Different types of food touching eachother on my plate, other people handling my food, not eating/drinking from my special bowls/plates/chopsticks. When I have a sensory overload, all things seem to be an orthographic projection, with lines extending everywhere and I hate the way they cross eachother or I can 'feel' too many things in my peripheral vision. I hate change in my routine, when the bus is late, people brushing against me/touching me unless I initiate it, the noise from electrical appliances, the texture of some fabrics, the texture of alot of noises -_- black text on white paper, not sitting in the corner of a room or with my back to a wall, being in a room with the door open, things touching a small area of me like on the palms of my hands (I feel like I need to 'spread the sensation evenly) verbal reasoning because I miss the point... When I eat alot of foods I like to eat certain parts in a certain order- if you hurry me, compromising my procedure, I will get very, very upset.
I'm not saying my spelling or grammar is perfect, but I really wish I could edit some people's posts ^^; Especially if the spelling reflects the person misheard the word in conversation and started using it, instead of looking it and using the correct spelling. Particularly if you can tell what the root word is as work out from that context how it should be spelled. Sorry- that's not aimed at anyone in particular. I'm not perfect.
I make lists in my head all other time, timetabling my activities for the next hour or so. If I have to adjust this for anything it feels wrong. Showing my bare legs unless in a swimsuit. In the bedroom either I wear stockings or the lights are off!