Basho is Bored (The Haiku Game)


Oh my god, This show
Hilarious shit, you don't
Even know... Blazin vape
honor is lacking,
world full of backstabbing thieves,
over passing joy.

my girls are my hope,
they persevere through all this
I learn from their strength.
I'm greatly saddened,
thought much more of him then this
should be more angry,

but disappointment,
overshadows my anger,
stupid fucking kid. :(

but we do stay true,
our honor worth much more then,
a few moments high.
I'm greatly saddened,
thought much more of him then this
should be more angry,

but disappointment,
overshadows my anger,
stupid fucking kid. :(

but we do stay true,
our honor worth much more then,
a few moments high.

...for damn fckn sure!
I enjoy a good night's sleep
...not a stolen high