classicIt seems to have affected your ability to use this sites quote feature

your quote is all fucked up.

classicIt seems to have affected your ability to use this sites quote feature
Do you seek higher learning through youtube? <3
You pledge allegiance to the Dollar, and to its Interest for which it stands, under New World Order, divisible, with poverty, and slavery for all.
In 20 years this site will be another parked domain with ads on it. Thank god.Ehh..nah that'll be my kids reciting that in school, im too old to care. Give me my marijuana semi-legally whatever & stay outta my way, who knows.. .
20 years from now, we will all be laying in our beds surfing RIU through our glasses & laughing @ how we thought we would be in a Fema Camp.
Here is some newsnot until you provide me some actual material to respond to. right now, all we have is your speculation. do you have any actual information, archived data, historical pieces or whatnot depicting these jews who supported hitler?
if so, maybe i can respond. until then, you are just speculating in whatever fashion sounds good to you.
stealing any CDs lately?
i need to sign up for the infowars and prison planet dude i saw so many videos i didnt watch. ima wait till i get stuff worked out for my grows so i can chill i seem to learn more that way. dude you always show some good vids. deffinatly know theres more of this stuff floating around. props for keeping your eyes open[youtube]xbpnjoRnFaw[/youtube]
Uncle Buck....Here is some news
Jews fought for the Nazis in the German Army-
And some Jews even got certificates so they could be German and not Jew even though they had Jewish relitives. Jew soliders would even bring their jewish family around hoping to gain excecption for them. Feild marshal Milch- head of the air force- he was half Jew
This video (and many others like it) leads me to question "Do they just let anyone be a cop?"[youtube]xbpnjoRnFaw[/youtube]
i cant tell you how many cops are so fucken nice to me its not even funny. i agree with you there, im sure youve even met some pretty chill ass cops. here im always being caught in the middle lane hauling ass. on certain roads never have i had a cop be a dick, still waiting on that one.Edit: And for all of you police nut-huggers, I'm talking about the pigs in the videos and other pigs like them.