Downtown Kelowna store takes down controversial display


Well-Known Member
i dont see how coke and xmas relate either is why i said that dumb comment. its about family and sharing and me..

by the way...reindeer dont fly....that was just a story. sorry to burst your
just a lie. told to children by their parents.

oh the irony.



Active Member
theres more kids out there than just 4 year old..teens out on their own???.
ya a harmless lie or fairy tale. coke isnt harmless

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
Why should I HAVE to explain what cocaine is? What am I supposed to tell him? That it's snow? I think 4 years old is way too young to expose or explain drugs too. If this was in a head shop that would be different.

What I fear is the kids raised by parents like that.
how would a 4 year old know that was cocaine, or meant to be cocaine?

if a 4 year old asked me about cocaine i would do my best to explain, in a 4 year old manner, what cocaine was.

why is it so hard for people to talk to their children? what scares me more then a reindeer doing coke is parents who fear a reindeer doing coke.

who the fuck allows their children to be INFLUENCED by a store display? :? yes, i do fear for our children when we have parents like this. :shock:


Well-Known Member
Why should I HAVE to explain what cocaine is? What am I supposed to tell him? That it's snow? I think 4 years old is way too young to expose or explain drugs too. If this was in a head shop that would be different.

What I fear is the kids raised by parents like that.
you HAVE to explain these things because they exist in the world. it's just part of being a good parent.


Active Member
what does that have to do with coke...getting of track a bit i think. this is about coke not deer and being forced to see it in a window as we walk down a street. kid or adult or grandparent. dont matter age. i dont see promoting coke has anything to do with xmas. thats cool you teach your 4 year old about coke. but its my kid and my choice what and when they learn about the bad in life. a 4 year old has absolutly no understanding yet of that

what kind of person is infuenced by reindeer???...4 year olds...
what type of person is influenced by coke...alot....realy???

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
Doing it when I want is exactly what I what.

But when a jerk puts a coke snorting reindeer in a storefront window and you see it as being acceptable - this is incomprehensible to me.
you HAVE to explain these things because they exist in the world. it's just part of being a good parent.

Total Head

Well-Known Member
i thought it was pretty funny. i don't think it was appropriate for a display in a store window because i guess people can't choose not to see it. if it was inside the store where you could only see it if you went inside i don't think anyone would have a leg to stand on to complain, just leave the fucking store if you don't like it. walking by a store and seeing something like that is a bit different though. it's still funny.


Pickle Queen
nobody said it was appropriate....just funny
Exactly what i was thinking ;) funny as it is i've spent the last 20 mins trying to think of a way to explain such a scene to a small child, i guess i would let them ask the first question and answer, kids will ask questions if they question things adults just need to be honest and able to give children the info they need, damn i could just imagine myself all awkward " umm ya sweety that stuff makes u feel funny, kinda like when grown ups drink, it's something adults might decide to do" lol " oh look ice cream lets get some " hahahaha.
But i was exposed to adults doing coke, smoking weed at a very young age and i do remember being aware of what they were doing and knowing it was not something i should try as a child, i always told the adults they were bad for smoking and drinking lmfao And i grew up just fine, well never had issues with addiction, i smoke weed because i like the taste, smell and feeling, and it helps my body feel better when i have shitty days!!!
Children walk past and see all kinds of inappropriate things daily, adult stores, hookers, etc sorry but FDD has a point, damn i hate saying that lol.


Well-Known Member
Because mumms and pappas feel obligated to explain whats going on like their kid will die unless their told EVERYTHING!!!
The parents now day are a joke with all their "I know better than you, even tho you already raised 2 kids" ooh they forgot we raised them.
The problem is that for all these years we have made our world a safer place to live, even for the dumb ass kid that eats paint we take out the lead so it won't kill the DSOB. We make them ware crash helmets when they ride their bikes so when they have their head up their asses they won't die from a brain Injury.
how would a 4 year old know that was cocaine, or meant to be cocaine?

if a 4 year old asked me about cocaine i would do my best to explain, in a 4 year old manner, what cocaine was.

why is it so hard for people to talk to their children? what scares me more then a reindeer doing coke is parents who fear a reindeer doing coke.

who the fuck allows their children to be INFLUENCED by a store display? :? yes, i do fear for our children when we have parents like this. :shock:

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Come on, really? If the kid is old enough to understand what is going on, well hell, a. he probably know's it' a joke, and b. he knows what the gag is because his parents have let him watch any old whatnot on television. I find it entertaining. Don't see many folk banning their children from watching cartoons and disney etc for all their adult sexual inuendo's, they know the adults are likely to watch it with their kid one evening :D


Well-Known Member
am I the only one who thought this was hilarious?
lmfao its not sick it's funny,If your kid wants to do coke after seeing a fucking deer with its nose in a pile of comet or something then your probably a bad parent and he was gonna end up smoking crack and shit either way.


Well-Known Member
And they probably did it cause of Rudolphs red nose lol.Light the way for santa my ass,Rudolph was snorting lines off Mrs. Clause before he went out that night.

that's how the old red nose reindeer story really went down