Don't eat a Turkey this Thursday and save the world!


New Member
MILF for sure. I am aroused. Another carnivorous.

There is nothing like eating a big fat steak with your wife and then screwing. It is what nature intended.

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
Who said grains are the best thing for you? Humans need protein. Good ol fashioned kill.
Yes, amoung many other things in a varied diet. That wasn't about just eating grain, but to give perspective how much waste animals for food produce. You need a variety in your diet with all kinds of plants from all colors of the rainbow.

Yes we need protein, but much less than your meat eating self gets. Amaranth and hemp seed contain plenty of protein. Just so you know, complete proteins, like beans and rice, don't need to be eaten in the same meal, only the same day. A serving of almond milk contains protein too, along with more useable calcium per serving than milk, without depleting calcium from your bones to neutralize the acidifying effect.


Well-Known Member
To all you bleeding heart liberals wanting to save the planet, don't eat that turkey. It takes enough grain to make five grain turkies to have one real live one. Stop talking about climate change, wasting resources etc. First you need to stop eating four other people's share first. Or, STFU!
The you're going to love this, I'm having prime rib.


New Member
Yes we need protein, but much less than your meat eating self gets.
Sorry, different strokes for different folks. High Protein / low carb = weight loss. High carb = weight gain, hunger pangs. Wheat is the culprit. The newer hybrid wheats, (perfected in the late 70's) breaks into the dopamine receptors just as heroin does. So with that you have cravings. Yes I am an anti-grain fanatic. I adhere to low glycemic foods. If a food has carbs but is accompanied with fiber, I eat it. I do beans, not rice. I use wheat flour subs like almond flour. I love almonds. I think we are on the same page pal. We care about what is placed in our mouths.

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
Why are you so cruel? I take back you being a caring person. What's wrong with wanting to protect the Earth for future generations the same you have now? Why is it hilarious people are starving but you had a tastey meal?

GMO kills. Monsanto and the rest say it's needed because it allows food to be grown in places you normally can't. But at what cost? The people in power are so scared of GMOs killing off the planet, people like Bill Gates have made the Svalbar dooms day seed vault contain unaltered seeds of all the plants around the world. But this could all be stopped by giving up your tastey meat lust. I used to only eat practically meat, but I wised up. Not just for my health, but to care for all creatures and be more economically kind. I haven't looked back since. I don't crave my past life. I instead am sickened at the fact the way I used to be.


Well-Known Member
Sorry, different strokes for different folks. High Protein / low carb = weight loss. High carb = weight gain, hunger pangs. Wheat is the culprit. The newer hybrid wheats, (perfected in the late 70's) breaks into the dopamine receptors just as heroin does. So with that you have cravings. Yes I am an anti-grain fanatic. I adhere to low glycemic foods. If a food has carbs but is accompanied with fiber, I eat it. I do beans, not rice. I use wheat flour subs like almond flour. I love almonds. I think we are on the same page pal. We care about what is placed in our mouths.
So if I go out to my Summer guerrilla grow site and bow hunt a male for venison, would that be considered an acceptable alternative to store bought grain fed animals?. And what about fresh, non-grain fed raised turkeys?...the ones I pay more $$ for?.


Well-Known Member
Why are you so cruel? I take back you being a caring person. What's wrong with wanting to protect the Earth for future generations the same you have now? Why is it hilarious people are starving but you had a tastey meal?

GMO kills. Monsanto and the rest say it's needed because it allows food to be grown in places you normally can't. But at what cost? The people in power are so scared of GMOs killing off the planet, people like Bill Gates have made the Svalbar dooms day seed vault contain unaltered seeds of all the plants around the world. But this could all be stopped by giving up your tastey meat lust. I used to only eat practically meat, but I wised up. Not just for my health, but to care for all creatures and be more economically kind. I haven't looked back since. I don't crave my past life. I instead am sickened at the fact the way I used to be.
What the fuck?
That is an anti meat and fur ad from PETA
And how much turkey are you cooking for the homeless this year?
Or are you giving them a grain turkey? Or nothing at all?
Turkeys are cheap and i'm cooking three, sorry if your unhappy but these turkeys are going to make some peoples days awesome
Eat The Turkeys


New Member
So if I go out to my Summer guerrilla grow site and bow hunt a male for venison, would that be considered an acceptable alternative to store bought grain fed animals?. And what about fresh, non-grain fed raised turkeys?...the ones I pay more $$ for?.
Right on. If it is animal protein, it is fair game. The damn buck would eat your stash anyways. Bambi burgers rule !!
The human body was made to process animal protein.

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
Sorry, different strokes for different folks. High Protein / low carb = weight loss. High carb = weight gain, hunger pangs. Wheat is the culprit. The newer hybrid wheats, (perfected in the late 70's) breaks into the dopamine receptors just as heroin does. So with that you have cravings. Yes I am an anti-grain fanatic. I adhere to low glycemic foods. If a food has carbs but is accompanied with fiber, I eat it. I do beans, not rice. I use wheat flour subs like almond flour. I love almonds. I think we are on the same page pal. We care about what is placed in our mouths.
How many meat eating fat asses are there? How many obese vegans do you see? My cholesterol is under 180 and I don't try. I can eat anything I want as a vegan and not worry I'll gain an ounce. I can eat as many carbs and fats as I want and not have to worry about the unhealthy side effects animal products cause. I don't get food cravings and don't feel I'm starving. I get several times the fiber and other nutrition as my animal product using brethern. My doctors are all shocked my physicals are better than 99% of his non-vegan patients. I have to not mention I'm a vegan or else I get a lecture of how unhealthy I must be and given a battery of tests which prove I'm many times healthier than his other patients. Even my b12 and omega-3 levels too.


Well-Known Member
Right on. If it is animal protein, it is fair game. The damn buck would eat your stash anyways. Bambi burgers rule !!
The human body was made to process animal protein.
Well good then, b/c I really need to control the population out snapped a branch last Summer. Problem is I would have to skin/clean on-site or borrow a p/u I don't purchase grain fed anything, even my eggs literally come right off a farm in various colors with dirt still on the shells.


New Member
Not every body works the same at processing foods. That's what I'm saying. You are fine as a vegan, but others can't handle it. There is no one fix-all. My body likes protein from animals and I enjoy it. I have much more energy. I also eat tons of veggies. fine. Just like everything , people take things to the extreme. The answer is pragmatism. Each philosophy has it's points. I am high protein, high fiber, high alkaline (veggies) No wheat (just look at where wheat is in , it is everywhere, even soup) that means no bread or pastas or other high-glycemic foods. I was a chubby, but no longer. I feel great. Just out of curiosity, what is your heritage?

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
What the fuck?
That is an anti meat and fur ad from PETA
And how much turkey are you cooking for the homeless this year?
Or are you giving them a grain turkey? Or nothing at all?
Turkeys are cheap and i'm cooking three, sorry if your unhappy but these turkeys are going to make some peoples days awesome
Eat The Turkeys
PETA are sick assholes who don't promote the lifestyle of 99% of the vegans out there. Nearly all vegans hate PETA more than the hateful meat eaters who cry out against them thinking us vegans are like that. Vegans only want a healthier body and kinder world. I wouldn't be surprisef I PETA was also funded in part by meat eater groups to make people dislike vegans and vegitarians more than they do. You think it'd be funny to constantly have friends and family mock how you eat? Shoving meat in your face and laugh. I don't ever go up to meat eaters and tell them how disgusting I think they are. I only ever write the occasional thread online and only lash back when some shit head responds off topic with how they'll kill two extra to make up for me, or post pictures of mockingly killing animals. I constantly get this bullshit daily. You only have to put up with me on a pot growing site.

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
Not every body works the same at processing foods. That's what I'm saying. You are fine as a vegan, but others can't handle it. There is no one fix-all. My body likes protein from animals and I enjoy it. I have much more energy. I also eat tons of veggies. fine. Just like everything , people take things to the extreme. The answer is pragmatism. Each philosophy has it's points. I am high protein, high fiber, high alkaline (veggies) No wheat (just look at where wheat is in , it is everywhere, even soup) that means no bread or pastas or other high-glycemic foods. I was a chubby, but no longer. I feel great. Just out of curiosity, what is your heritage?
I used to be an utter disgusting fat ass with no respect for myself. No longer to both.

Russian, German, French, Finnish and native American.


New Member
Well good then, b/c I really need to control the population out snapped a branch last Summer. Problem is I would have to skin/clean on-site or borrow a p/u I don't purchase grain fed anything, even my eggs literally come right off a farm in various colors with dirt still on the shells.
Yea, I do that too when I can. The f**in Ag industry cares not one shit about you. Love fresh eggs,. One thing I have noticed: People buy big dolly parton chicken breasts and think they are getting such a buy. I can't stand the hormonal taste of that crap. Open range for me. Even the term "open range " you have to be leery about. Some places call a 1 acre plot with 50 chicks on it open range. The best thing to do is go to the farm and judge for yourself. .


New Member
I used to be an utter disgusting fat ass with no respect for myself. No longer to both.

Russian, German, French, Finnish and native American.
We both reached the same goal but by slightly different methods. When I say I eat meat, it is not Micky D meat, it is lean, juicy, bloody, wipe it's ass off and throw it on the plate rare. (Thanks Woody).
Meat to me is right up there with sex. Serious. However for MY body, the elimination of wheat and sugar, coupled with lean proteins and high veggie intake was the answer.

If we are to feed the world, even if you hate them, the Monsanto's of the world are needed to feed them for economic reasons. The answer though is condoms.

The reason I asked your heritage was to get an idea of your genetic traits. Some do better where abundant proteins are available. I'm Irish. I tried the vegan route and felt just miserable.

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
We both reached the same goal but by slightly different methods. When I say I eat meat, it is not Micky D meat, it is lean, juicy, bloody, wipe it's ass off and throw it on the plate rare. (Thanks Woody).
Meat to me is right up there with sex. Serious. However for MY body, the elimination of wheat and sugar, coupled with lean proteins and high veggie intake was the answer.

If we are to feed the world, even if you hate them, the Monsanto's of the world are needed to feed them for economic reasons. The answer though is condoms.

The reason I asked your heritage was to get an idea of your genetic traits. Some do better where abundant proteins are available. I'm Irish. I tried the vegan route and felt just miserable.
I only eat turbinado sugar, rarely, mostly honey. Even rarer is molasses. Lots of the time I use soy creamer and stevia in my green tea.