Deep Water Culture


Im new to the DWC trying to make it work i can get the plants to grow fine and all that stuff i having a big issue with keeping the Ph level down i have used different stuff to bring it down but it seems to go back up after ever 2 to 4 hours. any suggestions


Well-Known Member
Can you give some more details.

What size res
What nutrients and additives
What is your input water ppm/ph
What methods of pH correction do you use

Many things affect pH and cause fluctuations, additives change pH but also plants change pH to accommodate their changing needs for uptake of nutrients.

I set my pH after adding nutrients to 5.8 and let it drift through to 6.5 before lowering again. I also use RO water as I find other water drifts quicker.


Active Member
I kinda feel sorry for your avatar poop guy, it will take him ages to clean up he's own mess...

to answer robby, there are PH correctors that u add once and the PH stays flat, but they are for industrial purposes and are full of chemicals. u got enough chemicals in your nuts u dont want to add any more.
most marijuana plants need PH to be between 5.6 - 6.5 so do like batf1nk said- set the PH to minimum and correct it every 2-4 days.


Well-Known Member
Maybe do a res change give your res a good scrubbing, sometimes the build up of salts from your nutes can cause PH swings also remember your plant shits in your res so give it a cleaning every 7-10 days.


Well-Known Member
Robby648: not knowing what nutes you're using I can only say, yes, it can and will change and some times very rapidly depending on the growth stage of your plants and how heavily they're feeding, but they should be good for 24 hours. A trusted friend of mine gave me some good advice starting out and I'll pass it on to you. If you're growing my favorite herb and you're using a good brand of nutes correctly, he said, "Check and adjust your nutes to 5.8. Recheck and readjust it back to 5.8 at about the same time everyday and don't worry about it as long as your plants look healthy." He also added, "Keep your garden clean." HSA

Well-Known Member
yeah we need more info if you want any real help. pH climbs quickly when there is organic material in the rez or when slime is developing. get back to us on batfink's questions.



i have slim built up i use aquasheild by botanicare as a water satblizor. my main nut on this grow is gold range one dutchmaster grow croissance and ph down is what i use to bring it down. i used all the methods you have suggested. i have scrubbed that clean, used hydrogen proxide to clean it, and soaked it in 5.0 ph water for 24 hrs. i usually use spring water and i use a 5 gallon res. my input water is 5.5ph and the ppm is usually 550 to 600ppm.


Well-Known Member
How big is your plant. In late flower I used to have PH problems because my root ball got so huge in my 5 gallon res.


Well-Known Member
its in the young stage not that old at all i have the same problem with my bublle ponics
I dont know dude, dont take water samples and test the PH or PPM directly inside the res use a clean cup or shot glass and take a sample and test.


Well-Known Member
How is it effecting the plants? Is the meter 100% legit & correct?
Just asking because I have grown from seed to harvest in DWC using distilled water + Fox farm nutes... I never ph'd once, nor had a PH meter.. was in my early days. but I still ended up harvesting 12oz of whatever buds.. the weight was much better than the potency..but still.. I never flushed, cleaned tank..changed res... always added water + nutes after nutes after nutes of diff brands & my plants kept growing.. I wonder how it would have been had I actually did something correct that grow.


Well-Known Member
yes i usually have to air pumps and yes i think light is geting in to the res its a light blue bucket

DWC is all about cool water under 70, light proof res with a air stone or two its easy money after that.. Lightproof your res somehow and keep an eye on it.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
My experiences always seems controversial but, i adjust the ph when i fill the tank, and then ignore it till it's empty, i know it fluctuates, i've done the odd reading, but i leave it be and my plants do just fine.