This is what happen when u elected anyone else but Ron Paul!!!!


Well-Known Member
I thought all paulywogs disappeared'd!

Paulywogs. n.

A small, but frantic group of internet tadpoles, who spend their days and nights hyped up on crystal meth, and posting their nonsense all over the internets, to make it look like Ron Paul actually has a chance in hell of winning the election. Once Ron Paul finishes in 7th place for just for the Republican nomination, Paulywogs will immediately cease to exist in this realm, and will return to their rightful home, in the World of Warcraft.

Seriously, enough is enough.



Well-Known Member
I thought all paulywogs disappeared'd!

Paulywogs. n.

A small, but frantic group of internet tadpoles, who spend their days and nights hyped up on crystal meth, and posting their nonsense all over the internets, to make it look like Ron Paul actually has a chance in hell of winning the election. Once Ron Paul finishes in 7th place for just for the Republican nomination, Paulywogs will immediately cease to exist in this realm, and will return to their rightful home, in the World of Warcraft.

Seriously, enough is enough.

Wow. Here we have a stoner who still supports Bush and bashes Ron Paul. What a stupid cunt.:-|


Well-Known Member
Wow. Here we have a stoner who still supports Bush and bashes Ron Paul. What a stupid cunt.:-|
Thats right, Ron Paul's laughable foreign policy is his biggest downfall. I love Bush, sorry if I don't jump on the I H8 BUSH bandwagon that everyone else boarded. I'm going to bet you don't know shit about politics, only what other people tell you. Stupid cunt.


Well-Known Member
Wow. Here we have a stoner who still supports Bush and bashes Ron Paul. What a stupid cunt.:-|
People have been conditioned by the man to actually fear an honest politician. They just wouldn't know what to do with themselves if they could actually live in a world where they could respect their leaders and have a sense of pride and hope in this country.

Mission accomplished, dark forces.:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
People have been conditioned by the man to actually fear an honest politician. They just wouldn't know what to do with themselves if they could actually live in a world where they could respect their leaders and have a sense of pride and hope in this country.

Mission accomplished, dark forces.:blsmoke:
God dammit I thought I was fucking done with you paulywogs, I had to deal with you people for months during the primaries everywhere, every fucking forum, every youtube video, anywhere on the internet. I'm done, he lost, go back to world of warcraft.


Well-Known Member
Thats right, Ron Paul's laughable foreign policy is his biggest downfall. I love Bush, sorry if I don't jump on the I H8 BUSH bandwagon that everyone else boarded. I'm going to bet you don't know shit about politics, only what other people tell you. Stupid cunt.
And I'll bet you don't shit about the real politics. Bush is just a puppet to the international bankers. Just like the next Dem president will be. Or any president would be except Ron Paul. Go investigate some things for yourself and stop slurping up the hot cum this administration is feeding you. Your on the right track with your distrust of the media. They're in on it too. Your just in the wrong ballpark. Politicians aren't the ones you should trust to get factual information from.


Well-Known Member
And I'll bet you don't shit about the real politics. Bush is just a puppet to the international bankers. Just like the next Dem president will be. Or any president would be except Ron Paul. Go investigate some things for yourself and stop slurping up the hot cum this administration is feeding you. Your on the right track with your distrust of the media. They're in on it too. Your just in the wrong ballpark. Politicians aren't the ones you should trust to get factual information from.
Your half right.

I do not know why people think Ron Paul would be this great liberator. You are the one who does not understand politics, lets assume in some fantasy world, Ron Paul wins, and gets into office.

He would be a lameduck his entire term. He does is not a true republican so he will not get their support, and he sure as hell won't get shit passed through the democrats, so all his bills would be stuck in Congress. You have to understand, unless you change Congress, getting a president like Ron Paul would do nothing. He would be more worthless than Jimmy Carter.

I will admit I do agree with some of his principles, but I am vehemently against his Iraq Policy, its ludacris.


Well-Known Member
God dammit I thought I was fucking done with you paulywogs, I had to deal with you people for months during the primaries everywhere, every fucking forum, every youtube video, anywhere on the internet. I'm done, he lost, go back to world of warcraft.
Someone needs a hug...and a cookie:peace:


Well-Known Member
Your half right.

I do not know why people think Ron Paul would be this great liberator. You are the one who does not understand politics, lets assume in some fantasy world, Ron Paul wins, and gets into office.

He would be a lameduck his entire term. He does is not a true republican so he will not get their support, and he sure as hell won't get shit passed through the democrats, so all his bills would be stuck in Congress. You have to understand, unless you change Congress, getting a president like Ron Paul would do nothing. He would be more worthless than Jimmy Carter.

I will admit I do agree with some of his principles, but I am vehemently against his Iraq Policy, its ludacris.
Yes, you are right about this. I know this would be case if he was elected (if he wasn't assasinated first). But, he is the only one running who is not corrupt(except maybe Kucinich). I understand politics. I'm just sick of the bullshit excuse for politicians we have now. By the way, what do you find wrong with his foreign policy? Don't fuck with us and we won't fuck with you. Sounds good to me. I'm sure you know we were dropping bombs and arming insurgents in Afghanistan in the 80's right? So they retaliated, if you believe 9/11...If we weren't there in the first place maybe we wouldn't have been attacked? Makes sense to me. Also, why do you think we should be at war with Iraq? They have no WMDs, have not launched an attack on us, and no members of the 9/11 hijackers had any ties to Iraq. So why should we be at war with them?


Well-Known Member
Yes, you are right about this. I know this would be case if he was elected (if he wasn't assasinated first). But, he is the only one running who is not corrupt(except maybe Kucinich).
Well, the past presidents that have been assassinated I believe were from our own agencies, not some pissed off dude with a gun, I do not believe Ron Paul would be a threat to them. And how is the other candidates corrupt? As much as I despise Clinton and Obama, I do not think they are corrupt, neither is McCain, and there is no evidence supporting that claim.

I understand politics. I'm just sick of the bullshit excuse for politicians we have now. By the way, what do you find wrong with his foreign policy? Don't fuck with us and we won't fuck with you. Sounds good to me. I'm sure you know we were dropping bombs and arming insurgents in Afghanistan in the 80's right? So they retaliated, if you believe 9/11...If we weren't there in the first place maybe we wouldn't have been attacked? Makes sense to me.
We do have alot of bullshit politicians but you have to realize, the problems with this country is not solely on the president, most members of Congress are corrupt and should be removed. This is up to the people.

This is the only aspect of his foreign policy I agree with, I believe we should be more isolationist, the "talk quiet and carry a big stick" philosophy. However, his Iraq Troop Removal plan is absolutely flawed. If I remember correctly, he wanted the immediate U.S. force removal from Iraq with his entry to the White House, they are not ready yet, if we leave, Iraq will be cast into civil war, and more than likely, Iran will move in and occupy it, now we have an enemy of our country doubling in size.

They are almost ready, notice on how the Media isn't all over Iraq right now? Isn't it strange, thats because it has greatly improved there. Their police and infrastructure is almost self-sustaining. Just a little bit more and we can all go home, but if we leave now, it will do more harm than anything we could have done to that country.

Also, why do you think we should be at war with Iraq? They have no WMDs, have not launched an attack on us, and no members of the 9/11 hijackers had any ties to Iraq. So why should we be at war with them?
I've posted this in another thread, let me pull a quote from myself..
WMD: Believe Iraq or Believe the Evidence?

1) The intelligence communities of every major country were confident that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction before 2003. These include the United States, Canada, France, the United Nations, the United Kingdom, Germany, Spain, Australia, Japan, even Iran and a slew of others. It was a working assumption that such WMD was in Iraq, so much that I never heard accusations that it wasn’t true until the political war heated up in March, 2003. - Report: Hundreds of WMDs Found in Iraq - U.S. Senate

And another

And as a threat to the world, I'm sure that saddam was building WMDs and just got rid of them before we came, hell we gave him a 3 month warning we were coming. thats a long time to either start burying or scrapping the evidence. If he was alive and had WMDs, I'm 100% positive he would have used them, either on us or israel.

If all those counties you listed believed the treat of wmd's why did they give them those 3 month or whatever time frame to hide em?

Then once there was none Invade!

They even knew in 2002 shit was stirring, when Congress passed the
Authorization for Use of Military Force Against Iraq Resolution Iraq Resolution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

When [SIZE=-1]bureaucracy hinders and infringes upon situations like this that result in a red flag to Saddam's eyes, you know the system is broke.

I personally hate bureaucracy and red tape, it needs to die. [/SIZE]


Well-Known Member
We attacked Iraq for the second time simply because Sadam was selling oil for Euros. The U.S. can't allow this as the oil for dollars scam is the only thing keeping the Dollar afloat.


Well-Known Member
Good post. I wish I had time to respond. I'm getting kicked out my house right now. So i got to go load my car up. I'll be back when I get a chance:peace::blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
what somebody love Bush you u also love ur gas price gonna be 5 bucks a gallon and the dollar worth nearly nothing???? wow that's really refreshing...


Well-Known Member
what somebody love Bush you u also love ur gas price gonna be 5 bucks a gallon and the dollar worth nearly nothing???? wow that's really refreshing...

Please be up to date on my recent posts and standing before you make ill assumptions.

And btw, Bush is trying to make this country more self-sufficient on oil, but I guess everyone likes to blame all the problems on Bush solely since its the new trend, wether its true or not..