ron paul

I like some of what RP has to say. I really like his honesty. Rare.
Some of what he says strikes me as way out there too though.
I could vote for him though.
Just heard today that he wants to (eventually) do away with federal education assistance. That makes no sense to me. And yes, I've heard his argument that it will ultimately make education cost less, blah blah. Even if true, it would take years for such an effect. Meanwhile, people who want to go to school won't be able to. Everyone talks jobs jobs jobs and everyone agrees that education is critical to compete globally.
i sometimes pray that ron paul is president so when push comes to shove he will fold like they all do. and than i can post a thread about how much a waste all these ron paul threads were. talk........nothing but talk.
No China has the Trump card of all trump cards. And its nothing Financial

China has the Rare Earth elements you cannot find any place else on earth
Except for Africa

And guess who is very active in Africa....China

Actually the US has just as many if not more "Rare Earth elements" we just arent mining them.... Just like our oil.....There is a new mining company thats is supposed to start mining for Rare earth Elemnets in the next few years because China just passed a new law like tripling the cost on them
everything obama has put forward is essentially socialist, since your so set on 3 things here you go off the top of my head UB:

1) TARP / Bailouts
2) Jobs Plan
3) Bamacare

its not really 'socialism' but the whole way he does things is increasing spending and increases the size of government, so in a round about way it is socialism.

President Bush- not President Obama- enacted TARP and signed the Bank bailout into law towards the end of his presidency. And yet a large percentage of Americans believe that Obama is responsible
Only a third of Americans (34%) correctly say the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP) was enacted by the Bush administration. Nearly half (47%) incorrectly believe TARP was passed under President Obama. Another 19% admit they do not know which president signed the bank bailout into law. Notably, there is no partisan divide on the question. Just 36% of Republicans, 35% of independents and 34% of Democrats know that the government bailout of banks and financial institutions was signed into law by former President Bush. And Democrats (46%) are just as likely as Republicans (50%) to say TARP was passed under Obama.
How are so many people misinformed about the TARP "bailout"? It's not just Fox-watching Republicans (who are often grossly misinformed by the channel) but Democrats as well. Doesn't anybody check their facts anymore? Or do people just choose the facts that support the narrative they want to believe? Bush bailed out the banks and fueled the greatest Recession in generations. Why blame it all on the guy trying to clean up his mess?
President Bush- not President Obama- enacted TARP and signed the Bank bailout into law towards the end of his presidency. And yet a large percentage of Americans believe that Obama is responsible
Only a third of Americans (34%) correctly say the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP) was enacted by the Bush administration. Nearly half (47%) incorrectly believe TARP was passed under President Obama. Another 19% admit they do not know which president signed the bank bailout into law. Notably, there is no partisan divide on the question. Just 36% of Republicans, 35% of independents and 34% of Democrats know that the government bailout of banks and financial institutions was signed into law by former President Bush. And Democrats (46%) are just as likely as Republicans (50%) to say TARP was passed under Obama.
How are so many people misinformed about the TARP "bailout"? It's not just Fox-watching Republicans (who are often grossly misinformed by the channel) but Democrats as well. Doesn't anybody check their facts anymore? Or do people just choose the facts that support the narrative they want to believe? Bush bailed out the banks and fueled the greatest Recession in generations. Why blame it all on the guy trying to clean up his mess?
It just goes to show that Bush and Obama are so similar in action that the masses of knuckleheads in this country cannot tell them apart.

Of course people choose the facts they want to hear, Its called cognitive dissonance.
It just goes to show that Bush and Obama are so similar in action that the masses of knuckleheads in this country cannot tell them apart.

Of course people choose the facts they want to hear, Its called cognitive dissonance.

And just for the record I'm not a fan of either Bush or Obama but I do think it's important for people to at least know the facts....