Hawaii Growers


Well-Known Member
how many days of no sun light? I've been in grey wet skies for over 10 days straight now and my plants are not sagging? Are you sure it's not from over watering?
definelty not overwatering. I think its because this time of year a shadow falls over my yard and the plants just arn't getting enough sun on sunny days.


Well-Known Member
Sup guys. I was thinking about getting some new gear that doesn't cost too much. Anybody have any good/bad things to say about Barney's Farm?

I'm tempted to get their G13 Haze/ L.S.D.

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
Sup guys. I was thinking about getting some new gear that doesn't cost too much. Anybody have any good/bad things to say about Barney's Farm?

I'm tempted to get their G13 Haze/ L.S.D.
I hear a lot of bad about barneys but the G13 haze I got from them is the bomb! certainly a keeper. here is a pic. little out of focus but you get the idea...


Well-Known Member
I hear a lot of bad about barneys but the G13 haze I got from them is the bomb! certainly a keeper. here is a pic. little out of focus but you get the idea...
Looking nice! Time to invest in a Digital SLR camera with a Macro lens... You guys are growing some wicked shit and we need to see the whole picture :)
Barneys was one of the best coffee shops in Amsterdam for many years...
We need to get together and sample each other's harvests.... I recently scored a Pure Kush (malibu cut) cutting that is just incredible ,,, I haven't tasted Pure Kush like this in over 5 years (even when I lived in LA the pure kush was not the same quality as I had before).... Already crossed it with the blueberry pheno WB.... ;)

Puna Bud

Well-Known Member
Looking nice! Time to invest in a Digital SLR camera with a Macro lens... You guys are growing some wicked shit and we need to see the whole picture :)
Barneys was one of the best coffee shops in Amsterdam for many years...
We need to get together and sample each other's harvests.... I recently scored a Pure Kush (malibu cut) cutting that is just incredible ,,, I haven't tasted Pure Kush like this in over 5 years (even when I lived in LA the pure kush was not the same quality as I had before).... Already crossed it with the blueberry pheno WB.... ;)
sounds like you're keeping busy "Shecky" man! Pure Kush, sounds awesome too brah! When is the next time you'll be dropping in on BI? I need to know ahead of time so I can meet you. Please, no last second email saying you'll be here tomorrow. I need a few days notice so I can have my shit together when you arrive. But want to get together next time you're out here.


Active Member
Barney's has been hit and miss over the last few. Maybe a victim of their own success? The Tangerine Dream has been a complete PITA for many, me included. Beans just won't pop. However, their Vanilla Kush is incredibly popular with the WaterFarm crowd (which I primarily use).

Sample (exchange? :lol: ) harvests... I'm in. Hell, I'd be interested in a viable male or even decent pollen. I have some TGA gear inbound and lookin' to cross.


Well-Known Member
Barney's has been hit and miss over the last few. Maybe a victim of their own success? The Tangerine Dream has been a complete PITA for many, me included. Beans just won't pop. However, their Vanilla Kush is incredibly popular with the WaterFarm crowd (which I primarily use).

Sample (exchange? :lol: ) harvests... I'm in. Hell, I'd be interested in a viable male or even decent pollen. I have some TGA gear inbound and lookin' to cross.
Are you getting the seeds from Barney's or one of the seedbanks (clearinghouse for older stock)....?????


Active Member
Shec - I actually got the TD from Attitude and Nirvana. AND, still no success. I have a few TD beans left, but have moved on to something else and once TGA gear arrives, it's Jilly Time!!

Are you thinking if I order TD from Barney's directly I'll get better beans?


Well-Known Member
lol Dang Fuzz I just posted a whole explanation and my internet timed out...
Lol technology!!!

I know a few breeders who explained how it works in general terms.. Let me try to expand

1. A breeder can sell seeds themselves for 100% of the profit but they take a certain risk..
2. They can also sell through a dispensary for 60-80% of the price (per pack of 10 seeds) So if the pack is originally sold for $60, then thats about 36-48 dollars per pack ..
3. Can sell through a grow forum with seed auction for 50-80% of the price, 30-48$ per pack
4. Finally Seed banks pay about 30-60% of the price... So $20-48$ per pack...

If Fuzznuts Seeds were selling their new line of Cooter Skunk for 60 pack... They would probably want to make max profit... If the first option didnt apply they would probably try # 2 & #3 options before finally settling on #4... the seed banks...

Of course there are seed breeders that sell only through Seed banks... but most of the major seed breeders use seed banks if the first 3 options don't sell....
Seed breeders will often have new stock and they will get rid of their unsold stock to the seedbanks.

Hope that makes sense...


Active Member
lol Dang Fuzz I just posted a whole explanation and my internet timed out...
Lol technology!!!

I know a few breeders who explained how it works in general terms.. Let me try to expand

1. A breeder can sell seeds themselves for 100% of the profit but they take a certain risk..
2. They can also sell through a dispensary for 60-80% of the price (per pack of 10 seeds) So if the pack is originally sold for $60, then thats about 36-48 dollars per pack ..
3. Can sell through a grow forum with seed auction for 50-80% of the price, 30-48$ per pack
4. Finally Seed banks pay about 30-60% of the price... So $20-48$ per pack...

If Fuzznuts Seeds were selling their new line of Cooter Skunk for 60 pack... They would probably want to make max profit... If the first option didnt apply they would probably try # 2 & #3 options before finally settling on #4... the seed banks...

Of course there are seed breeders that sell only through Seed banks... but most of the major seed breeders use seed banks if the first 3 options don't sell....
Seed breeders will often have new stock and they will get rid of their unsold stock to the seedbanks.

Hope that makes sense...
Cooter skunk is the Shit


Well-Known Member
Couldn't get my Barney's TD to pop either, I think I like the VaKu best, Red Cherry Berry was OK as was LSD, but thats just me.

Sorry Sheck, she all open now...


Well-Known Member
Puna Bud- Did you put fire to that 707 or BK yet? She go?

Dang, Dr you boys gonna be rastafaried out....anything you gonna change with the system/nutes before next run?

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
Puna Bud- Did you put fire to that 707 or BK yet? She go?

Dang, Dr you boys gonna be rastafaried out....anything you gonna change with the system/nutes before next run?
yup, rastafaried out, lol. actually, yes, there will bw changes. kkdays not gonna run the snake oils(AN) and gonna do it like we used to in the outdoor grow, all by feel and affordable nutes. see how that goes. kkday wants to see if there will be any drastic differences or if the results will be the same. will definitely keep y'all updated. probably fox farms and stuff. still using promix soil.

some subcool dairy queens will finally be going in to flower. they took forever to veg but they look good. they remind me of little mango trees, the look anyway. top heavy bushes. I'll try to get a pic of them when I get a chance. gonna start some tahoe og's soon too


Well-Known Member
"Cooter Skunk"....LMAO!!!! ….watch out for that stuff…it’ll give you a lazy eye and then next thing you know you’ll be graduating from the dueling banjo academy and you’ll be moving into to Ricky-Bobbie’s sister’s double wide trailer….lol
Eh Surf'd maybe we'll be able to make that strain if we find any keepers from the Landrace project


Well-Known Member
Couldn't get my Barney's TD to pop either, I think I like the VaKu best, Red Cherry Berry was OK as was LSD, but thats just me.

Sorry Sheck, she all open now...
My friends tangerine dream he was only able to pop 1 out of 5 beans. But the one that popped had grown massive. LIke 30 feet tall. I got one picture of me underneith it somewhere.