Killing Fields Is Killer!


Well-Known Member
hey coffeebreak k/f is a pure joy to grow its one of those strains thats almost as much fun to grow as it is to smoke


Well-Known Member
Picture 014.jpgPicture 013.jpgPicture 012.jpgPicture 011.jpgtoday is feed day & im putting them on the ripen schedule buds are getting really dense & packing on a lot of weight i had to tie a lot of them up a lot of them i cant reach here is todays pics:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Picture 024.jpgPicture 023.jpgPicture 021.jpgPicture 022.jpgi had a little time this morning to take a few pics of my k/f ive successfuly crossed both phenos of my k/f with jackberry & have seeds for future grow im hoping for a shorter plant & dense buds also used jackberry male to pollinate superlemonhaze female:fire:

hazey grapes

Well-Known Member
any time you think your buds aren't big enough, i'd be more than willing to take them off your hands... no charge! LOL


Well-Known Member
hey hazey grapes thanks for stoping by the buds may be smaller in this grow but the density & quality are steadily improving this strain seems to improve with every grow

hazey grapes

Well-Known Member
i'll take QUALITY over quantity EVERY TIME!

i really get annoyed how backwards the "bag appeal" priorities are
- lots of sticky resin
- (through the) brick wall roadkill skunky
- rock hard nugs

ALL of those things = schwag to me. i'll take "generic" piney/weedy smelling, fluffy & peach fuzzy columbian gold ANY DAY because it just smokes so much better and if you have superior THC, the potency doesn't really suffer with smaller resin glands. not only that, but fluffy buds are so much easier to break apart with your fingers.

the best things come in smaller packages that take longer to arrive. i'm glad to see all of the growers here that only grow for headstash & not that henry ford assembly line crap. i can't wait to have some quality SEEDED (i like that too!) bud of my own to smoke and hopefully re-order my top 3 favorites. keep the faith. don't join the sellouts!


Well-Known Member
Picture 008.jpgPicture 007.jpgPicture 006.jpgPicture 005.jpgtook a few more pics this afternoon the quality of k/f is very good i have 2 grows going on right now my other one is female seeds pure ak rest assured the ak is doing good but is not in the same league as the k/f:clap:


Well-Known Member
i have decided to do yet another grow of killing fields im gonna clone off a friends grow that was cloned from this grow this upcoming grow will be my 4th k/f grow


Well-Known Member
Picture 006.jpgPicture 008.jpgPicture 005.jpgPicture 007.jpgPicture 010.jpgPicture 009.jpgim not working this morning & decided to update my threads k/f is definatly in my top 5 strains ive grown & ive grown quite a few the top 5 are 707-headband, superlemonhaze, querkle & killing fields & purplewreck not in any particular order those all were very good strains for me & not limited to 1 grow either i'm wanting to add cali-connection og larry to my collection soon here is this mornings pics:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Picture 016.jpgPicture 017.jpgPicture 015.jpgthe k/f is maturing faster than i expected fan leaves are dieng off & the buds are in final stage of developing their color gonna start flushing in a day or so i think cali- connection og larry & my superlemonhaze-x- jackberry is gonna be next im having a hard time making up my mind but for sure the female seeds pure ak is not making the grade & im wanting new genetics in my rooms k/f makes the grade its just time for something different after 3 grows of it:weed:

hazey grapes

Well-Known Member
that's what's so cool about DIY, you NEVER have to smoke anything you don't like and if you like getting high (anyone that doesn't shouldn't be growing KF or probably even the lemon jackberry) then you don't have to deal with all that crap on the streets that doesn't even get you close anymore.

there's stuff SOOOOOOOOO much better than what everyone's selling out there. i wish more of it got around for EVERYONE to be able to smoke better except those that really do like getting stoned better than high.


Well-Known Member
the latest "talk to your dog trippy" description i read in passing in another thread is the most visceral yet i've read for this strain. why is it the TWO top hazes i want to try, killing fields & jack the ripper have to have such violent & offputting names? i gotta boycott those two.
don't let anyone EVER say i've denied having issues! if you're laughing your ass off at the absurdity of all that... send a friend request... you get where i'm coming from and are friend worthy. if i've only pissed you off... i'll try to dream about running your ass over with a steam roller tonight bitch. -Hazey the nutcase Grapes.

Threatens to kill people on a regular basis....


Well-Known Member
been doing a lot of trimming this stuff is beautiful & displays good fall holiday colors this is my best grow of this yet the budsare smaller but the quality is off the hook color & sparkle galore i have several seeds put away as i will visit this strain again but coming up next is superlemonhaze x jackberry & gage green lemon stomper this has been one of my best grows to date

