Well-Known Member
What happened to the professors thread in the general marijuana growing?
Still there last time i checked just i prefered it here, less dramatic, am carefull to what and who i subscribe to- Rule No1!
I suppose chronic pain can cause mood swings. Did he get banned for being mean?
Troll and search 'Fdd Professor' and im sure you too can read all about it, the min Fdd is no longer global up the Prof pops, quite the coincedence.
I however dont need to hate but just got bored of the same old attitude, im sure you will fare better than me althought dont ask for any pics of his grow as hes not allowed to post anything due to legalities and what not with those he makes grows for.
Its not magic growing weed, we can all push yeilds blah blah blah but with the extra initial cost and setup plus time spent not many are really willing to go to 'def com 6' in our small tents and wardrobes. If hes that good ask him why many verticle growers are seriously kicking his butt per watt! Seriously they are, hes just some small shrimp compared to these but acts like we dont know about these growers! Dont ask me here as im bored with the guy!
For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction, this was my opposite and equal reaction to him!