Huge 4000sq ft. Grow Room Ideas


Well-Known Member
you could always consider starting with one of the rooms I.E. the basement and add to it on your 2,3,4 grows. Your going to win with a 1,000 sq ft basement no matter what ! And yeah soil is a big fucking pain in the ass for such a large operation !!


Well-Known Member
there is a thread on here titled , "Experienced Electrician! Here to Answer Any and All Growroom Electrical Questions" . If you have any Q's off the top of your head this guy could help answer some. Hey its free advice and he seems fairly knowledgable ! hope this helps somewhat.


Well-Known Member
lol you know there are grows in the emerald triangle with thousands of plants or more right? Public enemy no.1 lmao maybe if hes killing babies on the side. Check this if your not using power for the electric company youll be fine, completely under the radar. I dont think theres too many ghetto birds with heat sensors flying over remote farms in CO...

This is a big grow maybe compared to yours or mine but its far from the biggest, and really its not your problem if he wants to do it hes gonna do it. Enough people have told him that already in this thread and I dont wanna keep checking here only to see more people bitching about it.

Less bitching, more helpful please, even constructive criticism works(key word=constructive) If not just stfu, whats next are the grammer nazis gonna show up?
Two hundred by one thousand watt lights with say 9 SOG plants under each is 1800 plants. Not including the many mothers he'll need and propagation space how grow is fucking huge man.

Again I wasnt being negative, I was just asking the little questions and outlining the reasons why...the guy is considering doing a grow that could basically mean he spends a VAST amount of time in prison or worse.

If trying to prepare a guy for what would be a true life decision (in all sense of the words) is negative then I don't know what's being positive.

To the OP: I don't care actually, let everyone else just tell you to do it, but just consider every possible outcome before such a massive undertaking. "If you fail to plan then plan to fail".

Happy growing bro, I genuinely hope it works out well for you.


Well-Known Member
ok just so the OP knows for 200 x 1000w lights thats going to take like 500000 btu of AC to keep cool...

if you really have the cash to do a grow of this size, its kind of a sure bet you will end up in prison for it. I mean come on your talking about becoming a very large drug kingpen on everyone radar from the feds to the mob and everyone in between...if you have the cash to do a grow that cost 1/2 million dollars great for you, dont waste it on doing a 1/2 million dollar grow all in one place, have several houses so maybe when one gets busted you dont loose everything... just my opinion good luck to you...


Well-Known Member
ok just so the OP knows for 200 x 1000w lights thats going to take like 500000 btu of AC to keep cool...

if you really have the cash to do a grow of this size, its kind of a sure bet you will end up in prison for it. I mean come on your talking about becoming a very large drug kingpen on everyone radar from the feds to the mob and everyone in between...if you have the cash to do a grow that cost 1/2 million dollars great for you, dont waste it on doing a 1/2 million dollar grow all in one place, have several houses so maybe when one gets busted you dont loose everything... just my opinion good luck to you...

Ding... ding... ding...

You are going to end up dead.


Well-Known Member
id run power to the building enough to set up the basement. and veg. id then rip the roof off and get smart pots and start growing. id leave most of the wood beems on the roof for cover maybe even some shade cloth over the plants on the inside to hide them all. but you could make enough on your first grow do to this right. i mean complete ir sheild solar roof for half the barn or a quarter. gonna need a well. maybe a few windmills. you could add a windmill every grow tell you enough to run the barn.


Well-Known Member
this thread is fucking ridiculous, anyone that's serious about something like this isn't on a silly ass website looking for info.


Hey guy, after reading all the comments I think I've finally come to my senses an indoor grow of this size is not going to work. I do appreciate all of the helpful comments you've given me. I might possibly just invest the money I would have put into all the indoor equipment and buy a huge greenhouse and put it on the property and harvest a ton once a year instead of fucking with all the lights and electricity and what not.
You are in a medical state why not set it up under the MM Laws? and keep under the 99 plant limit that in its self is a good size grow and allot of work but you can defiantly do it! Dont let your dream of a beautiful room die.


Well-Known Member
Hey guy, after reading all the comments I think I've finally come to my senses an indoor grow of this size is not going to work. I do appreciate all of the helpful comments you've given me. I might possibly just invest the money I would have put into all the indoor equipment and buy a huge greenhouse and put it on the property and harvest a ton once a year instead of fucking with all the lights and electricity and what not.
If you setup legally and manage to legally grow the 99 plant limit...noone is stopping you from having say 3 moms, 32 rooting clones, 32 vegging and 32 in flower all with their own individual lights...that'd grow you a shit-ton of product.

Cut and root 32 clones and veg them to get you started... then 2 weeks before you flip them to flower, cut and root 32 more clones which you can put into veg for 8 weeks while the first group is flowering. When that group is 2 weeks from finishing flowering, cut and start to root 32 more clones. So then when you put the currently vegging plants into flower you've rooted clones to start vegging.

This way every 8 weeks you're harvesting 32 epic plants and starting the next batch of large already vegged plants in flower immediately, whilst at the same time starting to veg the next batch.

You can divide it down smaller again to have it on a 2 or 4 week cycle instead of 8, but my way gives you 6ish weeks (after drying) to clear the harvest before you've to chop again.

All the while staying perfectly legal and never going over 99 plants :)

Hope this helps bro, you've obviously the money to do it.