List of Things Christianity Has Made Worse

About moving big heavy things ... this guy's work is cool imo. cn
when shit like that is put in front of me i cant deny it.

You should always apply consistent doubt and scrutiny when things are placed in front of you. Otherwise, any conclusion you come to will lack validation. This is hard to do with subjects such as evolution, quantum physics, and ancient history. We can't exactly become experts just to prove our intuition correct. What we can do is educate ourselves about the process of science. Even if we do not fully understand the material, we can examine the process used and search for errors. Beyond that, we depend on peer review.

The first thing we notice about ancient aliens theory is that it does not even begin to pass peer review. There are no experts in these fields who are baffled to the point of grasping for alien explanations. There are a few non-experts who are not following the scientific method making a lot of noise. When we really listen to these noise makers, we hear many logical fallacies, false appeals and dressed up speculation.

you mentioned nothin about the monuments that were shown that cant be explained by any kinda modern measure. to me thats all the proof i need for me to say thats how it coulda gone.
In other words, all the proof you need that aliens figured out a way to conquer the unimaginable distance between galaxies, noticed our planet, decided to help our people, and then vanished, is some old structures with impressive architecture. While it is understandable why you have come to this conclusion, it is not scientific. It is saying "I can't understand this, therefore aliens", which is a conclusion that very rarely leads to the truth. It is no more scientific than saying, "I can't understand this, therefore God". Ancient aliens theory appears to be scientific, but it is simply sloppy, biased, and uninformed analysis, or in other words, pseudoscience.
how do know the bones they have uncovered so far are not from them? Man, again, you are really stupid!!!!!!

That would then mean that modern human is not made in gods image and is not the child of god but some ungodly mutation :D that's what the cannabis is saying right now.
how do know the bones they have uncovered so far are not from them? Man, again, you are really stupid!!!!!!
lol from who ? we have discoverd many many many skeletons from thousands of years before christianity was a glint in jesus's eye .
are you really seriousely so dumb you are discarding actual skeletal evidence of man existing thousands of years before christianity ?
seriousley olly i cant see how you even carry on , ive never seen one sentance you have ever typed that someone has'nt completely destroyed interlectualy .what are you hoping to gain from your repetitive drivvel ?
you are really stupid for committing so many straw mans... i never said anything you just stated...

trust, me, i think i know far more then you do about evolution and all that other good stuff that goes along with it. i will leave that up to you to do your own research and find the facts about bone discoveries...

lol from who ? we have discoverd many many many skeletons from thousands of years before christianity was a glint in jesus's eye .
are you really seriousely so dumb you are discarding actual skeletal evidence of man existing thousands of years before christianity ?
u r 1 fanny dud main... ''destroyed INTERLECTUALY'' ironic and hypocritical of you to state that someones comments have been what you call "destroyed interlectualy" LOL ... seriously sat, did your mum never say anything around you? you always say, your bitch mum said , '' if you aint nufing goood to say, dont say it'' obviously she was pretty stupid for never showing anything or taking care of you or helping you with homework or showing you a mothers love and care

seriousley olly i cant see how you even carry on , ive never seen one sentance you have ever typed that someone has'nt completely destroyed interlectualy .what are you hoping to gain from your repetitive drivvel ?
He's speaking to the ones who do. He clearly is addressing those who interpret the bible literally. He is saying that most of his life he has felt it was not his place to step on someones beliefs, but after witnessing this thread he feels that those who believe literally the Adam and Eve story need to hear that God is not real. I can only speculate that the arrogance, certitude and absurdity he has seen in this thread was his motivation.

You spend so much time trying to differentiate yourself from typical Christians; start realizing that this difference also means that not all comments aimed at Christians are aimed at you. If they were aimed at strawmen that would be a different story, but they are aimed at posters in this thread.

I'm not separating myself only.... I'm saying people shouldn't group together Christians.
There's so many different versions of the bible based off of people's beliefs that you can't group together all Christians.

Are you sure he was talking to specific Christians? Because it sounded like he was referring to all Christians. I'm just informing him that not all Christians believe we will go to heaven. Maybe he should say "many Christians" or "most Christians".

I know many atheists are assholes, so should I say atheists are assholes? You're certainly not an asshole, but I'm sure you would be offended by that statement.
listenn olly , the fact is , we as humans have found skeletons of humans thousands and thousands of years older than chriustianity , as a christian how do you explain that ?
I'm not separating myself only.... I'm saying people shouldn't group together Christians.
There's so many different versions of the bible based off of people's beliefs that you can't group together all Christians.

Are you sure he was talking to specific Christians? Because it sounded like he was referring to all Christians. I'm just informing him that not all Christians believe we will go to heaven. Maybe he should say "many Christians" or "most Christians".

I know many atheists are assholes, so should I say atheists are assholes? You're certainly not an asshole, but I'm sure you would be offended by that statement.
hillarious , seperating yourself from christianity again lol
Speaking out of ignorance, what is the bibles account of the timeline between the creation and Jesus? Is it talking thousands on thousands of years, or?
Speaking out of ignorance, what is the bibles account of the timeline between the creation and Jesus? Is it talking thousands on thousands of years, or?

There is a famous analysis of Biblical chronology that placed the first hour of Genesis on a Tuesday afternoon in 4004 BC. cn
if this was a real discussion around a real table , heph would now have ollys pants round his ankles and he would be humping his ass dry .
There is a famous analysis of Biblical chronology that placed the first hour of Genesis on a Tuesday afternoon in 4004 BC. cn

Cheers for that. So yeah, unless that chronology was incorrect and they meant 4400400 years bc, then it doesn't sound much like Adam and Eve :D

Funnily enough my book in the bath at the moment is all about the church of england and the original manifest. Entertaining stuff.
u r 1 fanny dud main... ''destroyed INTERLECTUALY'' ironic and hypocritical of you to state that someones comments have been what you call "destroyed interlectualy" LOL ... seriously sat, did your mum never say anything around you? you always say, your bitch mum said , '' if you aint nufing goood to say, dont say it'' obviously she was pretty stupid for never showing anything or taking care of you or helping you with homework or showing you a mothers love and care
and your momma taught you belief without evidence lmfao
my momma taught me to think for myself and come up with my own conclusion .
your momma stuffed ancient bible down your throat lol