500 Watt Blackstar Grow- 5 L.A. Confidential, 1 OG Herojuana (3rd LED Grow)

counting down the days man cant wait to see what you pull defnitly going to be quality dank!im 11 from my harvest unfortunately mine arn't ready just have to chop em due to circumstances :(


Well-Known Member
So today I decided to cut two buds from 1 La Con plant and 1 OG HEROJUANA. I was so impressed with the amount of crystals on each of these buds as I observed their milky white trichs under the microscope. The smell and the stickyness was already there. I cut the buds in half and saw how dense they were, and loaded my bong up. First was the LA CON, man this stuff tasted great! No cure not even dry and it already tasted like Medical Grade Dank! I know this is going to be remarkable when fully dried and Cured!! I was expecting a harsh smoke, a slight head change, and a headache with a bad burnout. I was wrong! The smoke was smooth, I got high as fuck! and I ran around all day doing errands without even noticing that I wasn't high anymore! I then came home and smoked the OG Herojuana bud. This also tasted delicious, but the high was more sedated and it knocked me out for an hour nap. So I know when I can't sleep I can grab that OG to get the job done. Definitely tasted the distinct OG taste right away. For some reason this plant seems to be behind compared to the LA CON. Trichs are milky also, but just a different high.


Well-Known Member
My ladies are getting ready for their final day. Bulking up, stinking up, milky triching it up, with a couple amber here and there. Feed them their last feed, juiced up full strength shooting powder yesterday 5.2g up from 4.1. Start flushing on Wednesday and chop on Saturday.



Well-Known Member
Are you seriously gonna flush? Didn't realise you were growing toilets...Flushing is pointless bro, it's for forum noobs who believe it just cos they were told it.

And the shooting powder stuff is useless at this stage,it's only really any use from weeks 3-5 of flower on an 8 week strain, plant doesn't need the extra nutes this late,it's not generating as much fruit,just bulking up.

Feed just normal nutes till harvest and just dry and cure properly.

No bad taste,popping,crackling as long as the dry and the cure are done properly.
DAM IT IMA GET ME A BLACKSTAR!!! :D don't know if i have asked you this before but how loud are the inbuilt fans on the 500W model loud enough to hear them when you close the closet door so to speak?


Well-Known Member
Are you seriously gonna flush? Didn't realise you were growing toilets...Flushing is pointless bro, it's for forum noobs who believe it just cos they were told it.

And the shooting powder stuff is useless at this stage,it's only really any use from weeks 3-5 of flower on an 8 week strain, plant doesn't need the extra nutes this late,it's not generating as much fruit,just bulking up.

Feed just normal nutes till harvest and just dry and cure properly.

No bad taste,popping,crackling as long as the dry and the cure are done properly.
Lol. I didnt flush my last grow and I didnt have any harsh taste, etc. But I am just following the feeding schedule that House and Garden recommended. They want me to flush for 2 days, but like I said last grow, my buds tasted fine with no flush...So we will see if I feed them till the very end. I have been sampling right from the branches, and it is not harsh at all and taste almost as if a finished product! Flush or not to flush...hmm..


Well-Known Member
DAM IT IMA GET ME A BLACKSTAR!!! :D don't know if i have asked you this before but how loud are the inbuilt fans on the 500W model loud enough to hear them when you close the closet door so to speak?
They kinda sound like pc fans, with the closet door closed you would barely hear them...


Well-Known Member
DAM IT IMA GET ME A BLACKSTAR!!! :D don't know if i have asked you this before but how loud are the inbuilt fans on the 500W model loud enough to hear them when you close the closet door so to speak?
Hey man, depending on what security you have, these fans do get decently loud. It does sound like a computer fan but think of them as over-charged computer fans and there are 8 of them on the 500w. In my case, my neighbor downstairs complains about sound upstairs during the night, because I used a 240w blackstar with 6 fans in my veg. He complained enough that I had to switch my 240 into my flowering room and use fluorescent instead for veg. People like led's for stealthiness but when you need to be as stealth as your silent closet in your bedroom in your parents house, think twice about the constant fan buzzing.


Well-Known Member
woulda doubled your yeild with hps

3rd grow with a blackstar cant wait till your thread saying it died midway through you 4th an gothem hydro wont honor your warranty

so many suckers
How about you stop sipping on that "haterade", and say something positive. No one really wants to hear your amateur comments


Well-Known Member
If there was a show for marijuana called "cheaters" I would be on it! I am running low on meds and been snapping samples off. lol. My friends came over last night and we smoked a big nug that hasnt been flushed, dried or cured. Took a little longer to heat up the bud, but we got good white smoke, and the taste was amazing! For sure the distinct LA CON taste! I have to cut the bud with scissors, and its always so sticky after! These buds are really dense and thick, im happy! All the skeptics telling me that LEDs can't grow dense, dank buds can go suck a donkey dick! Here is all the proof right here. Saturday is the anticipated chop day.

