The 12-12 From Seed Thread


Well-Known Member
Damn, that's a great thread! I've grown my first plant on 12/12 as a n00b. I didn't get much off it but great experience.
When I moved to Japan, I had some Persian Bud, PPP, Super Lemon Haze on 12/12 as well but it was not as good as the other ones on this thread
(See ---->

But I got more experience now and this thread motivated me to do it again. Autos are fine but not enough strains...

After my current autos finish, the next one will be on 12/12 !!!


Well-Known Member
Hey guys n gals... I'm back in action... Had to chop my babies 5 weeks early due to some drama. I got another one brewin tho... I believe 7 days from seed... Doing this one 12/12 form seed. even germination was 12/12 lol. Its a bean I got from a friend (who I met on here actually). Supposed to be some kind of Afgooey x Haze feminized... I would be doing more than 1, but I got 3 clones on the way soon too. Papaya, Pineapple Crush, and Critical Jack. Lets cross our fingers on NO MORE DRAMA!!! lol
I'm confused... I thought you couldn't clone autos...or maybe I'm just remembering wrong. I do know that Critical Jack is an auto.


New Member
I'm confused... I thought you couldn't clone autos...or maybe I'm just remembering wrong. I do know that Critical Jack is an auto.
not sure. I'm a noob, but the guy I'm getting them from is def NOT a noob. I do remember he said the jack actually almost didnt make it as far as taking root. Maybe because its auto flower? Idk. But eventually it pulled through and he has been vegging it for a couple weeks now for me.


Well-Known Member
Damn, that's a great thread! I've grown my first plant on 12/12 as a n00b. I didn't get much off it but great experience.
When I moved to Japan, I had some Persian Bud, PPP, Super Lemon Haze on 12/12 as well but it was not as good as the other ones on this thread
(See ---->

But I got more experience now and this thread motivated me to do it again. Autos are fine but not enough strains...

After my current autos finish, the next one will be on 12/12 !!!
welcome and glad you like our thread .......12-12 from seed is the only know it makes sense....


New Member
Again, I'm a noob so I KNOW NOTHING but here's a little something I found from 2008...

I know it sounds like a contradiction in terms, but I have found a way to successfully clone autoflowering (Ruderalis) plants with a reasonable amount of vegetative growth returned to the clone.

After realizing the age-determinance of the autoflowering plants was entirely hormone regulated (similar to the photoperiod determinance of Indica and Sativa), I began to play around with certain factors of my cloning technique.

After about 3.5 to 4 weeks of vegetative growth nearly all Ruderalis' will show sexual characteristics. The most important aspect of my technique is quick identification of sexual characteristics formation. It's paramount to take your cutting at the earliest possible moment.

If you don't already know, it's best to take any cuttings from the lowest point of your plant. This is because the hormone levels of the old growth are much more stable than those nearer the apical meristem. Well, this characteristic is doubly important with Ruderalis clones, as it literally serves a dual purpose. The lower branches haven't yet received the signal from the top that sex has been determined and to start bud production. It's only a small window of a few hours that you'll have to take your cutting if you want to do this properly.

Root your cutting under 24\7 light of full spectrum and low intensity before transferring the rooted clone into your grow medium. Once established you can pour on as much light as you can provide and the clone will grow vegetatively for about 80% of the parent's final size, producing bud at the same percentage. The physical age of the clone may be twice as large as it should be, but the flowering time is the same as it is from a seed.

So it seems as though it could be possible.... Maybe its not a critical Jack and I was misinformed or maybe it IS a clone from a critical jack and that was the reason it took like 2 weeks to get roots and almost died...


Well-Known Member
OK, so I gave this a shot, but, plants were slow to kick into flower mode. I dropped to 11/13 and they took off BIG TIME


Well-Known Member
439 pages, I tried looking through most but i lost count lol.... I am going to start a pc grow, im thinking about having a scrog screen about 4 inches from the top of the pot. if i let them grow 6 inches so that i can start to scrog them, should i switch to 12/12?


New Member
Critical Jack is NOT just a autoflower , its also a photperiod bitch ;)
Thanks for backing that, but bluejeans is FAR from a bitch. Probably one of the coolest girls ever. She was just tryin to help. I actually think I DO remember my buddy even telling me that his critical jack was an auto. But regardless of whether it was auto or not, he got a clone and it almost died but eventually rooted and now its lookin good. I have read just as many statements saying that it IS possible to clone an auto as there are saying that it is not possible to clone an auto. Why would that many people lie about something so stupid? They all say its a matter of clipping at the exact time. Like a small window of a couple hours even. I don't really care, it's a free plant and I'll take it! haha


Well-Known Member
Thanks for backing that, but bluejeans is FAR from a bitch. Probably one of the coolest girls ever. She was just tryin to help. I actually think I DO remember my buddy even telling me that his critical jack was an auto. But regardless of whether it was auto or not, he got a clone and it almost died but eventually rooted and now its lookin good. I have read just as many statements saying that it IS possible to clone an auto as there are saying that it is not possible to clone an auto. Why would that many people lie about something so stupid? They all say its a matter of clipping at the exact time. Like a small window of a couple hours even. I don't really care, it's a free plant and I'll take it! haha
WTF ??! i never called blue jeans a bitch .... its a photoperiod bitch !!! as in femanised !


Well-Known Member
you can clone a auto but it is pointless mate , autos only live for a certain timescale ... say 9 weeks for example , a cutting will always be as old as the mother ... so if you took a cutting off a auto at 5 weeks the cutting would only live for another 4 weeks as it is already 5 weeks old ... if you took it at 8 weeks it would live for 1 week etc etc .. you get it ?


New Member
I'll have to ask him later tonight whether it was an auto or not, because he took the clone about a month ago, so if what you are saying is true, then it would be dead in like a week.


Well-Known Member
I'll have to ask him later tonight whether it was an auto or not, because he took the clone about a month ago, so if what you are saying is true, then it would be dead in like a week.
what im saying IS true ! lol .... if it was a auto you couldnt veg it , Autos auto flower automaticly ... if your veggin it its not a auto imo ..


Well-Known Member
Thanks for backing that, but bluejeans is FAR from a bitch. Probably one of the coolest girls ever. She was just tryin to help. I actually think I DO remember my buddy even telling me that his critical jack was an auto. But regardless of whether it was auto or not, he got a clone and it almost died but eventually rooted and now its lookin good. I have read just as many statements saying that it IS possible to clone an auto as there are saying that it is not possible to clone an auto. Why would that many people lie about something so stupid? They all say its a matter of clipping at the exact time. Like a small window of a couple hours even. I don't really care, it's a free plant and I'll take it! haha
Whoa! Thanks Hypocrite, but I'm pretty sure he was saying that the plant was a photoperiod bitch! LOL...It's all good. I have an auto Critical Jack and didn't realize that there was a regular version too. That's cool cuz I'm not an auto fan.


New Member
did anyone check out that link tho? you guys have probably all seen it before, I found out, the guy who made that video is actually a member on RIU. So I want to know how many of you have ever even TRIED to regenerate an autoflowering plant. Has anyone been successful? How many fails have we had? Regardless, I havent had a chance to talk with him yet about whether maybe its a photoperiod or auto or maybe a dif strain and I misunderstood him. But now I am really interested in having an auto regen.