Stoned Driving

i would drive high but the gas prices and all the stoplights are a major buzzkill for me. i stay off the highways and away from high speed if stoned. yes, i have been stoned on the highway and caught myself doing 35-40 mph in a 65 zone...repeatedly. when stoned i drive even more like an old man. i like to ride while high, but driving...nah....
why you letting your kid play in the street?

worst parent EVER!!!!

who said she was playing in the street, if you knocked my kid down while she was walking home from school when you were high on drugs (cannabis) i would feed your fucking scrotum to you, with your balls still fucking in it.

ever wondered what has happened to a lot of people (millions) that have disappeared and are in shallow graves, the end of their life was very disturbing for them.....
weeds not a "drug" its a plant

it started on a plant.

skunk plants that are fabricated in laboratories to grow very strong seeds to sell to fuck weeds like you....

it is not a plant you are smoking,, smoke the fucking plant and drive home if you want,,, i dont give a fuck,,, it is the flower/fruit of the plant you smoke you fucking brain dead basket case.
who said she was playing in the street, if you knocked my kid down while she was walking home from school when you were high on drugs (cannabis) i would feed your fucking scrotum to you, with your balls still fucking in it.

ever wondered what has happened to a lot of people (millions) that have disappeared and are in shallow graves, the end of their life was very disturbing for them.....

why is your kid walking in the road?

if i ran over your kid all you would do is cry a lot.
why is your kid walking in the road?

if i ran over your kid all you would do is cry a lot.

yes we all know your type
if you ran over my kid you would cry for fucking months !!!!!!!!

i would make sure the drugs would keep you alive while i skinned you.

BIG G..........

and i promise you would tell me where your parents lived so i could send small packages of you, to them

but then.........i might kill them instead of you later.................. SSLLOOWWLLYY
yes we all know your type
if you ran over my kid you would cry for fucking months !!!!!!!!

i would make sure the drugs would keep you alive while i skinned you.

BIG G..........

and i promise you would tell me where your parents lived so i could send small packages of you, to them

but then.........i might kill them instead of you later.................. SSLLOOWWLLYY
Man, relax guy, damn. Nobody's hittin' nobody's kids, and nobody's getting skinned either. I agree that it's nothing you should be proud of, especially once you get a little older. If it makes you feel better I don't drive and once I do again, I probably wont smoke and drive as much as I used to. But not everyone gets all zombied out when they smoke. You know that the same weed can affect two people differently. And what if you smoke a racy sativa or a haze? Have you ever tried sleeping after smoking a really good haze? It ain't gonna happen.
Idk, I hear you, but chill, damn.
your brilliant !

my mate was stoned too.

have a look at his death...........

he was only doing 80 mph when he hit this bend

he did it at 120mph when he was straight no problem.

i dont know why but it looks like he could not lean in to the bend.....

alas we will never know why,, the coroner said he was full of shit.......... (cannabinoids)
your m8 was from brazil? you're from brazil...wait a friggin minute all the broken up words and misconception on the effects of marijuana...I know who you are! Wait till Joe Rogan finds out you been hanging out over here.
yes we all know your type
if you ran over my kid you would cry for fucking months !!!!!!!!

i would make sure the drugs would keep you alive while i skinned you.

BIG G..........

and i promise you would tell me where your parents lived so i could send small packages of you, to them

but then.........i might kill them instead of you later.................. SSLLOOWWLLYY

Soooo....This kind of shit is tolerated now?

I bet you've never skinned anything before. Still sad about Amy whinehouse?
dunno about you guys, but it takes a shitload of very strong weed to make me question my capabilities on the road.

one does perhaps drive slower :)

used to drive alot, stoned. was a time i crossed a mountain every day (driving to get weed :))

never was in an accident (and we talking often icy and snowy roads (one time i was forced to do 40kmph , because the drifts were to high for my small car to do anything but sorta slide/skid over the snow (kinda felt like driving a boat (was great fun actually , completely empty road in the middle of the night and little visibility (knew the road though)) ended up doing sorta slaloms over the road, just for fun :) but i couldnt go any slower than 40 or the car woulda been stuck :))

dont drive so much now (once this year, actually) dont need to.
I used to. It's too much of a pain in the ass if I should happen to have a brake light go out or something while I'm driving and get pulled over though.