Muslim prayer room wanted for Catholic University.

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
What bugs me is the money the college has to fork over to fight off these stupid lawsuits. Just a complete waste of assets.
Just another THE SCARY MUSLIMS ARE TAKING OVER scare mongering story. That idiot lawyer files outrageous lawsuits all the time. I'm sure he's just prepping for a book tour.


Well-Known Member
I like my $2.99/lb lobster very much :D
I heard it rains lobsters in Maine. Do you walk your pet lobster down the street?? It gets cold up there, better wear an extra lobster to stay warm! Are they hiring, the lobster circus? On street cleaning day, is it hard to sweep up all the lobsters out of the middle of the street? And around Christmas, do they offer lobster drawn carriage rides??


Well-Known Member
I like my $2.99/lb lobster very much :D
Did you and your brother each get your own pet lobster or did you have to share? How long does it take to train a lobster? And how many lobsters does it take to screw in a lightbulb...

How many lobsters did you get paid on your last paycheck?

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Utterly typical. And i don't want to sound like i'm purely against the muslims in this regard, but in the UK it's the same, the number of muslim immigrants who arrive and then get all pissy because things don't quite conform with their religion. It is very simple, if the way of life and rules of a certain country, or school conflict with what you need, go elsewhere. In fact we had some Sikhs campaigning that their kids should be allowed to take a ceremonial knife to school on religious grounds.


Well-Known Member
In Maine, when you propose, make sure to buy the biggest engagement lobster possible to make the other ladies jealous!


Well-Known Member
Do you ride giant lobsters to work in Maine ? When your lobster breaks down, who do you take it to to get it repaired?


Well-Known Member
ITS A CHRISTIAN FAITH COLLEGE. muslim has nothing do with christ all though they can be considered similiar. and for the far of the jews uhhh the foundations of catholics is jewish jesus was a jew who founded christianity and it got divived into many groups like the catholics. dude pray in your room or take the cross down and put it back up. i dont know what other options to give you. but putting a prayer room up for a religion that has nothing to do with my own faith is slapping my savior in the face yes i love them as people but sorry you have rooms. ive even seem muslims in businesses praying right out side the cubical. you dont see them asking their boss for a private prayer room. dude if i want to pray and im in public i pray, though i never do pray im public and i do feel really shitty and ashamed for it.