Lace and Frills <3

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
sorry about that fuck up capt. stickyfingers I accidently clicked on edit post instead of reply with qoute and fucked everything up :dunce:

what I was gonna say is something does seem fishy about her, we need more pics for a confirmation


Well-Known Member
lol yeah that's not gonna happen
me and my boyfriend's babies are gonna be crossfaded though cause he drinks a lot and I smoke a lot :D yay babies !
Are you French Canadian? Why does he drink a lot and you smoke a lot? How about drinking and smoking equally?


Active Member
Mmm april, wtf I'm in shape how come the only chicks I meet that are into weed seem overweight? Not that there is anything wrong with that but its just not my bag baby. And here there is Kuroi, April, Morgan, soup chick if that's her I mean WTF. And sorry to any other hotties on here I missed post pics so we can aknowledge you


Well-Known Member
Goddess #^^# *fans self*

Holy shit, I wish I heard this stuff offline! I think I'm going to have a heart attack. You sweethearts.

April, I appreciate your concern! You are right, I need to be careful. At 12 I was like 130 lbs. First one to start my periods and crap, I doubled in weight within 6 months of hitting puberty. I had to wear clothes bigger than my age (and was a couple cup sizes bigger!!!)

Then about 15 I dropped to 86 lbs and ended up in hospital. Since I started smoking, I started feeling a bit better and more hungry I'm 103 lbs at the moment, feeling grateful for my 22 inch waist and the 36 inch hips my mama gave me. I still feel fat and squishy at times, but my doctors say they'd live it if I went up to 110 or at least stay where I am. I'm working on maintaining my current weight. I still can't eat much but I'm waaaaaaay healthier than I used to be, apart from the odd days where I feel like I described in 'Owwie' but that's what the ganja Is for lol.

Girl's night in... Oh boy.

She was a tall, slim blonde and loved having me over for movies popcorn and getting me undressed. She is model material, but loves taking photos of me. I come away feeling a bit more confident- she actually screams at me to move my arm out of the way of my boob etc until I show her. By the end it's not so scary.

Have another friend who is a fellow artist, she's painted me/photographed me nude a few times.

And my crush's girlfriend 0_o Weird, I know. I took photos of her after she made me dress up in my corsets and stockings and got the camera out. She had me outside, in the bathroom, on the bed, and insisted on close ups of my boobs and ass. Again, a forceful one 'Hold it RIGHT THERE! Don't u fuking move, I wan't to get a bit of your ass crack in... *adjusts focus*'


Matt Rize

April guilty of not reading carefully. hmmm.... we all have our days sweetie. I'm just glad it wasn't me this time!

I don't think jadeey's pics are fake, or her pics would be clearer and of a blonde. :rolleyes:

But she can easily prove us wrong...


Well-Known Member
Oh shit, lost connection, message submits and the topic moved on 0_o

April! #^^# I actually squealed out loud. Pretty panties, and a masterpiece inside them <3

My box is open for you <3

PS, Going to watch Twilight with Mama X3