DWC Root Slime Cure aka How to Breed Beneficial Microbes

i saw liquid light and snow storm mention many times in this thread. Do you guys run it at full strength? Also, what strength snow storm do you foliar with? I have use canna boost as a foliar and it works great when sprayed early in flower. I mixed 5ml canna boost, 5ml snow storm, and 5 ml penetrator with 1 liter of water.

also, what is a good weekly schedule for these 3 foliars: bene tea, liquid light, and snow storm? Every-other day?
Do you have to lower Your ec When foliar feeding hiesenberg? I was
Looking at the foliar feeding, and the dutch masters range looked appealing? Do i juat mix liquid light and penetrator in the same bottle and spray it on? Do you notice a real difference with it mate?
I mix up 300ml of LL+saturator and add about 1/2ml of snow storm.

i am confused here. Their instructions say "Add 60 ml of Gold Range LIQUID LIGHT together with 60 ml of Gold Range SATURATOR to 1 litre of water in a spray bottle"
can you clarify your statement? Do you add it to water?
i am confused here. Their instructions say "Add 60 ml of Gold Range LIQUID LIGHT together with 60 ml of Gold Range SATURATOR to 1 litre of water in a spray bottle"
can you clarify your statement? Do you add it to water?

Yes he is saying he mixes up the appropriate amount with water to total roughly 300ml, then adds a small amount of Snow Storm.

I'm about the same with some variation. I usually mix up 500ml water with 30ml Liquid Light, 30ml Saturator, and a very small amount of Snow Storm. If I use too much Snow Storm, it will singe the tips of the hairs, and excessive amounts will bleach out foilage. Foilar no sooner than every 3 days.

I should add that I also put about 4 drips of kelp extract to my foliar spray but my kelp is extremely concentrated. Like uber concentrated actually 1/2ml per gallon is the recommended dosage. I mix one liter to foliar 12 BIG plants. LL is one of the only holly cow products I use (besides bush master). After an hour or so all your leaves will be reaching for the sky.

Hey can someone address my question on the previous page? Can I add BC pure blend liquid compost to my dwc Rez? I found it really increases terpene production but I don't want to make my Rez go nuts. It's hydro organic but I'm not sure if all the nutrients need to be fixed for uptake and will the Benies in my tea fix them? I'm thinking week 5-8 of 9.

Thanks guys!
I should add that I also put about 4 drips of kelp extract to my foliar spray but my kelp is extremely concentrated. Like uber concentrated actually 1/2ml per gallon is the recommended dosage. I mix one liter to foliar 12 BIG plants. LL is one of the only holly cow products I use (besides bush master). After an hour or so all your leaves will be reaching for the sky.

Hey can someone address my question on the previous page? Can I add BC pure blend liquid compost to my dwc Rez? I found it really increases terpene production but I don't want to make my Rez go nuts. It's hydro organic but I'm not sure if all the nutrients need to be fixed for uptake and will the Benies in my tea fix them? I'm thinking week 5-8 of 9.

Thanks guys!

Add it with a fresh batch of bennies. I would try it on a single bucket if I could. If you do see slime start to form you can always flush and fix things. If you use mycogrow or GW you have the microbes needed to fix the nutes. I suspect you will see some bio buildup, but that late in bud it shouldn't have time to cause problems.
ok so ive bought my bio bizz earth worm castings, my black strap mollases, and i have my great white, do i now just put 1 cup of the EWC into a bit of cheese cloth? or something that no particles will get through at all, and then add a spoonfull of each mollases and great white powder and furiously bubble for 48 hours? il only be using this as a preventative in my URDWC diy system! do i basicly want no debris at all in my finished tea product or is a little ok? il throw some pics up as well folks, thanks!

thanks in advance for any advice!
I think most start out wanting no debris what so ever, I recall Heis saying recently that he used to really strain stuff..now not so much. I kind of got lazy myself. I turn the bubbler off, let everything settle for like an hour, then simply pour everything slowly into the rez or container for the fridge.

I used to use cheese cloth or an old t shirt. A bubble hash bag also works very well.

A little chunks are just fine. Make sure your water isn't too cold or you will be wondering why you don't see any bubbles.
I think most start out wanting no debris what so ever, I recall Heis saying recently that he used to really strain stuff..now not so much. I kind of got lazy myself. I turn the bubbler off, let everything settle for like an hour, then simply pour everything slowly into the rez or container for the fridge.

I used to use cheese cloth or an old t shirt. A bubble hash bag also works very well.

A little chunks are just fine. Make sure your water isn't too cold or you will be wondering why you don't see any bubbles.

no probs, yeah i was thinking maybe cheese cloth would be easy to get a hold of and not much is getting through that, thanks for the reply, im dipping my seedlings roots into the greatwhite powder as well before they go into the clay balls, and into my RDWC veg bubbler, maybe through a journal up here, only came on for this thread but its a pretty cool site, and with guys like hiesenberg spouting out 125 pages worth of DWC goodies then i think i might just like it lol!!
Although its definitely not a bad thing, you can achieve the same affect as dipping your roots by just pouring your tea over the substrate once they are planted. You could probably make the case that it better results will be had as the bacteria and fungus are already re-animated and ready to go and they won't get flushed down into the water.

6 of one half dozen of the other. save you a little cash on GW powder though.
Yeah that stuffs expensive!! My system is drip fed as well so pouring it onto the clayballs would flush it into main recirculating nute mass anyway, would it attatch to the support roots first though do you think? I ordered my bio EWC at 14:00 today and i got a mail saying theyl be here tomorow :) was going to go get normal mollases from health food store but wasnt sure it was the same as blackstrap so ordered that instead, i shouldnt have a problem with this grow (knock on wood) as my temps here in scotland are rediculously freezing lol prob need an aquarium heater to keep me at 18-19deg, so this is all just a preventative measure, il make the more diverse version H speaks of earlier in the thread,

Prob have about 150L of solution in my system at any given time, thats about 35 gal i think, not sure lol u recon 1 cup every 3 days as a preventative dose?
First off I would like to greatly thank you for this wonderful thread you wrote out for the community, root rot and slime is a killer in any DWC system, and you've given me so much insight on this that it will most likely benefit me hugely in my future crops.

I just went by my local hydro shop to look for some of the products you named out for a perfect tea mixture, allthough they did not have the Zho powder you described, but luckily it will be ordered and shipped within the next couple weeks so i can test out. So instead i tried out a different product that the guy there had many good things to say about, it came in a small package with two bags inside. The name of this product is Xtreeme gardening compost Tea. I'm just curious if you, or anyone reading this thread has experience in using this product, if so how did it work for you? From my knowledge it seems like a good alternative to brewing a custom tea but probably not as effective as the one you described, being as it has a clearing solution in it also.
Been there.. tired of lugging around soil bags and throwing out used foxfarm... stuff really takes a tole on you plus its just a mess in the grow room.
That's an excellent point. The other benefit of soil is greatly reduced growth rates and less yield.

@ BHbob, that xtreme stuff will work fine. They are basically just selling myco products that are marked up for weed growers. They are nice though as they sent me some samples for free.
FYI. Most hydro companies will send you free samples if you send a nicely worded email.
K cause ive just mixed res and want to stabilize ph while the tea is brewing, hope thats coolio :) are you currently battling or preventing slime? I had a small bloom and I'm trying to kick its ass after the h202 treatment.