Insomniacs Unite!!!!


Well-Known Member
Hey, i got my new laptop! Went with a toshiba Satellite L775D-S7305...Nice 17" screen, just gotta get used to the new keyboard...But I'm fucking happy to be off the iPod... :)


Well-Known Member
My girl loves scary movies...don't really care for them much myself, but then again I dont watch a lot of movies or TV...but she always has that shit on in the backround.


Well-Known Member
My girl loves scary movies...don't really care for them much myself, but then again I dont watch a lot of movies or TV...but she always has that shit on in the backround.
My mom raised us watching scary movies.
When my sister was like 7 she didn't go to the bathroom for a week after seeing Candy Man.
I'm pretty sure it has helped us to deal with intense situations though. Like since when you watch scary movies it's like, "Don't go in the..." "Don't do that" "You should have..."


Well-Known Member
I just tripped over a fuckin box of christmas tree hate this shit out before's completely unnessesary. Lucky I didn't spill my bowl or that fuckin tree would be in the pond!..with all the lights!


Well-Known Member
is it a fake tree? a real one will dry up before xmas. bowl of what?

i am on the couch in pjs. it's freezing. my dog took up the couch, i can't even lay down.


Well-Known Member older dog won't move either. Yep, it's fake...I always get a real one after turkey day....this one goes on the other side of the house usually, but for some reason, it's down from the attic and set up in the living room already!...oh well, it kinda got me in the spirit early this year.With grandkids now, I gatta stay on my toes with this's for them anyways. I'm smoking on a local strain called Danny Treveno...he's a dispensary owner near me and this is his sig strain...he's got special this week, send a new costomer in and they can get it for $10 a gram, then I go in and get mine for $10 a gram for sending them.
...I only have 1 strain left of my smoke,a jar and 1/2 of headband...gatta make that last, it's the best strain for pain.:eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
I always wear PJ pants. I decided I like wearing soft cotton pants, screw fashion - denim is evil. So yeah, PJ's and chillin'. About 5-6 weeks to harvest I'd guess.


Well-Known Member
PJ's are awesome...if I'm at home, I like to be comfortable...but I wear jeans when I go out.
Pffft, appearances be damned, I go out shopping and paying bills in PJ pants - they can doubt my style, but they always smile at my money.