His questions are just complete bullshit. Do you not see that?
I told him to shut up because he doesn't have genuine questions to ask, not because his beliefs are different and are contrary to my beliefs.

I have tried before to have a normal debate with this guy about religion and all he did was bring up the crusades a bunch of times and make comparisons. If you try to carry on the debate with him, he will just insult you and say your beliefs are stupid. When I told him to shut up, I wasn't talking to anyone else.

Are you saying that I suggested that he "read the bible or shut up"? If you are saying that then I must say you're wrong. I told him if he does not have genuine questions, then shut up.

Have I ever told you to shut up heis? Nope, and I have never told you to read the bible. So you should know I would never tell anyone to read the bible or shut up.

Also the reason we attack him is because he attacks others for no reason. I'm not saying it's right to attack him, but it's just what we do. If he actually had a point, then I would be able to have a conversation with him. But he never has any points to agree or disagree with.
lol hepatitus ive owned you on every thread ive made , only one time i made a mistake and you were hysterical ,i am not abusive to people i just tell them as it is , as ive had many years going round in circles with christians , if you dont be harsh with the nonsense they spill , they keep on burying there head in the sand.
As for you personally , i dont see how any discussion or debate with you can go any further and has become pointless now , you started your thread stating you have no evidence or anything to back up your beliefs and can not prove in anyway your god exists , so to me the discussion with you is over you dont even have a side to argue from .
and to say ive never come up with any good points is stupid , look how popular all my threads have been .and its down to the discussions on my threads that you have now come to the conclusion you have , otherwise you would still be pointlesly arguing the existance of your god .
who else thinks tsh was abused when he was small?
this is why i tend to ignore you , typical christian like abusive self rightous schoolyard bully bullshit .
one thing my mum did say , and you should heed her words, is 'if you aint got nuffin nice to say , then dont say nuffin' .
a couple of years back you would be banned from this forum for being such a cock end .
Many reasons why religion has declines... Maybe the Information age, to much TV, family values, the old mighty dollar (which is in decline too). Does anybody really care??

I don't need religion to be a good person. Being a good person that's my choice.

On the other side... didn't God create the Marijuana plant too?.... Hmmmmm
NOOOOOOOOOOOO tsh,, you cannot do that to me, please i beg you not to do such a thing.... Im soooooooooooooo sorrryyyy

now im guna go shoot myself cause you are ignoring me, bwhawara

you are such an important individual and as such you are always right(<<<sarcasm) hahaha... the only cock end here is the one up your arse....

<<< sorry, you set yourself up...

and about owning, did you buy heph or something? is someone selling identities?

this is why i tend to ignore you , typical christian like abusive self rightous schoolyard bully bullshit .
one thing my mum did say , and you should heed her words, is 'if you aint got nuffin nice to say , then dont say nuffin' .
a couple of years back you would be banned from this forum for being such a cock end .
lol hepatitus ive owned you on every thread ive made , only one time i made a mistake and you were hysterical ,i am not abusive to people i just tell them as it is , as ive had many years going round in circles with christians , if you dont be harsh with the nonsense they spill , they keep on burying there head in the sand.
As for you personally , i dont see how any discussion or debate with you can go any further and has become pointless now , you started your thread stating you have no evidence or anything to back up your beliefs and can not prove in anyway your god exists , so to me the discussion with you is over you dont even have a side to argue from .
and to say ive never come up with any good points is stupid , look how popular all my threads have been .and its down to the discussions on my threads that you have now come to the conclusion you have , otherwise you would still be pointlesly arguing the existance of your god .

Your threads are not famous, they're infamous.
Where have you owned me? Also, the purpose of debates is not to own someone, it is to teach someone.

And how is the number of posts relevant to how good of a point you made? It's called thread jacking lol.
this is why i tend to ignore you , typical christian like abusive self rightous schoolyard bully bullshit .
one thing my mum did say , and you should heed her words, is 'if you aint got nuffin nice to say , then dont say nuffin' .
a couple of years back you would be banned from this forum for being such a cock end .

Lol that's hilarious, you should take your mums advice.
Haha sativa, post a link of where you have owned me....
Neither of us have owned each other. Are arguments are always pointless and never reach an end. You have never won a debate, because you have never taught anyone anything.
Our controllers have done a bang up job of keeping the truth from the majority of followers who would never think to question. "If it was good enuff fer grand pappy, it's good enuff fer me" In Salt Lake the Mormons had a strangle hold on the populace for a long time. The problem for all religions/cults (Scientology) is that the internet came along an exposed their lies (as has the History channel).

Jesus came on the scene some 4000 years AFTER the Sumerians and Egyptians. You can look to both of them for setting up 'religions' as a powerful means of control: they were FALSE Gods.

As more of us learn the truth and get it out there in a non-confrontational manner, people are waking up. This goes for politics, too
If sativahigh had alot of questions about Stevens king's IT, then I would reccomend that he read the novel to clarify some of his questions.
Lately he's been asking many questions about Christianity. So I suggested that he read the bible to clarify some of his many questions.

Are question such as, "why did god talk to people regularly a few centuries ago but chosen to reamin quiet ever since", answered in the bible? How about "why does god allow or not attempt to explain famine"? Why didn't Jesus, all knowing and forever willing to help, not teach us about germ theory?

And I would respect sativa's outlook on religion if he was actually curious or wanted to better understand it. But no, all he does is make fun of religion.
You can obviously tell he is just trying to instigate, so why answer his questions? If he really wants to know how religion works, then he can discover it on his own (since we already tried to answer his questions). But you and I both know he doesn't care about religion. His questions are just complete bullshit. Do you not see that?
I told him to shut up because he doesn't have genuine questions to ask, not because his beliefs are different and are contrary to my beliefs.
You have several good points here about his behavior and motivations. However the questions he is really asking are about believers. He is bringing up questions that should occur to anyone and asking why believers have not asked these questions or chose to ignore them. Those sorts of things are best understood by asking believers directly. You are correct though in pointing out that his methods are counter-productive and rarely serve to convey a message.

Are you saying that I suggested that he "read the bible or shut up"? If you are saying that then I must say you're wrong. I told him if he does not have genuine questions, then shut up.
You suggested that if he didn't have genuine questions then he should shut up, and if he did he should read the bible. That leaves him two options, shut up or read the bible. How about if he has genuine questions he could ask them of his peers?

Also the reason we attack him is because he attacks others for no reason. I'm not saying it's right to attack him, but it's just what we do. If he actually had a point, then I would be able to have a conversation with him. But he never has any points to agree or disagree with.
I understand and share your contempt for his attitude, but also hold some for your own. Turn about is fair play only if you are willing to yourself fail the standards you set for others. In other words, the only justification you could offer for operating on his level is 'he started it'. You do have other options.
NOOOOOOOOOOOO tsh,, you cannot do that to me, please i beg you not to do such a thing.... Im soooooooooooooo sorrryyyy

now im guna go shoot myself cause you are ignoring me, bwhawara

you are such an important individual and as such you are always right(<<<sarcasm) hahaha... the only cock end here is the one up your arse....

<<< sorry, you set yourself up...

and about owning, did you buy heph or something? is someone selling identities?
All these religous posts are useless. People are guilable and are gonna stay that way, sorry for bad spellin lol.