Drug Dogs


Well-Known Member
Please forgive my ignorance on this subject but, how do they train dogs to detect weed? I understand how they may do other drugs as there is a specific smell that does not change very much. Considering the thousands of different strains and therefore different smells of marijuana, how the hell could they know? Quick story about these creatures that really has nothing to do with the above. I once had a cop threaten to arrest me as I wouldn't stop barking at his dog (I was high). When I asked why he stated that it was "verbal assault" and I asked how in the hell did he know what I was saying to the dog (which he corrected me and said it was an officer of the law). I was agitating the dog which also impeded it's job as a cop and therefore I could be arrested for it.


Well-Known Member
Dude...dogs can smell cancer in people, they can hone in on things you can't even imagine smelling, but there's obviously a common thread in all weed.


Well-Known Member
That and we're very task/reward oriented. If it means a squeaky toy, head scratch or a treat, we get even better at sniffing out the ganja...


Active Member
Theres tons of different types of dog treats, but my dog know what that shit is right away, he sometimes even sniffs out the grocery bag I have them in before I get to put them away, amongst a bunch of other food, which to my senses totally out-smell the sealed pack of dog treats.

Driving near the K-9 suvs still freaks me out every single time.


Well-Known Member
Please forgive my ignorance on this subject but, how do they train dogs to detect weed? I understand how they may do other drugs as there is a specific smell that does not change very much. Considering the thousands of different strains and therefore different smells of marijuana, how the hell could they know? Quick story about these creatures that really has nothing to do with the above. I once had a cop threaten to arrest me as I wouldn't stop barking at his dog (I was high). When I asked why he stated that it was "verbal assault" and I asked how in the hell did he know what I was saying to the dog (which he corrected me and said it was an officer of the law). I was agitating the dog which also impeded it's job as a cop and therefore I could be arrested for it.
lol yep he could have arrested ya .. seen it done here .. and ya it held up in court .. verbally assaulting an onduty officer of the law .. and like Orithil said .. dogs can hone in on certain smells ..

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
you can train a dog to detect anything..jus reward him when he finds whatever your looking for

i do the same thign with my hunting dogs

Frito Bandito420

Active Member
get a piece of 2" round pvc about 6" long. drill small holes in it all around cap one end. full the tube with marijuana. in a bag or not in a bag if u don't care to lose your stash. cap the other end. and play with your dog with it. run fetch let him have the time of his life with it. eventually he's going to want his "toy" which someone walks in my house with weed on them or smells like weed my dog wants to play with them. I also have a German shepherd which is a little smarter than your average mut lol. but it works. he also likes to be around me when I smoke.


Well-Known Member
When I was working in the Arctic they brought a drug sniffing dog into the camp, they busted the Cook and 2 ladies. I was so pissed when I came back after 2 weeks off I brought an oz of shake and put it in a spice bottle and sprinkled it in the security office and the whole camp`s living quarters. It was so funny to watch them scratch their heads and they kept saying what the fuck. Hahahahahahahaah never had a problem again that season.

Total Head

Well-Known Member
i'd bet that we don't even know the actual substance the dog is dectecting in the weed. i doubt it's as simple as "smelling thc", although thc is common to all cannabis. it could be any other cannabinoid or hormone or a byproduct of of a combination of substances.

and that shit about distracting the "canine officer" is hilarious. and it's bullshit. it's no different than singing, and they can't arrest you for singing, no matter how "distracted" some dopey officer becomes. aren't they supposed to be trained for that? maybe the taxpayers are due a refund...


Well-Known Member
a tip to stay "safe" when you grow is to take clippings/etc grind it right up until its pretty much a powder then go litter the shit out of your own house inside and out...so a dog just goes nuts giving tells everywhere :D


Well-Known Member
no one has mentioned barry cooper here! im shocked!!

if you dont know who he is, iso hunt him, and download never get busted. hes an ex leo, who used to train dogs. at one point he says that the cops have set off words or noises that will make the dog scratch as if theres something there, even though there might not be.

also, to ans the first guy, dogs dont just smell a product,like soup for example. we smell soup, a dog smells the individual ingredients, carrot potato turnip etc..


Well-Known Member
there is a certain smell with all marijuana, similar to how all marijuana has a similar feel to the high

(Even while sativas and indicas are radically different in their highs (speed to morphine/valium) both have the certain same feel to the high)

its the same with the smell, even though there are different fragrances along with it, usually with every weed i smell the certain, marijuana smell, even if its fainter than the strongest aroma coming from the herb.and if the smell is not there, the weed is very old or just was never fragrant (though a dog might perhaps sniff it ;) (i do however have a rather unusually strong sense of smell)

but of course as with taste, you do have to have a practiced nose as well (that you actually use it on a regular basis to smell different things and learn to single out one smell from many or something like that..)

Dirty Harry

Well-Known Member
stupid drug dogs
It isn't the dogs fault. It only does what it is taught for the reward. Some are taught to search, others are taught to attack. The dog has no idea what the out come of it's actions mean in terms of us. It only want to make the handler happy and get its reward.
When you smell a pot of cooked chili, you smell chili. The dog can smell every item and every spice in it. If trained for chili powder, it will hit. If trained for chili beans, it will hit. Same for onions and everything else.
Ever notice when ones dog gets excited before it even see's you? It smells your body odor. Everyone has their own smell, but the dog is trained on yours and knows when your around before it even see's you.