kids these days...


Well-Known Member
just heard a report that kids are soaking tampons in vodka and sticking it in their asses to get drunk...

girls AND guys...



Well-Known Member
because just drinking alcohol is too much work these days? lol stupid kids..I guess the extra half hour of getting drunk quicker is worth it


Active Member
lol I heard they were sticking it in their eyeballs ! And it doesn't even get you as drunk as just drinking it! smh


Well-Known Member
how do you seriously maintain your manliness when you go to a party and are like: 'hey man i got the vodka, did you bring the tampons?? hurry up and let me soak it so i can stick in in my ass....'


Total Head

Well-Known Member
same old shit in a new wrapper. people have been consuming booze up their ass forever. it avoids booze breath and is absorbed instantly because it bypasses the digestion process. anyone who has ever known a closet alchoholic is probably familiar with it. pretty dangerous to have teens doing it. it's a lot harder to spot an alkie when their breath and puke don't smell like booze. the tampon thing is just plain shameful, though. good god...