kids these days...

dank smoker420

Well-Known Member
haha thats so dumb tampons to get drunk how stupid.
people are also using gummy bears. i know people have for a long time but middle school kids are they just eat them like normal in class. so now the school that it happened alot in is now banning any gummy candy and if they see you with it they will take it from you and test it for alcohol.

why would you want to get drunk in school?! or why would you wanna get drunk at all

with the saying above^^ i dont get it when the car was first made was that new under the sun?


Well-Known Member
haha thats so dumb tampons to get drunk how stupid.
people are also using gummy bears. i know people have for a long time but middle school kids are they just eat them like normal in class. so now the school that it happened alot in is now banning any gummy candy and if they see you with it they will take it from you and test it for alcohol.

why would you want to get drunk in school?! or why would you wanna get drunk at all

with the saying above^^ i dont get it when the car was first made was that new under the sun?
Not really, it was just a modified carriage, which was a modified chariot, which was probably modified from something else. The wheel might have been new to us, but the principal behind the wheel existed in nature far before we found it, so not really new.

dank smoker420

Well-Known Member
wouldnt this hurt like a mother fucker? alcohol in your asshole? thats like putting alcohol on a cut but a million times worst


Active Member
oh yes some kids like the minty freshness of a tampon in there ass mabe they had some cuts so they healed it with alcohol HAHAH


Well-Known Member
I just shoved a huge cola up my ass with a little string tied to was kinda dry, but I didn't want to ruin the test with any anal lube. I'll post the results in a while...if it works, i'm going to market it as thia loaf...instead of the old thia stick.


Well-Known Member
I was booked with this dope head that said he would shoot up vladimir vodka lmfao yall think its true/possible and I would never try it im just wondering lol.


Well-Known Member
I just shoved a huge cola up my ass with a little string tied to was kinda dry, but I didn't want to ruin the test with any anal lube. I'll post the results in a while...if it works, i'm going to market it as thia loaf...instead of the old thia stick.
should of soaked the tampon in a tincture lmfao


Well-Known Member
should of soaked the tampon in a tincture lmfao
I'm low on tinc...I wanted a true result test, tincture may have blurred the outcome...
...speeking of outcome, should I smoke it when it comes out?...or like a vape, will it be used up.?'s getting itchy.