Troll Wars II aka Greatest Thread Ever pt 1

Fucking Cobra theme bitch!!! Shit's evil.


bad ass dude. I like this one - I think it's the original. The chorus is awesome. I'm also trying to find the one where it shows like the Cobra home planet...there's plants that have brains and stuff..I can't find it. But Cobra Commander ends up being this other dude's bitch...he's from the plant planet. Gotta find it
No one is gonna mention the Masters of the Universe? And what about ghostbusters ?

how about the Masters of the Universe movie? That was HUGE for us kids when it came out...because it was live action not cartoons
Oh snap Dolf Lundgren was He-man! lol totally forgot. And Courtney Cox!!!!
Some old ones I bet most of you are too young to remember.

Man I'm seriously paranoid right now. Argh. Like any moment there'll be hard knocking on my door or something. AHHH!!!!! Hate sativas man

I got my phone to work as a camera on skype but it is SOOOO slow it's retarded. I have the same username, created new acct