I Hate Illuminati-Fanatics


Well-Known Member
I'm tired of the Illuminatti too.. They are Gay. I'm tired of the President of the Untidied States. He is addicted to eating KFC at 2 AM. I'm tired of your Mom. She needs to stop bursting the alien offspring from her stomach. I'm tired of Hurricanes and toilet bowls that can't pass my big "stools" after I flush one time. Fuck the Water company because the utility shouldn't cost so much, they don't put new pipes in our walls every 20 years. I'm tired of Iraqis and people in general that live in the middle east, USA stop the foreplay and stack more naked men in pyramid forms to take photos with US soldiers at Imprisonment Camps. I'm tired of the News not telling me amazing stories like this one: http://www.cruiselawnews.com/articles/drugs/
Yes TV News, You guys are SO Gay, silly meat puppets! Ummmm what else? Oh let me start a new thread as useful as yours, I'll make a few!!!


Well-Known Member
Ehh..nah that'll be my kids reciting that in school, im too old to care. Give me my marijuana semi-legally whatever & stay outta my way, who knows.. .

20 years from now, we will all be laying in our beds surfing RIU through our glasses & laughing @ how we thought we would be in a Fema Camp.
You pledge allegiance to the Dollar, and to its Interest for which it stands, under New World Order, divisible, with poverty, and slavery for all.

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
Ehh..nah that'll be my kids reciting that in school, im too old to care. Give me my marijuana semi-legally whatever & stay outta my way, who knows.. .

20 years from now, we will all be laying in our beds surfing RIU through our glasses & laughing @ how we thought we would be in a Fema Camp.
In 20 years this site will be another parked domain with ads on it. Thank god.


Well-Known Member
Conspiracies were around for a while, and came to pass as a reality. What about Hitler and his deed of Jew killing in 1939, in their own home country? I would bet 5,000,000 fiat USA federal bucks that a "conspiracy" was going on before the iron cross of evil came down. As usual, not many will listen. But nobody will be able to do anything about it anyway.
meanwhile, hollywood should make a new 3d movie about the NWO, starting it's campaign of death in the USA and killing people, because movie-goers enjoy films about the united states being destroyed LOL. so many aliens have blown up the USA and the white house, then there's day after tomorrow, giant monkeys, dinosaurs smashing NYC... funnnny. but why not be like the president and make movies about blowing up Iraqi and other various sand cultures?
p.s., was the remake of King Kong a prelude to what happens when OBAMA makes the captain's seat?


Well-Known Member
not until you provide me some actual material to respond to. right now, all we have is your speculation. do you have any actual information, archived data, historical pieces or whatnot depicting these jews who supported hitler?

if so, maybe i can respond. until then, you are just speculating in whatever fashion sounds good to you.

stealing any CDs lately?
Here is some news
Jews fought for the Nazis in the German Army-
And some Jews even got certificates so they could be German and not Jew even though they had Jewish relitives. Jew soliders would even bring their jewish family around hoping to gain excecption for them. Feild marshal Milch- head of the air force- he was half Jew


Well-Known Member
i need to sign up for the infowars and prison planet dude i saw so many videos i didnt watch. ima wait till i get stuff worked out for my grows so i can chill i seem to learn more that way. dude you always show some good vids. deffinatly know theres more of this stuff floating around. props for keeping your eyes open

my computer put my post before the 2 hour vid you just threw up wierd. uhh is there a program to stop the gov from hatching my shit. my dad works for wackenhut here at bragg they got allot of sensitive shit here so they keep records on all employees plus he's ex military. step dad conferned also, worked in places on base where all you are allowed to look is at your work.


Well-Known Member
Here is some news
Jews fought for the Nazis in the German Army-
And some Jews even got certificates so they could be German and not Jew even though they had Jewish relitives. Jew soliders would even bring their jewish family around hoping to gain excecption for them. Feild marshal Milch- head of the air force- he was half Jew
Uncle Buck....
How do you feel about the evidence of Jewish Nazis serving in Hitlers Army?
The pope was a Hitler Youth


Well-Known Member
This video (and many others like it) leads me to question "Do they just let anyone be a cop?"

These are power tripping motherfuckers and I think they are fucking crazy.

A cop kills someone: Self defense

You kill a cop: Jail for LIFE

A cop shoots your dog(s): Who cares, it's a dog.

You kill a "police dog": Jail for murdering an "officer"

They are no better than street gangs, hell, at least the street thugs aren't pretending to "protect" us.

Edit: And for all of you police nut-huggers, I'm talking about the pigs in the videos and other pigs like them.


Well-Known Member
Edit: And for all of you police nut-huggers, I'm talking about the pigs in the videos and other pigs like them.
i cant tell you how many cops are so fucken nice to me its not even funny. i agree with you there, im sure youve even met some pretty chill ass cops. here im always being caught in the middle lane hauling ass. on certain roads never have i had a cop be a dick, still waiting on that one.