16000+ watts medigrow: og kush+ 13 x 1kw hps + 3 x t5 badboys + grotek = *HAPPY JOY*

Wow. We've come a long ways. That software looks really nice. When I retire from growing and start the Grow Op Design/Build Company, that would be a must for presentations. I also have seen some really cool growroom management software. I still use a bunch of dry erase boards and a dry erase 3 month calender. I would like to move all info onto a spreadsheet. Would that take the fun out of it?

you have dry-erase?? :shock: we have a series of desktop calendars :lol: (you know, the actual paper kind....)

i've heard of the growroom management software. is it the one that calls you every 15 min when something goes out of whack? mr kitty needs a flood sensor that calls his phone :lol:

still downloading diaLUX.... 220MB later - phew!
Damn i love this thread but i never have anything to say lol... Like a new kid in class.
Kitty you grow straight dank glad to see someone else doin it big with soil. Come check out the connoisseurs choice thread when your free... We grow dank in there too!

well that's good. as long as we aren't boring all y'all with the nerdiness. :lol:

link to connoisseurs thread, please, i'll def check it out!
Damn i love this thread but i never have anything to say lol... Like a new kid in class.
Kitty you grow straight dank glad to see someone else doin it big with soil. Come check out the connoisseurs choice thread when your free... We grow dank in there too!

Could you spare a brother a link?
its like i've walked into the wrong class ..... directions for the reception class pls :-)

no seriously ... that software ... does just show you how the predator would see your grow room ...hahahaha

keep it up ..... this thread is stand alone awsome
you have dry-erase?? :shock: we have a series of desktop calendars :lol: (you know, the actual paper kind....)

i've heard of the growroom management software. is it the one that calls you every 15 min when something goes out of whack? mr kitty needs a flood sensor that calls his phone :lol:

still downloading diaLUX.... 220MB later - phew!

I didn't mean to Big Time you with news of my dry erase gear. Well...a little bit.

I've seen the remote monnitoring software. The kind that texts probs and shit. The stuff I'm talking about is just a record keeping type settup. You can label "plants" or "crops" with all the vital info, and then it can spit data back at you in different forms...and shit. I'm a techno-weenie, so that's as much as I know of it. It was available free here on some fucking thread I'll never remember. I'm just so high. The Tahoe OG x Chem 91 is finally cured enough to blaze well...and well it does blaze. This may be the end all be all of OG. What was we talking about?
so the funniest thing happened today. 2 DGs (designated growers) call up wanting me to come lend a hand, within about 1/2 hr of each other.
well kitty's services are first-come-first-served so i made plans with DG #1 to go over after trick-or-treating with my kid. he's a couple days before harvest and wanted a hand doing a preparatory defoliation aka leaf-stripping shortened to 'stripping'.
so when DG #2 called, this is mr kitty's half of the conversation that i got to hear: "hello..... oh hey what's up man?...... i'm sure she'd love to help you out [insert confirmatory eye-contact] ..... tonight? actually she's already stripping at my other buddy's tonight..... what? no, stripping leaves, jackass." :lol:
Ok, that's funny as shit.

If you don't mind my asking, how much do you charge for grow room work? What is the typical range people are paid up there? What about for straight trimming? Do trimmers ever get paid for what they produce, or is it mostly hourly?
Morning miss Kitty. Stripping for mr. Kitty's buddies, eh? That is hella funny! And, confusing as it is....I'm loving all the nerdiness!
never tought about casual laubour... but hey lotta work must go into some of the grow ops i've seen and i guess it must be quite a task
Morning miss Kitty. Stripping for mr. Kitty's buddies, eh? That is hella funny! And, confusing as it is....I'm loving all the nerdiness!

yes, well someday it'll stop being confusing..... and then you'll be like "wtf is this graphing calculator doing in my chest pocket?" :lol:
me personally, i've found that the greater returns are had from working for "favours" (no not that kind, ya pervs, geez).
especially since the folks that actually NEED my help can rarely ever afford to pay me right when they need me. i'm of the "kick me down some personal when it's done" school, and it hasn't disappointed yet (i honestly think it works out in my favour in most cases). but then, we live in canada and the values up here are strangely socialist compared to the Dark Side.

but if you want to talk going rates, anywhere from $15 to $25 for trimmers, depending on quality/speed. the days of piecework (ie trimming by weight/volume) are all but gone, and the trimming machines are giving the pros a run for their money; perhaps this is why the whippersnappers of today can't keep up with the 30- 50 yr old housewives? :lol: (it's true. i haven't met a single trimmer born later than, say, 1980 that could trump me.)
people are starting to realise that machines chew the SHIT out of your product, the work is slowly starting to be there for the handtrimmers and the Auld Guard are starting to come back ooot the woodwork.
back in the day it used to be $150 per tall dome lid full. (the clear ones that go over propagator trays)

room labour, same thing, $15 to $25 depending on your skill. even less for DGs helping DGs (the reduced risk factor takes the extra black market dollars out of the equation), but generally DGs just help each other out as the need arises.
me personally, i've found that the greater returns are had from working for "favours" (no not that kind, ya pervs, geez).
especially since the folks that actually NEED my help can rarely ever afford to pay me right when they need me. i'm of the "kick me down some personal when it's done" school, and it hasn't disappointed yet (i honestly think it works out in my favour in most cases). but then, we live in canada and the values up here are strangely socialist compared to the Dark Side.

but if you want to talk going rates, anywhere from $15 to $25 for trimmers, depending on quality/speed. the days of piecework (ie trimming by weight/volume) are all but gone, and the trimming machines are giving the pros a run for their money; perhaps this is why the whippersnappers of today can't keep up with the 30- 50 yr old housewives? :lol: (it's true. i haven't met a single trimmer born later than, say, 1980 that could trump me.)
people are starting to realise that machines chew the SHIT out of your product, the work is slowly starting to be there for the handtrimmers and the Auld Guard are starting to come back ooot the woodwork.
back in the day it used to be $150 per tall dome lid full. (the clear ones that go over propagator trays)

room labour, same thing, $15 to $25 depending on your skill. even less for DGs helping DGs (the reduced risk factor takes the extra black market dollars out of the equation), but generally DGs just help each other out as the need arises.

Machines can't touch the quality of a good hand trim. So me, the misses and occasionally a friend or two just buckle down and plow through it for a day or three. A friend of mine just bought a Samurai, they're like $15k but none of my buds will ever run through that thing. I own a Trim Reaper, I've used it exactly one time and that was enough for me...
I have a strain that produces hard round nuggets and I mean hard (bubba varietal
It's kinda leafy but more along the lines of a bitch to trim. This strain to me seems made for machine trimming because of the round rock nuggets and if I were to produce this one commercially there's no way I'd be doing the trimming.
I'd probably buy the machine and learn for myself why (respected) growers don't utilize them. Some mistakes one needs to learn for ones self hehe.
Where I'm from there is no burgeoning trimming industry/scene unfortunatley
I have a strain that produces hard round nuggets and I mean hard (bubba varietal
It's kinda leafy but more along the lines of a bitch to trim. This strain to me seems made for machine trimming because of the round rock nuggets and if I were to produce this one commercially there's no way I'd be doing the trimming.
I'd probably buy the machine and learn for myself why (respected) growers don't utilize them. Some mistakes one needs to learn for ones self hehe.
Where I'm from there is no burgeoning trimming industry/scene unfortunatley

i had a plant like that, was a phenotype of original misty from homegrown fantasy, when this thing was growing the buds were so dense and rock solid even by week 5, i thought the thing was seeded for sure it looked like it was going to burst lol, i split open a few to check no seeds just dense as fuck buds
i like to do the donk/thudd test with these type of buds, drop them on my glass table and listen for the thud! lol :)
I, too, have either used or seen used just about every machine. The only settup that was even decent was 2 - $12,000 machines (forgot thew brand). One was set for the rough cut, the second for a finer trim. Even with that, every bud still needed to be inspected, and many needed some touching up by hand. One comment we get often is that our trimming is perfect. Even when we have a flaw in our crop, great trimming can overcome any potential price cut. These days it's my wife and I doing the trimming. We have one friend (Hydro Z, our hydro store manager) that comes over for a day or 2 when we have several lbs to blow out. He originally wanted to be paid by the pound, but when he saw our standards he realized he'd make about $5/hr at his pound price (he wanted $200/lb). We pay him $120 per day plus 1/2 oz of small buds. We only use him because his work is perfect. There's really no point in hiring people who's work you need to check and touch up. I believe with the rising standards, pro trimmers will be back in business. Commercial J pays his crew $20/hr...and they're not even that good. I end up helping him quality check and touch up 20 lbs at a shot. He has tried all the machines and hates every single one. I know his last home harvest grossed him $21,000, and he spent over $2,000 on trimmers. That doesn't include the 12 hrs him and I spent going through every bud, touching up, high grading, and packaging.

We have a pretty big harvest coming soon. I have a feeling we'll bring in some more help. It sounds like around $20/hr is the magic number. I'd pay someone like Kitty $25+. Anyone who can trim as much and as good as my wife would be worth that and more. Unfortunately, like Kitty, I haven't seen too many young ones that can do that. She's mid 40's and can blast throughan elbow without a single flaw in the final product. I don't even check her shit anymore. I do check mine, though. LOL

A bit off subject. What is the deal with BC growers all growing the same strain? I see these vids, and a ton of guys are growing Hash Plant. In another time period they are all growing Jamaican. It looks like they are all getting their genetics from the same place and selling to the same place. Is there really organized growing going on?
I have a soon to be 22 year old that helps me trim......I call her the shredder....she is fast as shit....misses some stuff here and there, but her speed makes up for a few errors that I clean up later. Great trimmers are worth their weight in gold. Fun to trim with, good taste in music, lightning quick scissors......the list goes on and on....haha.

But I still bet she does not hold a candle to mellokitty!