Flat Tax: The Proof Is In The Pudding


Well-Known Member
Correlation without causation once again.
Yet a wave of energy companies has in the last few months announced plans to move to Switzerland -- mainly for its appeal as a low-tax corporate domicile that looks relatively likely to stay out of reach of Barack Obama's tax-seeking administration.
Not only is that reeking of bias, but the article offers no proof outside of anecdotal quotations from businessmen who - surprise - say they're taxed too much. It may be hard for you to believe or to even comprehend but the global economy is much more complex than just simply choosing the region with the lowest effective tax rates.

Johnny Retro

Well-Known Member
Lmao, I'm done arguing with you. Someone who refuses to believe facts proven to them by reputable news sources is a sign of incompetence.


New Member
It may be hard for you to believe or to even comprehend but the global economy is much more complex than just simply choosing the region with the lowest effective tax rates.
Exactly, thats the gist of it. Ok lets take china for example, China does work for us that machines would otherwise be doing. They didn't take anyones job. We are kind of ripping them off, if they were American it would be considered getting royally screwed.

The arguments that jobs aren't going over seas are long detailed papers with a lot of actual numbers and they illustrate clearly how there has been no jobs lost to overseas, actual proof, proof is not 5 cherry picked numbers you pulled off of someones blog from the interweb johnny.

Johnny Retro

Well-Known Member
So Reuters is a blog now? Ok. I beginning to see the intellect of the people I'm arguing with now. Your more than welcome to go look at each of those companies employees #'s. Nothing I have stated and PROVED is an opinion.

You keeps saying papers, what papers. PROVE what you are saying. Quit talking out of your ass. Jesus people
And I'm also inclined to hear your FACT's to where our jobs are going if they arn't going overseas. Are they just disappearing into thin air?


New Member
So Reuters is a blog now? Ok. I beginning to see the intellect of the people I'm arguing with now. Your more than welcome to go look at each of those companies employees #'s. Nothing I have stated and PROVED is an opinion.

You keeps saying papers, what papers. PROVE what you are saying. Quit talking out of your ass. Jesus people
Uh yeah...that site is a blog post by the Romanian blogger "sam cage" on http://blogs.reuteurs.com/... whoever the hell that is...its an opinion piece. Do you know who he is? Why do you trust him so much and how do you see that his 2 paragraphs proves anything?

Johnny Retro

Well-Known Member
Thomson Reuters is the world's largest international multimedia news agency, providing investing news, world news, business news, technology news, headline news, small business news, news alerts, personal finance, stock market, and mutual funds information available on Reuters.com, video, mobile, and interactive television platforms.

Thomson Reuters Corporation (TSX: TRI NYSE: TRI) is a provider of information for the world's businesses and professionals[1] and is created by the Thomson Corporation's purchase of Reuters Group on 17 April 2008.[2] Thomson Reuters is headquartered at 3 Times Square, New York City, USA. The Woodbridge Company, a holding company for the Thomson family of Canada, owns 53% of the group,[3] which operates in 100 countries, and has over 55,000 employees. Thomson Reuters was ranked as Canada's "leading corporate brand" in the 2010 Interbrand Best Canadian Brands ranking.[4] Thomson Reuters operates in two divisions: Professional and Markets.

The guy who wrote that article is a writer for Ruters. So now you're saying writers for the largest business news source in the world is a liar.



New Member
60 minutes....dude..common.....you go from a blog on Reuters to a propaganda show. 60 minutes is one of the most biast. Reuters thats a good start but a Reuters blog opinion piece thats different.

Johnny Retro

Well-Known Member
You are fucking stupid. I try not to go for the personal attacks, but if you refuse to believe anything that is clearly shown on both sides of the "biased" fence AND IS STATED ON THE COMPANIES WEBSITES. You are just plain, flat out, fucking stupid.
That's like refusing to believe murder is wrong because our law is biased towards murderers


New Member
lmao....How can you call yourself a conservative yet you believe in "tax havens" .......What is a tax haven and how can I get involved? Please define for us TAX haven...

Johnny Retro

Well-Known Member
Your not going to get around taxes bud. I guarantee for your whole life you WILL pay taxes. The point I'm making is other countries have better tax codes than us. Since these countries have better tax rates. Corporations are moving there. Thus taking THOUSANDS of jobs away from us. Is that really that hard to understand?
And please, show me where I called myself a conservative. Sure some of my views are the same as conservative, but that doesn't make me a flat out full fledged conservative.

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
lmao....How can you call yourself a conservative yet you believe in "tax havens" .......What is a tax haven and how can I get involved? Please define for us TAX haven...
I've noticed you think all taxes are theft. Do you think we are better off without any public roads, a military, police, fire departments, etc? Because we need taxes to have those things. If another country invades the united states should the country be defended house by house depending on how many mercenaries someone can afford to protect their property from an invading army?


New Member
Your not going to get around taxes bud. I guarantee for your whole life you WILL pay taxes. The point I'm making is other countries have better tax codes than us. Since these countries have better tax rates. Corporations are moving there. Thus taking THOUSANDS of jobs away from us. Is that really that hard to understand?
And please, show me where I called myself a conservative. Sure some of my views are the same as conservative, but that doesn't make me a flat out full fledged conservative.
And why would they do that? corporations have more rights in this country then anywhere. They have more rights then people especially the ones going overseas. The same ones going overseas in your examples are not taking jobs away from us. They can just make their own laws here and stay in power easily, they aren't moving overseas to dodge taxes, they like it here because they have massive regulations that work in their favor, its not that simple. This is the conservative argument making something out of nothing and its also part of the democrat argument also, they argue this in reverse, when its really largely irrelevant.

Johnny Retro

Well-Known Member
Show me proof of the companies i have named that didnt pay taxes. Your making a generalization that NO corporations pay taxes. You hear about goldman sachs, exxon, and GE not paying taxes so you automatically think no one is.
Thats like me saying all OWS protesters are anti semitist


New Member
I've noticed you think all taxes are theft. Do you think we are better off without any public roads, a military, police, fire departments, etc? Because we need taxes to have those things. If another country invades the united states should the country be defended house by house depending on how many mercenaries someone can afford to protect their property from an invading army?
I think income taxes are theft not all taxes...and we don't need income taxes to have those things.


New Member
Show me proof of the companies i have named that didnt pay taxes. Your making a generalization that NO corporations pay taxes. You hear about goldman sachs, exxon, and GE not paying taxes so you automatically think no one is.
Thats like me saying all OWS protesters are anti semitist
I obviously do not think that all corporations get away without paying taxes and I am not insinuating that these are among either party. I am obviously not going to be able to prove if these corporations did or did not pay taxes. I have a much more simple task. since it is your argument here, which is the same argument the Republicans give such as Mark Levine, and its incredibly distorted. Instead how about you show us how many jobs we lost because of these corporations "moving" to Switzerland.