Basho is Bored (The Haiku Game)

had complications,
but I have now surpassed them,
my babies now grow!

dry as a desert,
but an oasis I see,
on the horizon.

...clipped and trimmed a bit
I didn't smoke a thing but...
FCK, was I messed up :)

Sticky, this Northern
like wow, really, fckn wow...
another week dude!
At LEAST 2 more months,
you smug ass son of a bitch :p
will I have to wait. :cuss:

I'm happy for you, :D
I only play at hating ;)
one day mine will come.
had complications,
but I have now surpassed them,
my babies now grow!

dry as a desert,
but an oasis I see,
on the horizon.

Ah, yes. Problem Sprouts
They don't Grow without a hitch
They're Tiny green Brats!

My young ones cause Grief!
I give them Love, Light and Soup
And still they argue

Daddy is Patient
Let them have their growing pains
In the End, I Win...
At LEAST 2 more months,
you smug ass son of a bitch :p
will I have to wait. :cuss:

I'm happy for you, :D
I only play at hating ;)
one day mine will come.

...and it will be sweet!
I read about Home Depot...
in a past haiku

2 more 2 more months
ma's daughters will celebrate
near the same H-Day ;)

Turns out they're Northern
Not sure why 'lights' was added
mine are off for sure :)
I was just telling my boy,
dont say that dark word

Then you have to go,
and invoke him by a pic!
bad form, eye, bad form!!! :p
Another Friday
Again the Challenging week
Is now at an end

My Thread was falling
The Appeal of Haiku wanes
Shall I let it die?

Life's problems Consume
We must all fight the good Fight
I shamelessly Bump...
job kicks my ass hard,
haikus are not forgotten,
good time to bump it.

my babies shall veg,
new genetics were added,
plans have been altered

but the train moves on,
past the point of no return,
a beautiful ride :blsmoke:

at last I'm not dry,
bought some many days ago,
and friend sent me some.
job kicks my ass hard,
haikus are not forgotten,
good time to bump it.

my babies shall veg,
new genetics were added,
plans have been altered

but the train moves on,
past the point of no return,
a beautiful ride :blsmoke:

at last I'm not dry,
bought some many days ago,
and friend sent me some.

The Raven has Weed!
Dry, Sober days at an End
Back to your old Self...

I, too, changed my grow
Mastering LST now
Future Yields will Soar!
with a lightning rod,
I bring back this tired thread,
haiku will not die...

I bind down its soul,
to riu's unknown server,
it shall not know peace! :twisted: