Strain recommendations


Well-Known Member
I wish I could grab two strains from attitude and get the Time Wreck but that's not going to be possible unfortunately, that's $225 for me :( Would make a great present for my upcoming bday.

Anyway, I have a wide range of issues and trying to figure out which strain will take care of the most issues. On top of that I'd like to be able to share with a friend who needs help.

I suffer from anxiety, depression, and insomnia from ptsd. I've got arthritic pain from a service injury and haven't been able to get the service or VA to help me. Between all the above I tend to lack energy, I've got a natural couchlock.

My friend has been fighting cancer and is in a lot of pain and will go days without sleeping. Since we share two problems I hope to grow enough to help us both. The reg to mexi weed just doesn't cut it and the best that can be got around here.

I'd like a night time smoke for sleep that just grabs you and k.o.'s you right out, that blasts right through the worst insomnia. I had what I was told was grandaddy purp that blacked me out quite well and fell asleep as soon as I got the chance. That's kind of what I'm looking for.

For daytime smoke, need something functional, anti depressant/anti anxiety with as much pain relief as possible.

I have used the name Voidling since I started frequenting another grow forum. Recently came across TGA and The Void. I want to grow it out just for the namesake. Subcool has it listed as increasing energy, uplifting, and speedy. I have seen at least two places say that it gives good sleep. One said after an energetic high and another said it was couchlock to sleep. Anyone have more information on this? Not sure if it's a variation on chop time or what.

I plan to grown in a cab that is still in progress, though it is already built.
28in x 17in flower
18in x 17in veg
both 30in tall, all measurements are close but not exact.

In veg I currently have 2 23w and 2 26w. I forget the spectrums, 2 are more blue, the other more red.

In flower I have 2 workhorse 8's to power 6 55w pl-l lamps and can go up to 8 of them. I had planned to run them vertical and let plants grow tall with perpetual sog. Once I get a stash I might run them horizontal with a scrog though.

Currently growing in coco and tried general organics near full lone in it with bad luck. Currently got maxibloom until I can get a composting setup going hopefully with bokashi into vermiculture. Then plan to grow with that. Just one step at a time.

I'd like to get a 5 pack for a daytime smoke, and a 5 pack for a night time smoke. Unfortunately it looks like it'll be cheaper to get a 10 pack of single strain from hemp depot to make sure that I get at least one female and hopefully several for selection. I'd love to get the entire line up of genetics but I haven't been able to work in some time now as pharmaceuticals and medical science has failed me. I'm hoping medicinal marijuana can succeed but not in a legal state so harder to come by.

sorry, insomnia causes me to ramble



Active Member
damn bro sounds like you could def use some good bud. for night time smoke i would recommend a strain with a higher CBD content (indica) and for the day time smoke a strain with a higher THC content (sativa) doesnt really matter what exact strain.


Ursus marijanus
I think part of the problem is that antidepressant and antianxiety effects are at opposite sides of the spectrum. For an anti-anxiety Indica you can't go wrong with a strain like Northern Lights or any of the blue/purple strains.
For a racier sativa, lots of possibilities on the market ... i'd look for something that has the old Bros. Grimm genetics ... Cinderella or the Apollos. I found Cinderella 99 to be a fun grow and some truly lovely trippy weed. I would like to have experience with Haze strains, but the long flowering time makes those more of a boutique/advanced project thing, and I'm still earning my basic grower quals. cn


Well-Known Member
Void is Apollo13 x Querkle which means it has the apollo and the purple strain. Sounds like it might be the best from what you say.

Well then I'd consider anti depression a bigger need than anti anxiety. I try not to go into public which is where anxiety gets me.

I'll have to see if I can find cbd/thc numbers on TGA strains.

Didn't smoke my first cig until I was 19, didn't smoke weed until 19 or 20 and probably smoked less than 20 times since and I'm in late 20's now. Was brought up anti drug including alcohol and tobacco, pro pharma. Finally decided that I'll give it a try, before I was too fearful of the law so I really don't know what I'm doing. Just that I live in the rural south and I'm too scared to buy and what is available is low quality and no selection so no good for medical. Growing my own is the only way to really give it a try meaning I have to wait a full cycle before knowing. Overwhelming



Ursus marijanus
Void sounds intriguing ... although the grail of the "Swiss Army strain" has so far not borne much, uuhh, fruit. I would try growing a larger pack of Void when you have a grow or two under your belt (I really would start with a less fussy Indica dom like NL ... ) and have the time, inclination and expereince to sort through the phenos ... then propagate the clone of your favorite of the lot. cn

<edit> I totally understand about wanting to be independent of the black market, and of being able to control the nature and quality of your meds. My hat is off to you, Voidling.


New Member
you could find a very nice Void, if its indica dominant. for your limited amount of seeds, i personally would either grow, 10 Void, and select different phenos. or get a Indicia dominant strain for night smoke(Deep Purple, Querkle, Plushberry...). and a sativa dominant strain (JTR,jacks cleaner,vortex, ...)

If your friend has that much trouble sleeping, you want as pure indica strain as you can find, heavy couch lock, go with deep purple. (or just smoke almost shit load of Void, and it me you out too)

JTR is easily my favorite day time smoke for medicinal effects. read up on about JTR and thcv. other cannabinoids can have pronounced effects on the body and mind.


Well-Known Member
Well it just happened to fit the exact two directions you mentioned cannabiner. Subcool doesn't have nl crosses that I remember, I think the purpose are the main indicas he uses. I really like the sound of his genetics flavor and smell so plan to try one of his.

Well lack of funds and selection leave me no alternative.

The purple strains are definitely ones I want soon but sounds like low yield so seems like a bad choice to start with. Actually I'd love to have all of tga's current lineup.

I guess if I was lucky I would get an indicated dom and harvest late and a sativa and chop earlier and might be a good start.

I saw a little bit about thcv on the site earlier. I'll check out jtr again. Being a lightweight afraid it might be a little much.

My hopes is to start kind of an all around decent with good yield then come back and try out the extremes like jacks cleaner 2

Thank you much


New Member
you can always smoke less of it ;)

ahh, just read some of the other replys in more detial. those are great choices. didnt realize you were looking for other then TGA. The strains cannabiner mentioned are top of the line strains, and super duper famous around the entire world for a reason.

i myself started with Mr. Nice ortega(NL#1 x NL#5). was fantastic grow..

good lucky with you adventure. growing is fun. (not that you already aren't, but best too keep it between you and your friend) I got a friend in TX who got 6 months, for 1 flowering plant and 4 seedlings. probably got his butthole oiled up too(says he didnt ;) ).


Well-Known Member
Yeah...but at current I rarely smoke at all. When I visit friends in the big city I usually get blasted off one hit off anything they have. They go for dank only.

I think he got lucky that he only got 6 months. Texas doesn't play around with mmj, though Austin is a little more liberal on it. I don't plan on telling her I grow either. Did he say how he got caught with so little?

I love growing plants, had a pretty good vegetable garden despite the massive heat wave and drought we suffered down here this last summer.

I was looking for TGA specifically as the big thing that puts me off is the taste. I have a strong taste in the bitter range and often times when I smoke I get a horrible, whole mouth bitter that won't go away for a long time. Subcool's descriptions make it all sound so delicious.

Unfortunately Hemp Depot doesn't have the Ortega, or straight northern lights. Was hoping they're cheap brand had some nl to grab along with a tga strain. No luck

I don't find a whole lot of info on the Void in smoke reports


New Member
this ones from Ace of Spades? thread. credit goes to subcool

Primary Cannabinoid: THCRatio Rarity: 5%
Form: Raw Plant MaterialMoisture: 9.56%

Calculated Active Cannabinoids
CBD: 0.42%
CBN: 0.3%
THC: 20.07%
CBC: 0%
THCV: 0%
Total Active Cannabinoids: 20.78%


Ursus marijanus
The taste of finished bud is greatly influenced by the quality of the cure ... the arcane and esoteric set of maneuvers between cutting the ripe bud down and ending up with smoke. Imo you're falling a bit for TGA's talent for ad copy. Not dissing hs strains, ohhh no ... but pretty much any decent genetics will yield tasty bud when cured right.
Personally i like hash/extracts. no hint of bitterness, and after you've grown your own and have trim/shake, extracts are the next big thing! Wheeee! All jmo. cn


Well-Known Member
Crud, wrote a reply and accidentally clicked something with the mousepad and lost it.

Thanks for that data. That's a high thc level isn't it? I'm not sure how the cbd stacks up to others. I'll have to look more into these. I so wanted to order when Ace of Spades was released.

Cannabineer, maybe so. I first fell for the name of the void. Ha. I've been reading smoke reports. I'd tried Barney's Farm Red Dragon and Greenhouse Seeds Super Lemon Haze and Delicious Seeds Fruity Chronic Juice last time, managed to kill them, granted it was only 5 plants. Lots of changes and made things more proper so it should go much smoother. I've got bagseed running atm.


check out tangerine dream at the attitude website its a new strain from barneys farm...25%thc and 1.9something cbd or cbn its sativa dom....someone has a grow journal on here with their experience growing it ill find it and post back with the details as far as a indica id say maple leaf indica which is easy to grow or even white widow that should put ya out at nite lol


Ursus marijanus
White Widow is not quite so easy to grow as, say, a NL strain. I'm finding that out the direct way. cn

Voidling, 20% THC is indeed quite high. Typical good indoor dank runs 10 to maybe 15% ime.


cant figure out how to link a thread lol but the guys name on here is Sr. Verde and the jornals name is 2x2x5 G160 tent, 250w hortilux mh/hps, tangerine dream hope u can find it...he has pics of the whole grow very cool...oh yeah someone mentioned extracts like bubble hash or honey oil made from the trim of ur plants u might want to check into it, its alot stronger cause its basicly pure thc crystals very good for sleep its easy to make and ur not wasting any of the of luck man


Well-Known Member
I think tangerine had just won the cup when I ordered. I know attitude had just got them in stock at that point. It was a debate between it and the slh. There just wasn't as much info on Tangerine at the time. I've read a thread on most orange tasting bud and haven't seen tangerine dream come up at all, but people were saying TGA Agent Orange was very orange tasting, which piqued my interest. If only money, space and legality weren't an issue. It's still on my list of ones I'd like to try at some point.

Maybe a 5 pack of the Void and then a northern light though I'd be very disappointed if I came up with 0 female voids

I've been eyeing some gravity hash on a thread on another forum that looks great and no need for bubble bags or butane. I need as cheap as possible for now

Thanks for the input


Well-Known Member
Thanks, I'll look through those. I've never looked at Mr Nice Seeds before.

When looking up the tangerine dream was reading reports of people saying they were there and the td samples were horrible quality and they didn't know how they won.

Now if I could only get seeds to the high cbd strains that website lists


New Member
plz dont talk about barneys farm on tga subcool thread. its an insult. lol.

just read more of thread. yes Voidling, all your female seeds dying is a typical thing from those companies.


Well-Known Member
I couldn't remember if tangerine dream was barney's or greenhouse but have heard bad things about both. You see that I'm looking for TGA genetics now ;)

Also looking for regular seeds if I pick up a nl pack as well, no more fem seeds for me.

Couple more days until Thanksgiving

the review for the void 2 that bkgmitts did on breedbay makes me think that the void could be a start for me based on effects as well