Insomniacs Unite!!!!

Mexican Town was my old stompin ground...I've watched the sun come up from Clark Park way too many times...but I never saw her, damnit, what a story that would be...a disease infested one, but still...I would of been in that limo, no problemo
You got tall there? i was there at least 2 nights a week for awhile...i used to get fucked up at the lil side bar on margaritas and go outside and feed the stray dogs my leftovers lol..i woulda fed Madonna my cock in that alley to..but like you i never saw her

i love that hood
I hung at the El Chaperal and the Carnival bars( clark and vernor)...back in the early 90's, my crack real though, the Cubans I knew had the big fat yellow swiss cheese lookin rocks;-), the real shit, that first hit would send my ears ringing and deaf for like 2 minutes...and you only had to do a bump every hour, not every 10 minutes...ahh, the good old days.
I hung at the El Chaperal and the Carnival bars( clark and vernor)...back in the early 90's, my crack real though, the Cubans I knew had the big fat yellow swiss cheese lookin rocks;-), the real shit, that first hit would send my ears ringing and deaf for like 2 minutes...and you only had to do a bump every hour, not every 10 minutes...ahh, the good old days.
cubano coke! lol best belt buckle fight i ever seen was in that hood...two mexicans jus de belted and startin wailin on thinking crack played a role lol. what a great hood it was, havnt been there in a few years now...i wonder if its changed
cubano coke! lol best belt buckle fight i ever seen was in that hood...two mexicans jus de belted and startin wailin on thinking crack played a role lol. what a great hood it was, havnt been there in a few years now...i wonder if its changed
...I've drove thru to take a peek...the hookers are gone, or hiding, not too many people hanging on the corners anymore...but the place looks good, the restaraunts are kickin out killer food, the bars have little outside set-ups...they cleaned it up nice for the superbowl a few years ago...and some how it stayed clean so far.
I think 1994 was the last of the EMS bus was sweeping thru, popo jumpin out and grabing people like lighting....poof, gone, right off the street corner into lock-up. After that it was hit or miss on soap, baking soda, or maybe was a the crack started to show on the regular girls, scabs...teeth falling out...thats when I said " rowlman, give it up" use my user name when I talk to myself).
But seriously, it's a nice town...I'll be hitting the casino soon in Greek Town.
...did we scare everyone away with our drug talk?...that was a lifetime ago!...I'm sorry though, I'll be good.
...back in the early 90's, my crack days...

and the crack started to show on the regular girls, scabs...teeth falling out...thats when I said " rowlman, give it up"...
hahaha you crack me up regularly rowlman, you should go into comedy, the world needs a stoner comedian
Who is going to be up tonight? I got no sleep last night and hope I can pass the fuck out, we lost an hour some how
...I've drove thru to take a peek...the hookers are gone, or hiding, not too many people hanging on the corners anymore...but the place looks good, the restaraunts are kickin out killer food, the bars have little outside set-ups...they cleaned it up nice for the superbowl a few years ago...and some how it stayed clean so far.
I think 1994 was the last of the EMS bus was sweeping thru, popo jumpin out and grabing people like lighting....poof, gone, right off the street corner into lock-up. After that it was hit or miss on soap, baking soda, or maybe was a the crack started to show on the regular girls, scabs...teeth falling out...thats when I said " rowlman, give it up" use my user name when I talk to myself).
But seriously, it's a nice town...I'll be hitting the casino soon in Greek Town.
Xochimocos is callin my name lately...if i go ill take pics of the present hood lol, ill even interview someone in the was always good there, i used to get drunk and pretend i was in mexico alot LOL...then you walk outside and its the D ...sobering
Harpos...remember that place?...I don't get Detroit radio stations out here, is it still there?
someof my best memories i cant remeber were at Harpos...saw alota good bands, drank a shitload of $1 pitchers.

remember they even had a nurses station in there off to the side near the door? people got fucked up in there lol
how about 10 cent beer night at the Token Lounge!...holy fuck, the waitress would be bringing 30 beers at a time to the table...that was some piss water though...Black Label or Blatz
someof my best memories i cant remeber were at Harpos...saw alota good bands, drank a shitload of $1 pitchers.

remember they even had a nurses station in there off to the side near the door? people got fucked up in there lol
That 4 inch deep piss filled bathroom at thing was always flooded.
how about 10 cent beer night at the Token Lounge!...holy fuck, the waitress would be bringing 30 beers at a time to the table...that was some piss water though...Black Label or Blatz
or the Hayloft liquer stand ...the token lounge is epic

That 4 inch deep piss filled bathroom at thing was always flooded.
it was the place you didnt wanan fall down in LOL