Basho is Bored (The Haiku Game)


Well-Known Member
I'd be amazed if nobody snagged this one yet but here is Jack's haiku:
Worker bee's can leave.
Even drones can fly away.
The Queen is their slave.


Well-Known Member
live in his house, huh?
jack must have met the same fate
as trick or treaters O.O

I suppose it is,
as good a way as any
to make house vacant :twisted:

eye exaggerate

Well-Known Member
oh...oh christmas tree...
where for art thou christmas tree
one with THC! :)

jumping all over
but I'm sure that it's ok
...I did it myyyyyyyyy waaaaaaaay :)


Well-Known Member
its my intention
to have many christmas trees,
they'll give me presents:weed:

I wire the lights
one more trip to home depot,
and it will be on.

tonight they begin,
germination is their path,
12/12 from seedlings :D

hydroton, coco,
and all the nutes that I need,
waiting ends and starts


Well-Known Member
What happened to you?!
you run around us naked!
with no avatar!

its the thought that counts,
it does the same thing to me,
damn imposed limits! :cuss:

eye exaggerate

Well-Known Member
Avatar, it seems...
was lost in negative space here's one with taste ;)

Same, actually
just had mundane sht come up...
to brake my haiku!

So, I snipped one bud of two runts I took down
But now I am up :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
its my intention
to have many christmas trees,
they'll give me presents:weed:

I wire the lights
one more trip to home depot,
and it will be on.

tonight they begin,
germination is their path,
12/12 from seedlings :D

hydroton, coco,
and all the nutes that I need,
waiting ends and starts
Giving birth to Green Daughters
A Magical Time

I have ten Dank Girls
Basking in Blue HID
They all Sing to me

I give them Power,
A mild solution Shower,
Before they Flower...