Only from the mind of a Democrat ...

a logical next step from the cigarette taxes that never did what they were supposed to do either. tax the people to make them do one thing, tax them to keep them from doing another, tax them because the money from the first tax was misspent, tax them so there will be more money to waste in the future, tax them for no particular reason, tax them just because you can.

nothing is certain but death and taxes and they're working on eliminating the former.
I think eventually Americans will wake up to the tax scam. I know I did ... a LONG time ago.

When will it happen? As soon as the majority of Americans realize that politicians are NOT the country ... and that politicians do NOT have our best interests at heart. And as soon as Americans realize that true patriotism isn't an allegiance to one's government ... but instead, to one's country. Governments come as go ... but countries remain.


I think eventually Americans will wake up to the tax scam. I know I did ... a LONG time ago.

When will it happen? As soon as the majority of Americans realize that politicians are NOT the country ... and that politicians do NOT have our best interests at heart. And as soon as Americans realize that true patriotism isn't an allegiance to one's government ... but instead, to one's country.
they are awake, but the illusion of security and a sense of defeatism keep them from doing more than bitching about it all. for every one of us that opts out of the game there are thousands who fall dutifully in line.

Governments come as go ... but countries remain.
tell that to yugoslavia.
Governments come as go ... but countries remain.
tell that to yugoslavia.

The land is still there. A better example would be Romania ... or East Germany. Or even better yet, Italy. The Italians change governments like they change thier shoes. :)

What's another 50 cents? It's going to 5.00 and beyond. Only the wealthy will be able to drive in the near future. I'm really glad that I don't have that long on this planet. I feel sorry for my grandkids. My generation has seen the best of times.
Well, hello Vi, hello Med...Its good to know that you guys are still alive....So I get back to this site and realized that beeng "away" has made me a second class citizen even on rollitup...whats up with the private forums? Anyways...I will be login on here now and than , just to check my lowly status....wont be posting much though, got to get my life back together, just wanted to say "Hi!'.
What's another ???? cents? It's going to ???? and beyond. Only the wealthy will be able to ???? in the near future. I'm really glad that I don't have that long on this planet. I feel sorry for my grandkids. My generation has seen the best of times.

Could be a quote from any pessimist, from any time.............good things your grandkids aren't buying..............or else your grandma would have cut her own wrists...............
What's another 50 cents? It's going to 5.00 and beyond. Only the wealthy will be able to drive in the near future. I'm really glad that I don't have that long on this planet. I feel sorry for my grandkids. My generation has seen the best of times.

Send your grandkids down here to me, Med. I'll indoctrinate them with attitudes for success. Just think ... as soon as they become members of the "Greedy Rich Club," maybe they'll throw a bone or two your way.

Every time gas prices reaches extreme new heights, it arouses public spite and the chime of "alternate energy" rings more frequent. But then something happens, it lowers back down, quelling any anti-oil movement and it slowly drops off the public radar, this cycle has been happening for years.

However, eventually, they will go up, and remain. Then, and only then, will it give rise to a serious exploration of alternate energy.

Sad thing is though, with hydrogen as a possibility "they" will make sure that you still have to spend money at the pump recharging the fuel cells besides putting a gallon of tap water in your tank.

Its all about greed gentlemen, our energy technology is backwards because it has been held back due to profit.
Every time gas prices reaches extreme new heights, it arouses public spite and the chime of "alternate energy" rings more frequent. But then something happens, it lowers back down, quelling any anti-oil movement and it slowly drops off the public radar, this cycle has been happening for years.

However, eventually, they will go up, and remain. Then, and only then, will it give rise to a serious exploration of alternate energy.

Sad thing is though, with hydrogen as a possibility "they" will make sure that you still have to spend money at the pump recharging the fuel cells besides putting a gallon of tap water in your tank.

Its all about greed gentlemen, our energy technology is backwards because it has been held back due to profit.
My God almighty. I agree, I agree. Make a note of it Zen, because it is a rare occasion
Send your grandkids down here to me, Med. I'll indoctrinate them with attitudes for success. Just think ... as soon as they become members of the "Greedy Rich Club," maybe they'll throw a bone or two your way.

I don't think so asswipe. My grandkids will not join the "liars and thieves" club if I have anything to do with it.
Every time gas prices reaches extreme new heights, it arouses public spite and the chime of "alternate energy" rings more frequent. But then something happens, it lowers back down, quelling any anti-oil movement and it slowly drops off the public radar, this cycle has been happening for years.

However, eventually, they will go up, and remain. Then, and only then, will it give rise to a serious exploration of alternate energy.

Sad thing is though, with hydrogen as a possibility "they" will make sure that you still have to spend money at the pump recharging the fuel cells besides putting a gallon of tap water in your tank.

Its all about greed gentlemen, our energy technology is backwards because it has been held back due to profit.

??? The only reason our energy technology is what it is, is because it is what it is. How are you going to make it what it isn't? When we start seriously exploring for energy, we see what is, not what we "hope" can be. Alternative sources of energy should mean more oil wells domestically, but the dreamers see what they want. We have an entire worlds infrastructure based on the combustion engine and similar technologies, which required oil to work most efficiently, not the other way around. "Hey, look at this oil stuff. Let's develop a way to harness it's amazing stored energy potential." Not quite. Oil is what it is........stored energy. It powers this world. To demand alternates, based on a feeling, and to, "coincidentally", also demand the decreased ability to have a high standard of living, is unrealistic, and frankly, juvenile. This isn't weaning the baby off of mothers milk, this is weaning the baby off food entirely.
The "liars and thieves" union is probably more realistic, if you have anything to do with it.
Wasn't talking to you CCD. Unions are the reason there is a middle class. without them we'd be doing exactly as you'd like, exploiting the working class like employers exploit the mexicans. Even the Mexicans are starting to get smart and form quasi-unions. They band together and won't work for less than a stated amount, and they are starting to stick to it, that's how unions got started. eventually they'll get their wages up, but they've displaced thousands of American workers because of greedy asshole employers. The displaced American workers need to band together and start a revolution. It will happen eventually, just a matter of time. I'm glad I'm out of the rat race, so glad.
I don't think so asswipe. My grandkids will not join the "liars and thieves" club if I have anything to do with it.

Yeppers, Med. That's what you want to instill in them to ensure their success. Just tell them the things you post in this forum ... you know, like:

1. There's no chance for anyone to get ahead in America anymore.
2. The "rich" will steal all of your opportunities.
3. High taxes are great.
4. Be a sacrificial animal. Grow teats for other to suck off of.
6. Equality of income is great ... so don't try to earn "too much."
7. Nothing positive will ever happen to you.
8. All employers are evil ... so never go into business for yourself.
9. Corporations are evil, so never shop at one, or work at one, even if it means lower costs and/or a higher income for your family.
10. Bosses are evil, so never do more than you're being paid for.
11. Only work union jobs. Otherwise, you may be promoted based upon performance instead of merit.

Yep ... now there's a formula for success if I've ever seen one.

Yeppers, Med. That's what you want to instill in them to ensure their success. Just tell them the things you post in this forum ... you know, like:

1. There's no chance for anyone to get ahead in America anymore.
2. The "rich" will steal all of your opportunities.
3. High taxes are great.
4. Be a sacrificial animal. Grow teats for other to suck off of.
6. Equality of income is great ... so don't try to earn "too much."
7. Nothing positive will ever happen to you.
8. All employers are evil ... so never go into business for yourself.
9. Corporations are evil, so never shop at one, or work at one, even if it means lower costs and/or a higher income for your family.
10. Bosses are evil, so never do more than you're being paid for.
11. Only work union jobs. Otherwise, you may be promoted based upon performance instead of merit.

Yep ... now there's a formula for success if I've ever seen one.

What an ass!